Worship Resources



Sunday, May 20, 2012

Michelle Riley Jones, Lectionary Team Liturgist

Worship Planning Notes

The aim of a Christian and even secular education is to create citizens who are well-rounded and serve the world in positive ways. Christian education undergirds all other ministries of a church and requires a lifelong commitment to study. Psalm 1, though it references the Law as that which leads to moral and lifelong stability and prosperity, extends to the entire Bible, and emphasizes that Christians should delight in lifelong study of the Bible. “Blessed is the one . . . whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night” (Psalm 1:1-2).

This service celebrates all those who have pursued various types of education, i.e., Bible classes, high school, college, graduate school, small group study, etc., and all those involved in teaching.

Suggestions for worship

(a) For a truly out-of-the-box approach, hire mime artists to pose as living statues in your service. If you can hire several, a goal could be to show learning from youth through adulthood. You can utilize them during the portion of service where you recognize your graduates and educators, or have them posed during the entire service (there are natural breaks in the service where the artists can rest and/or switch out). You could also have them posted in your foyer as your congregation and guests arrive (they should be relieved once the service begins). Some suggested poses are:

  • Mother reading Bible to child sitting at her knee
  • Teacher with pupil
  • Person reading science, history, math, etc., book
  • Graduate (with cap, gown, and honors tassels)
  • Small study group or two people studying together (as they would in Sunday School, Sabbath School, or Bible Study).

(b) Do a march of the graduates. Begin with graduates of church classes followed by those who have graduated from high school, college, and graduate programs.

(c) Do a special offering to support a local grade school or a HBCU.

(d) Honor all of the teachers in your Christian Education Ministry and those in secular education.

(e) If your church has a bookstore, also recognize and honor those workers.

(f) Provide on a bulletin insert (or put on screens) the names of all graduates, along with their degree titles or certificate titles and special commendations they received.

(g) Launch a new course in your church’s Christian education curriculum; use this Sunday to heavily advertise it.

1. Music for Prelude or Introit and Meditation for Gathering
Instrumental Prelude
(a) In My Heart: Lord, I Want to Be a Christian. Spiritual. Arr. by J. Bert Carlson. For piano

Music for Introit
(b) Introit. By Leon C. Roberts

(c) Think on These Things. By Ruth Schram. For SATB

Meditation for Gathering
(d) Speak, Lord: Meditation for Gathering. By Michelle Riley Jones, with Speak, Lord Chant by Kurt Carr. Based on Psalm 95:6; Romans 12:2; Colossians 3:1-3, 10; Luke 24:45; Ecclesiastes 7:12; Proverbs 24:4; Proverbs 2:6; Jeremiah 31:33; Matthew 22:37; Psalm 26:1-3; Romans 8:5

Speak, Lord: Meditation for Gathering

(Begin chant in unison. Repeat in harmony)
Speak, speak
Speak, Lord

Leader: Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us leave behind the foolishness of this world and seek to renew our minds through the Word of the Lord. Let us leave behind our old selves, our old way of life, and be made new in our attitudes, our views, our perspectives, and our living.

Choir and Congregation:
(chant in harmony)
Speak, speak
Speak, Lord

Leader: Through Christ, let us set our minds on things above and not on earthly things. Then we can behold our new selves, renewed in knowledge, fashioned in the image of our Creator.

Choir and Congregation:
(chant in harmony)
Speak, speak
Speak, Lord

Leader: It is the Lord who gives wisdom and from the mouth of Jehovah comes all knowledge and understanding. For wisdom gives life, and by knowledge all of the empty places of our lives can be filled with its precious and pleasant riches.

Choir and Congregation:
(chant in harmony)
Speak, speak
Speak, Lord

Leader: The Creator covenants with us—he will put his law in our minds and write it on our hearts. And we covenant with him—he is our God and we are his people. We will love the Lord, our God, with all our hearts, with all our soul, and with all our minds.

Examine our hearts and minds today, O God. For your love is ever before us, and we shall walk continually in your truth.

Let all the people come . . . hear the word of the Lord and set your minds on what the Spirit desires.

Choir and Congregation:
(chant in harmony)
Speak, speak
Speak, Lord

Speak, speak
Speak, Lord

Congregational Reading
(e) Education


Leader: O Lord, how excellent are your ways, how marvelous your works, and how precious your truths—by which we may be free.

People: We thank you for the ways that you have provided means through which we may acquire knowledge as we enjoy attending schools.

Leader: We acknowledge those before us who were not given the opportunity to learn but held on to the hope that, someday, we would overcome. And we appreciate the sacrifices and struggles of those who fought to make our education possible.

People: Help us, dear Lord, so we hold precious to our hearts the educational advantages that we delight in and realize “to whom much is given, much is required.” Help us also to understand that with privilege comes responsibility and through responsibility comes accountability.

Leader: O Lord, in a time when the occasion to acquire knowledge is plenteous, let us not be named among those “who have not because we act not.”

People: Forgive us, O Lord, for times when we have wasted precious resources and did not encourage others to taste and enjoy the benefits of higher education.

Leader: We thank you, O Lord, for the many institutions of higher learning that were built on your principles—and for those professors who gave and continue to give of their gifts of teaching, sowing into the lives of both young and old.

People: Help us, O God, to give back to those historically Black colleges and universities that have been a blessing to our people. May we bless them with financial support and our prayers.

Leader: We thank you for clean hearts and right spirits and minds that have been renewed by your regenerating power.

People: Help us not to become puffed up by our knowledge, but let us rest in the knowledge of knowing you.

Leader: We are confident in our confession; we have put on the mind of Christ.

All: Therefore, we will be successful in our endeavors as we pursue knowledge, truth, and liberty.

Worship Leader: God of Christmas, bless us as we once again celebrate Your coming into Your creation.

ALL: Amen.

2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Order My Steps. Text and Tune, (IN YOUR WORD), by Glenn Burleigh

(b) Feasting with My Lord. By J. S Brown. Tune by L. O. Brown

(c) O Thou, in Whose Presence. By Joseph Swain. Tune, (DAVIS), by Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music

(d) Tell Me the Stories of Jesus. By William H. Parker. Tune, (STORIES OF JESUS), by Frederic A. Challinor

(e) For Your Holy Book We Thank You. By Ruth Carter. Tune, (HOLY BOOK), by Blythe Owen

3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Oh Glory! By Joseph Joubert. This selection is a medley of “Oh, Glory,” “Plenty Good Room,” “New Home in Glory,” “The Crown,” and “’Tis the Old Ship of Zion.”
Audio Sample: http://resources.giamusic.com/mp3s/6676.mp3

(b) Lord, Your Word Is a Lamp. By Horace Clarence Boyer. Traditional
Audio Sample: http://resources.giamusic.com/mp3s/6779.mp3

(c) Walking Up the Kings Highway. By Mary Gardner and Thomas A. Dorsey

(d) The Time for Praying. Spiritual. For SATB choir

4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, and Praise Teams
(a) In the Word of God. By Eddie Robinson
Audio Sample: http://resources.giamusic.com/mp3s/7130.mp3

(b) Highway. By Walter G. Hardy

(c) I Know the Bible Is Right. Public Domain

(d) Teach Me Lord. By James Hall

(e) Anybody Here Who Loves My Jesus. By Craig Hayes

(f) Learning to Lean. By John Stallings

5. Liturgical Dance and Mime Ministry Music
(a) Bless the Lord—Single. By Fred Cleveland

(b) Teach Me. By Eric Dawkins, Antonio Dixon, and Shelea Frazier

(c) You Are the Living Word. By Fred Hammond

6. Anthems
(a) Psalm 1. By Mark Hayes. For choral SATB, choral with oboe, choral with strings

(b) Teach Me, O Lord. By Thomas Attwood. 18th Century anthem for SATB choir

(c) Open Your Hearts (A Gospel Processional). By Paul Inwood. For SATB choir. This selection can also be used as Prelude.
Audio Sample: http://www.giamusic.com/mp3s/5824.mp3 . S

7. Modern Songs (Written between 2000 and 2011)
(a) Word of God Speak. By Pete Kipley and Bart Millard

(b) Life in the Word. By Fred Hammond and Pam Kenyon

(c) Teach Me Your Ways. By Canton “C.J.” Jones

(d) YRM (Your Righteous Mind). By Donald Lawrence

(e) We Are Hungry. By Brian and Katie Torwalt

8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Thank You Lord. By Vincent Tharpe

(b) Thank You Lord. By Clarence Singleton

(c) Greatest Days. By James Fortune

9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. By Ray Palmer. Tune, (OLIVET), by Lowell Mason

(b) You’ll Never Thirst. By Nicole Coleman Mullin, Dadra Crawford Greathouse, Brad O’Donnell, and Roger Ryan

(c) Worship Medley/Spirit of the Living God. By Michael Baughen, Chris Falson, Keith Green, Daniel Iverson Judy Jacobs, and James Tuttle

(d) Secret Place. By Richard Smallwood

(e) I Surrender All/We Say Yes (Live). By Christian Dentley and William McDowell

10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Psalm 1. By Nathan Carter. For SSAATB choir
Audio Sample: http://resources.giamusic.com/mp3s/6024.mp3

(b) Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. By Johann Sebastian Bach

(c) I Want to Be in Your Will. By Terri Dillion

(d) I Need Your Glory. By James Fortune

(e) Revealed. By Steven McCoy

11. Invitational Songs
(a) Lord, Help Me Keep My Yes. By Lewis T. Hilton, Jr.

(b) As Your Word Says It. By David B. Smith

(c) Well Done. By Tye Tribbett, II

(d) Empower Us, Lord. By Gale Jones Murphy

(e) The Crown. By B. B. Edmiaston. Tune, (THE CROWN), by Emmet S. Dean

12. Benediction Spoken, Sung, or Instrumental
(a) We Won’t Leave Here Like We Came. By Maceo Woods

(b) I Shall Wear a Crown. By Thomas Whitfield

(c) God Be in My Head. By Grayson Warren Brown. For SATB, a capella

Sending Meditation
(d) Sending Meditation—Based on Psalm 1. By Michelle Riley Jones

Sending Meditation—Based on Psalm 1

God wants to bless you!

As you go…
Steer clear of ungodly counsel and guidance,
Of false doctrines and vain teachings.

Instead, may you find full and complete fulfillment in the Word of God.
Feast on His Word, in the morning, in the noon day, and in the night.
For there your soul will be refortified, renewed, replenished.

Don’t be like some,
Learned but shallow-minded;
Puffed up with big words and religious clichés, but without substance.
Instead may His word give you direction and purpose,
always striving after God.

God will be with those who walk in His way.

Let His Word be your roadmap as you go.

13. Audio Visual Resources
(a) Have your graphic designer develop a PowerPoint clip that shows persons studying, teaching, at all stages in life, sharing with and serving their fellow man, cap and gown—and in the end morph into a “robe of righteousness” and a crown of life.

(b) Psalm 1: True Happiness. By Doug McVicar. This is a 3-minute video with poem based on Psalm 1 and set to “Come, Now Is the Time to Worship” by Phillips, Craig and Dean.

(c) Psalm One. By Pathway Videos. This video takes you on a short journey and brings to light Psalm 1 from verse 1-2 and uses various images to illustrate this Scripture.

(d) Psalm 1 Girl. By Baber Animation. This is a great tool for children’s Sabbath School and Sunday School. This video, of the Scripture Psalm 1:1-6, shows still pictures in a film with a girl reciting the verse. It was created as a companion video for a Scripture Memorization Picture Book by Debbie Bonzon.
Online location: http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=6P67PNNX

14. Other Recommendation

Program Idea
Identify persons in your congregation or community who can offer tutoring services or basic reading instruction to the community.

Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed

Worship Planning Notes

Mime Artists/Living Statues—Refer to the Google link below for examples. Check your local arts festival organizations, colleges, high schools, etc., for referrals. http://www.google.com /search?q=living+statues&hl=en&client=safari &rls=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ& sa=X& ei=pecBT8X6HaXl0QHRzoyhAg&ved=0CD8QsAQ& biw=1068&bih=522

1. Music for Prelude or Introit and Meditation for Gathering
Instrumental Prelude
(a) In My Heart: Lord, I Want to Be a Christian. Spiritual. Arr. by J. Bert Carlson. For piano
Augsburg Fortress
100 South Fifth Street Suite 600
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Phone: 1-800-328-4648

Online location: www.augsburgfortress.org

Music for Introit
(b) Introit. By Leon C. Roberts
Come Bless the Lord. Portland, OR: OCP, 2000.

5536 NE Hassalo
Portland, OR 97213-5397
Phone: 877-596-165

Online location: www.ocp.org
Product #10824

(c) Think on These Things. By Ruth Schram. For SATB
Alfred Music Publishing
Dist. by Sheet Music Plus, Inc.
1300 64th Street
Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone: 1-800-743-3868

Online location: www.sheetmusicplus.com

Meditation for Gathering
(d) Speak Lord: Meditation for Gathering. By Michelle Riley Jones, with Speak, Lord Chant by Kurt Carr. Based on Psalm 95:6; Romans 12:2; Colossians 3:1-3, 10; Luke 24:45; Ecclesiastes 7:12; Proverbs 24:4; Proverbs 2:6; Jeremiah 31:33; Matthew 22:37; Psalm 26:1-3; Romans 8:5.

Congregational Reading
(e) Education
Total Praise. Chicago, IL/Nashville, TN: GIA Publications, Inc. and the Sunday School Publishing Board, 2010. #90

2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Order My Steps. Text and Tune, (IN YOUR WORD), by Glenn Burleigh
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #333

The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition
. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #526

Total Praise. #328

(b) Feasting with My Lord. By J. S Brown. Tune by L. O. Brown
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: The Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #60

(c) O Thou, in Whose Presence. By Joseph Swain. Tune, (DAVIS), by Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. Nashville, TN: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #454

The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1985. #375

Total Praise. #425

(d) Tell Me the Stories of Jesus. By William H. Parker. Tune, (STORIES OF JESUS), by Frederic A. Challinor
African American Heritage Hymnal. #331

Total Praise. #326

(e) For Your Holy Book We Thank You. By Ruth Carter. Tune, (HOLY BOOK), by Blythe Owen
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #277

3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Oh Glory! By Joseph Joubert. This selection is a medley of “Oh, Glory,” “Plenty Good Room,” “New Home in Glory,” “The Crown,” and “’Tis the Old Ship of Zion.”
GIA Publications, Inc.
7404 South Mason Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
Phone: 1-800-442-1358

Online location: www.giamusic.com
Product #G-6676

(b) Lord, Your Word Is a Lamp. By Horace Clarence Boyer. Traditional
GIA Publications, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-442-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
Product #G-6779

(c) Walking Up the Kings Highway. By Mary Gardner and Thomas A. Dorsey
African American Heritage Hymnal. #402

(d) The Time for Praying. Spiritual. For SATB choir
Beckenhorst Press
960 Old Henderson Road
Columbus, OH 43220
Phone: 614-451-6461

Online location: www.beckenhorstpress.com
Product #1787

4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, and Praise Teams
(a) In the Word of God. By Eddie Robinson
GIA Publications, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-442-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
Product #G-7130

(b) Highway. By Walter G. Hardy
Church Boyz. The Church Boyz. New York, NY: Worldwide Music, 2011.

(c) I Know the Bible Is Right. Public Domain
Patterson, G.E. Bishop G.E. Patterson Recorded Live in Memphis, TN. Memphis, TN: Podium
Records, 2006.

(d) Teach Me Lord. By James Hall
Hall, James Worship and Praise. Live at Foxwoods. Boston, MA: Comin’ Atcha Dist. Group, 2007.

(e) Anybody Here Who Loves My Jesus. By Craig Hayes
Hayes, Craig & The United Voices. Any Day Now. Trenton, NJ: High C Productions, 2011.

(f) Learning to Lean. By John Stallings
The Original Five Blind Boys of Mississippi. An Introduction to The Original Five Blind Boys of Mississippi. Orlando, FL: Fuel, 2006.

5. Liturgical Dance and Mime Ministry Music
(a) Bless the Lord—Single. By Fred Cleveland
Butler, Myron. Bless the Lord—Single. New York, NY: EMI Gospel, 2011.

(b) Teach Me. By Eric Dawkins, Antonio Dixon, and Shelea Frazier
Baker, Spensha. Out loud! Santa Monica, CA: Geffen, 2008.

(c) You Are the Living Word. By Fred Hammond
Keryx. The Gift. Norway: Mudi, 2009.

6. Anthems
(a) Psalm 1. By Mark Hayes. For choral SATB, choral with oboe, choral with strings
Beckenhorst Press
Phone: 614-451-6461
Online location: www.beckenhorstpress.com
Product #1838

(b) Teach Me, O Lord. By Thomas Attwood. 18th Century anthem for SATB choir
GIA Publications, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-442-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
Product #G-3045

(c) Open Your Hearts (A Gospel Processional). By Paul Inwood. For SATB choir. This selection can also be used as Prelude.
GIA Publications, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-442-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
Product #G-5824

7. Modern Songs (Written between 2000 and 2011)
(a) Word of God Speak. By Pete Kipley and Bart Millard
MercyMe. All That Is within Me. New York, NY: Columbia, 2007.

(b) Life in the Word. By Fred Hammond and Pam Kenyon
Various Artists. Fred Hammond Family Entertainment Presents: Life in the Word. Universal City, CA: Fred Hammond Family Entertainment/UCMG, 2010.

(c) Teach Me Your Ways. By Canton “C.J.” Jones
Jones, Canton. Access Granted: The Password. College Park, GA: Arrow Records, 2005.

(d) YRM (Your Righteous Mind). By Donald Lawrence
Lawrence, Donald & Company. YRM (Your Righteous Mind). New York, NY: Verity Gospel, 2011.

(e) We Are Hungry. By Brian and Katie Torwalt
Jesus Culture. Jesus Culture Awakening: Live from Chicago. Colorado Springs, CO: Kingsway, 2011.

8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Thank You Lord. By Vincent Tharpe
Tharpe, Vincent & Kenosis. Live in Memphis. Memphis, TN: One Voice Media, 2011.

(b) Thank You Lord. By Clarence Singleton
Hawkins, Edwin and Walter Hawkins. Testify. Ripon, CA: My Song, 2008.

(c) Greatest Days. By James Fortune
Fortune, James & FIYA. Identity. Nashville TN: FIYA World Entertainment/Light Records, 2012.

9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. By Ray Palmer. Tune, (OLIVET), by Lowell Mason
Clark, Maurette Brown. The Sound of Victory. Atlanta, GA: Atlanta International Records, 2011.

(b) You’ll Never Thirst. By Nicole Coleman Mullin, Dadra Crawford Greathouse, Brad O’Donnell, and Roger Ryan
Bynum, Juanita. More Passion. Atlanta, GA: Flow Records, 2010.

(c) Worship Medley/Spirit of the Living God. By Michael Baughen, Chris Falson, Keith Green, Daniel Iverson, Judy Jacobs, and James Tuttle
Jacobs, Judy. I Feel a Change. Cleveland, TN: New Day, 2011.

(d) Secret Place. By Richard Smallwood
Bullock, Amber. Thank You. Houston, TX: Music World Music, 2011.

(e) I Surrender All/We Say Yes (Live). By Christian Dentley and William McDowell
McDowell, William. Arise (The Live Worship Experience). Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2011.

10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Psalm 1. By Nathan Carter. For SSAATB choir
GIA Publications, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-442-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
Product #G-6024

(b) Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. By Johann Sebastian Bach
Groban, Josh. Josh Groban. Santa Monica, CA: 143 Records, 2001.

(c) I Want to Be in Your Will. By Terri Dillion
George Mass Choir. Tell It. Jackson, MS: Savoy Records, 2007.

(d) I Need Your Glory. By James Fortune
Fortune, James & FIYA. James Fortune & FIYA Story—Greatest Hits. New York, NY:
Worldwide Music, 2011.

(e) Revealed. By Steven McCoy
Terry, Kevin & Predestined. Live. Port Arthur, TX: Kingdom Music Group, 2011.

11. Invitational Songs
(a) Lord, Help Me Keep My Yes. By Lewis T. Hilton
Hilton, Bobby & Word of Deliverance Mass Choir. God Did That Thing! Forest Park, OH: Bvhilton
(INDIE), 2009.

(b) As Your Word Says It. By David B. Smith
McAllister, Judith Christie. In His Presence Live! Nashville, TN: Judah Music, 2006.

(c) Well Done. By Tye Tribbett, II
Tribbett, Tye & G.A. Stand Out! New York, NY: Sony Music Entertainment, 2008.

(d) Empower Us, Lord. By Gale Jones Murphy
Total Praise. #473

(e) The Crown. By B. B. Edmiaston. Tune, (THE CROWN), by Emmet S. Dean
African American Heritage Hymnal. #604

12. Benediction Spoken, Sung, or Instrumental
(a) We Won’t Leave Here Like We Came. By Maceo Woods
Total Praise. #424

(b) I Shall Wear a Crown. By Thomas Whitfield
Deleon. Straight from the Heart. Detroit, MI: DeLeon, 2001.

(c) God Be in My Head. By Grayson Warren Brown. For SATB, a capella
Phone: 1-800-548-8749
Product #11356
Keyboard and Guitar accompaniment scores are also available.

Sending Meditation
(d) Sending Meditation—Based on Psalm 1. By Michelle Riley Jones, Lectionary Team Liturgist