Articles for the Young Adult Liturgists' CornerWelcome to the Young Adult Liturgists' Corner of The African American Lectionary. This page is designed as a hub to foster dialogue among worship and arts divisions, liturgists, worship leaders, ministers of music, choir directors, clergy, and all who lead worship in some form in primarily African American churches. Too often, we complain about the lack of venues where worship leaders can dialogue about music and worship for those located in predominately African American churches. Now, instead of complaining, The African American Lectionary provides a unique opportunity for us to share our ideas, concerns, and hopes for worship in our community so that it can be enhanced, serve the needs of the present age, and embrace our history, all to the glory of God. Jermaine Manor serves as the primary feature writer for this section of the Young Adult Lectionary Liturgists’ Corner. This page will be updated through December 2013.