(See below for a sample Installation of Officers service.)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Marcus D. Smith, Guest Lectionary Liturgist
Minister of Music, Ark Church, Baltimore, MD
Worship Planning Notes
The installation of Church Officers/Leaders is a major day on any church calendar. The music and arts ministry of the church will play a central role on this occasion. Be sure to prepare for this occasion at least four weeks in advance. Here are ways, in addition to providing music and arts, that you can assist the pastor and other worship leaders in preparing for this occasion:
- Be sure that the names and offices of all Church Officers/Leaders who are taking office are provided to the media ministry or to someone who can make sure that these names are listed on church screens during some part of the worship service;
- Be sure to invite the family members of new Church Officers/Leaders;
- Be sure to have a photographer and videographer present to capture the installation moments;
- On this Sunday, the names of all Church Officers/Leaders should also be listed in the church bulletin/order of worship;
- If permissible, allow all new officers/leaders to process into the church and each should wear either a corsage or badge;
- Be certain that responsible parties have set up tables and organizational information/brochures and sign-up sheets for all auxiliaries in the church fellowship hall or other suitable gathering areas. During worship, all persons who are members of a church auxiliary or organization should be asked to stand. Those who are not members of any auxiliary or organization should be asked to join one and some already involved may want to join additional auxiliaries or groups;
- Be sure to take time during the service to thank all outgoing officers/leaders for their service;
- Be sure to allow children and youth to participate in today’s worship service;
- Be sure that as church Officers/Leaders are installed that they stand with Bibles and if they do not have them, they should receive tithing envelopes; and
- Be sure to ask all members of each auxiliary or group to stand as their new leader(s) is (are) installed.
If your installation of Church Officers/Leaders is not held during the morning service, all of the above still applies.
See the sample installation of Officers/Leaders service below at #13.
1. Litany |
Installation of Church Officers/Leaders |
Clergy: |
You have accepted the office to which you have been elected or appointed. Do you promise, with the Lord as your helper, to faithfully fulfill its duties? |
New Officers/
Leaders: |
We do, and we ask all other officers to receive us as fellow laborers with God. |
Clergy: |
Pray now for the faith and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the boldness of Peter, for the evangelistic zeal of Philip, for the administrative insight of Priscilla and Aquila, and for the wisdom of Paul. |
New Officers/
Leaders: |
Jethro counseled Moses that the task before him was too enormous for him alone. We acknowledge the same. We ask for your prayers, support, encouragement and cooperation. |
Clergy: |
God has endowed each of us with unique gifts and talents for the edification of the church and the work of ministry. Will you accept this church office in proportion to your faith to minister, to teach, exhort, to give liberally, to lead with diligence, and to show mercy with cheerfulness? |
New Officers/
Leaders: |
We accept our offices with every intention to use our talents to lead God’s people according to our discernment of God’s will. |
Clergy: |
Remember those who were judges in Israel and leaders in the New Testament church. Remember our mothers and fathers in the faith, our ancestors who built and carried the church. They accomplished much, for they were rich in faith, wisdom, and courage. |
New Officers/
Leaders: |
We give thanks for their example, their competence, and their steadfast commitment.
Clergy: |
Do you covenant and promise that you will walk together in love for one another, and exercise affectionate watchfulness over all those given to your charge? |
New Officers/
Leaders: |
We will faithfully admonish and entreat one another as occasion may require. We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, nor neglect to pray for ourselves and others. We will strive to maintain the high standards of our offices so that ministries of our church may be strengthened. |
Clergy: |
Will you, according to your abilities and opportunities, show good to all, especially in helping to extend the gospel in its purity and power to the whole human family? Will you regularly support the work of the church by systematic contributions both spiritual and financial? |
New Officers/
Leaders: |
We will support our church amid good and ill report. We will humbly and earnestly seek to live to the glory of God, and to be directed by the Holy Spirit. |
Clergy: |
May God uphold you and direct you as you go forth! |
All: |
Praise be to God! |
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Lead Me, Guide Me. By Doris Akers
(b) Count on Me. By E. E. Hewitt. Tune by J. Lincoln Hall
(c) Let All the People Praise Thee. By C. H. Morris
(d) We’ll Praise the Lord. By T. G. Steward
(e) If Jesus Goes with Me. By. C. Austin Miles
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Walk Together, Children. Negro Spiritual. Arr. By Moses Hogan
(b) Trust in the Lord. Traditional. Arr. By James Moore
(c) Done Made My Vow to the Lord. Negro Spiritual. Arr. By Marques Lamar Garrett

(d) Great Day. Negro Spiritual. Arr. By Warren Martin
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Celebrate. By James Teddy Thomas
(b) What a Fellowship. Arr. By Albert Goodson 
(c) Hallelujah Is the Highest Praise. By Marcus D. Smith
5. Liturgical Dance Music
I’ll Trust You. By James Fortune
6. Anthems
(a) God Made Our Hands. By Miller. Arr. By Hawley Ades
(b) If I Can Help Somebody. Arr. By Nathan Carter
(c) Striving After God. By Undine Moore 
7. Modern Songs
(a) Show Yourself Mighty. By David Frazier
(b) Perfecting Church. By Marvin Winans
(c) Help Me Praise Him. By Malcolm Williams
8. Song or Instrumental for the Offertory Period
(a) How Much We Can Bear. By David Frazier 
(b) Still Standing. By Kurt Carr
(c) We Made It. By Rudolph Stansfield
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Hear My Prayer. Arr. By Moses Hogan
(b) Rain Down. By Russell Fragar
(c) My Help. By Jackie Pharris
(d) Draw Me Nearer. By Fanny J. Crosby. Tune, (I Am Thine) by William H. Doane
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Safety. By Oscar Williams 
(b) We Must Work. By Keith Lewis
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Down at the Altar. By Joe Pace
(b) With One Voice. By Ramsey Lewis
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Make Us One. By Carol Cymbala
(b) We Are One. By Timothy Wright
(c) I Need You to Survive. By David Frazier
13. Additional Recommendations
*This installation service can be held during a Saturday or Sunday morning service (with the addition of an offering) or at another time. Depending upon your denomination or the culture of your congregation you may want to add activities such as African drumming, pouring of libations, summoning of the ancestors, and or liturgical dance, mime, or hand bells.
The order of the worship service below can be re-ordered and changed as appropriate for your congregation.
I. Processional (All Officers should march in and sit in designated seats. The procession should be led by children and youth ushers in uniform)
(Suggested Songs from which your church can select)
Lead Me, Guide Me. 2(a) or
Let All the People Praise Thee. 2(c)
II. Call to Worship (Instrumental, Sung, or Spoken)
III. Scripture Reading(s) (Selected by clergy leading the service and one scripture should be read by an adult and one by a child under 12)
IV. Musical Selections
(Suggested Songs from which your church can select)
Done Made My Vow to the Lord. Spiritual. 3 (c) or
Celebrate. 4 (a) or
Perfecting Church. 7 (b)
V. Special Denominational Moments or African Movements or Liturgical Dance
Since we know that some denominations have traditions that have historically been part of services for installation of new Leaders/Officers, we have afforded time during the service for such moments. Also, this is a period where churches may choose to add African based traditions such as drumming or pouring of libations. Finally, this is also an appropriate point for liturgical dance or mime presentations.
VI. Offering (if the installation is held during a regular Saturday or Sunday service)
(Suggested Songs from which your church can select)
We Made It. 8(c)
I Need You to Survive. 12(c)
VII. Sermon or Homily
Suggested Sermon or Homily Themes:
There is Power in Service
Working In Unity
United for the Kingdom
Leaders Serve and Lead
Is There A Leader Available?
VIII. Invitational
(Suggested Song)
Down at the Altar. 12(b)
IX. Installation Ceremony
- Accolades for Outgoing Officers
- Installation Prayer (All New Officers and Leaders should be asked to hold hands during the prayer.)
- Installation Litany (See above.) New Leaders and Officers are to face the congregation while reciting the litany. Members of boards or departments that each leader represents should stand while the litany is read.)
- Presentation of Gifts (New Officers/Leaders should receive items such as
Bibles, books on Leadership/Servanthood, flowers, tithing envelopes, etc.)
(After presentation of gifts new Officers/Leaders return to their seats.)
X. Benediction
(Suggested Songs from which your church can select)
Make Us One. 12 (a)
We Are One. 12 (b)
*Please use the Worship Planning Notes above for additional ideas to assist you with this service.
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Litany—Installation of Church Leaders
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #55. Used with permission.
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Lead Me, Guide Me. By Doris Akers
African American Heritage Hymnal. #474
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #168
National Baptist Publishing Board. The New National Baptist Hymnal. Nashville, TN: National Baptist Pub. Board, 1981. #355
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #94
(b) Count on Me. By E. E. Hewitt. Tune by J. Lincoln Hall
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #391
(c) Let All the People Praise Thee. By C. H. Morris
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #83
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #28
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #14
(d) We’ll Praise the Lord. By T. G. Steward
African American Heritage Hymnal. #123
(e) If Jesus Goes with Me. By. C. Austin Miles
African American Heritage Hymnal. #555
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #416
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Walk Together, Children. Negro Spiritual. Arr. By Moses Hogan
Hal Leonard Corporation
7777 W. Bluemound Rd
P.O. Box 13819
Milwaukee, WI 53213
Online location: www.halleonard.com
(b) Trust in the Lord. Traditional. Arr. By James Moore
Moore, James. I Will Trust in the Lord. Jackson, MS: Malaco Records, 1993.
(c) Done Made My Vow to the Lord. Negro Spiritual. Arr. By Marques Lamar Garrett
Santa Barbara Music Publisher
260 Loma Media Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
Phone: 805-962-5800
(d) Great Day. Negro Spiritual. Arr. By Warren Martin
Theodore Presser Company
588 North Gulph Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Phone: 610-592-1222
Online location: www.presser.com
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Celebrate. By James Teddy Thomas
Rivers, Billy. Live from Memphis, Let’s Celebrate. Jackson, MS: Malaco Records, 2006.
(b) What a Fellowship. Arr. By Albert Goodson
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
4543 Princeton Avenue
Chicago, IL 60609
Phone: 773-924-3232
(c) Hallelujah Is the Highest Praise. By Marcus D. Smith
Ark Church
1263 East North Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-539-1591
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) I’ll Trust You. By James Fortune
The Transformation. Houston, TX: Worldwide Gospel, 2007.
6. Anthems
(a) God Made Our Hands. By Miller. Arr. By Hawley Ades
Pine Forge Academy Choir. Rock in a Weary Land. Pine Forge, PA: Pine Forge Academy Choir, 2007.
Pine Forge Academy Choir
P.O. Box 338
Pine Forge, PA 19548
Online location: www.pineforgeacademy.org/choir
(b) If I Can Help Somebody. Arr. By Nathan Carter
GIA Publications, Inc.
7404 South Mason Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
Phone: 1-800-GIA-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
(c) Striving After God. By Undine Moore
7. Modern Songs
(a) Show Yourself Mighty. By David Frazier
Albert Jamison presents New York State Mass Choir. Show Yourself Mighty. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2007.
(b) Perfecting Church. By Marvin Winans
Introduction Perfect Praise. Brentwood, TN: Sparrow Records, 1992.
(c) Help Me Praise Him. By Malcolm Williams
Various Artists. Gospel Today 4: My Praise Is My Weapon. Atlanta, GA: Gospel Today, 2007.
8. Song or Instrumental for the Offertory Period
(a) How Much We Can Bear. By David Frazier
Walker, Hezekiah and the Love Fellowship Crusade Choir. Live in New York By Any Means. New York, NY: Verity, 1995.
(b) Still Standing. By Kurt Carr
Morton, Paul. Still Standing. Kissimmee, FL: Teheila Music Group, 2006.
(c) We Made It. By Rudolph Stansfield
Morton, Paul. Still Standing. Kissimmee, FL: Teheila Music Group, 2006.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Hear My Prayer. Arr. By Moses Hogan
(b) Rain Down. By Russell Fragar
The Worship Choir Collection. 20 Praise and Worship Classics for Choir and Congregation. Nashville, TN: Word Music, 2004.
(c) My Help. By Jackie Pharris
Winans, Ron. Ron Winans Family and Friends, Vol. 5: A Celebration. Raleigh, NC: Entheos, 2005.
(d) Draw Me Nearer. By Fanny J. Crosby. Tune, (I Am Thine) by William H. Doane
African American Heritage Hymnal. #387
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #347
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #380
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Safety. By Oscar Williams
Unstoppable. Indianapolis, IN: Aleho, 2005.
(b) We Must Work. By Keith Lewis
African American Heritage Hymnal. #557
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Down at the Altar. By Joe Pace
Joe Pace Presents: Sunday Morning Service. Mobile, AL: Integrity Gospel, 2004.
(b) With One Voice. By Ramsey Lewis
With One Voice. Brentwood, TN: Narada Jazz/EMI, 2005.
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Make Us One. By Carol Cymbala
The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Live with Friends. New York, NY: Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, 1992.
(b) We Are One. By Timothy Wright
African American Heritage Hymnal. #323
(c) I Need You to Survive. By David Frazier
Hezekiah Walker & The Love Fellowship Crusade Choir. Family Affair, Vol. 2: Live at Radio City Music Hall. New York, NY: Verity Records, 2002.