Sunday, August 2, 2009
W. Patrick Alston, Sr., Lectionary Team Liturgist
1. Litany |
Global Mission |
Leader: |
God who judges the nations of the world, we heed your Son’s great commission to go into all the world making disciples of all, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever you have commanded. (See Matthew 28:19.) |
People: |
May we respond with glad hearts to spread the good news of the gospel near and far.
Leader: |
May we see in all people the deeper expressions of true humanity, affirming our many similarities and overcoming our differences. |
People: |
As we go, may we be equipped to understand various cultures and languages. May we go with open minds and hearts responding to the many needs of your children who suffer in many lands. |
Leader: |
May we learn the history and be sensitive to the destinies of cultures different than our own. May we go not only to give but also to learn and to receive. Let us not impose restrictions upon the activity of your Holy Spirit moving in their midst.
People: |
May we share, from our struggles and triumphs, the possibilities that we have experienced and envision in Jesus Christ. Make us friends to all the world; a world which you loved so dearly that you gave your Son for its salvation.
Leader: |
We thank you for the privileges and comforts which we enjoy in our land. We pray for security and justice in all lands. |
People: |
We pray a special blessing upon our motherland, the continent of Africa, where poverty abounds. We pray that tribalism, war, and dictatorship may give way to equality and freedom. Remove the vestiges of slavery and colonialism.
Leader: |
Lord, we realize that there are no poor countries, only poor people. Grant redemption by letting us feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and establish democratic governments. Eliminate disease and help us fight to eliminate high international debt.
People: |
Today, a few of the world’s citizens consume most of the world’s resources. Remove this imbalance and give everyone a fair chance, an equal start, and a level playing field. |
Leader: |
Help us to educate those who are illiterate, to affirm technological and agricultural self-sufficiency, and to establish sustainable environments around the world.
People: |
Thank you for new models of international reconciliation and truth-telling. Rid the world of “ethnic cleansing.” May technology and telecommunications work together for the good of all. |
Leader: |
Lord, may we ever obey your call to go to unfamiliar places, both at home and abroad, from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth. |
ALL: |
Knowing that you are always with us always, let us go with love rejoicing. |
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations. By H. Ernest Nichol
(b) O Zion Haste. By Mary Ann Thomson. Tune, (Tidings) by James Welch
(c) O I Want to See Him. By R. H. Cornelius
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Am I a Soldier of the Cross. By Isaac Watts. Tune, (Arlington) by Thomas A. Arne
(b) Traveling Shoes. By Clara Ward. Arr. By Charles G. Hayes
(c) Bound for Canaan’s Land. Arr. By Undine Smith Moore. For SATB with tenor and soprano
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) One Mo Time. By Percy Gray
(b) The Lord Laid His Hands on Me. Traditional. By Charles G. Hayes 
(c) We Have Come into This House. By Raymond Wise
5. Liturgical Dance or Mime Music
We’re All in the Same Boat. By David Grover and Aaron Schroeder
6. Anthems
(a) Greater Love Hath No Man. By John Nicholson Ireland
(b) Let All the World in Every Corner Sing. By Ralph Vaughn Williams
7. Modern Songs
(a) Ain’t No Stopping Us Now. By Donald Lawrence
(b) Send Your Power. By DeAndre Patterson
(c) The Great I Am. By Melvin Crispell
(d) Hold Out. By David Frazier
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Battlefield. By Norman Hutchins
(b) Got What I Need. By Vashawn Mitchell
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Yield Not to Temptation. By Horatio R. Parker
(b) Be Still My Soul. By Katharina von Schlagel. Tune, (Finlandia) by Jean Sibelius
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) I Surrender All. By Darnell Davis
(b) Only a Look. Arr. By Thomas Whitfield
(c) My Witness. Unknown
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) If Jesus Goes with Me. By C. Austin Miles
(b) Look and Live (I’ve a Message from the Lord). By William A. Ogden. Tune, Look and Live
(c) He Didn’t Have to Do It But He Did. Traditional. Arr. By G. E. Patterson
12. Benediction Song
As You Go, Tell the World. By Valeria Foster
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Litany – Global Mission
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #93. Used with permission.
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations. By H. Ernest Nichol
William J. Gaither
National Baptist Publishing Board. The New National Baptist Hymnal. Nashville, TN: National Baptist Pub. Board, 1981. #409
(b) O Zion Haste. By Mary Ann Thomson. Tune, (Tidings) by James Welch
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. Nashville, TN: The African Methodist Episcopal Church, (1984) second printing 1986. #566
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #408
(c) O I Want to See Him. By R. H. Cornelius
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #41
Church of God in Christ. Yes Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #352
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Am I a Soldier of the Cross. By Isaac Watts. Tune, (Arlington) by Thomas A. Arne
African American Heritage Hymnal. #482
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #410
Yes Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #399
(b) Traveling Shoes. By Clara Ward. Arr. By Charles G. Hayes
Hayes, Charles G. and The Warriors. Back at War. Chicago, IL: Utopia Music Group, 2004.
(c) Bound for Canaan’s Land. Arr. By Undine Smith Moore. For SATB Choir with tenor and
soprano solos
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) One Mo Time. By Percy Gray
Hayes, Charles G. & The Warriors. Back at War. Chicago, IL: Utopia Music Group, 2004.
(b) The Lord Laid His Hands on Me. Traditional. By Charles G. Hayes
Hayes, Charles G. & The Warriors. The Remix. Chicago, IL: Icee Records, 2005.
(c) We Have Come into This House. By Raymond Wise
Raise Ministries. It’s Time to Go: Raise Choir Live. Columbus, OH: Raise Records, 2001.
5. Liturgical Dance or Mime Music
We’re Are All in the Same Boat. By David Grover and Aaron Schroeder
Hawkins, Tramaine. All My Best to You. Brentwood, TN: EMI/CMG, 1994.
6. Anthems
(a) Greater Love Hath No Man. By John Nicholson Ireland
J. W. Pepper & Sons Incorporated
2480 Industrial Boulevard
Paoli, PA 19301
Phone: 1-800-345-6296
Online location: www.jwpepper.com
(b) Let All the World in Every Corner Sing. By Ralph Vaughn Williams
J. W. Pepper & Sons Incorporated
Phone: 1-800-345-6296
Online location: www.jwpepper.com
7. Modern Songs
(a) Ain’t No Stopping Us Now. By Donald Lawrence
Lawrence, Donald. The Tri-City Singers Finale. Brentwood, TN: EMI CMG, 2006.
(b) Send Your Power. By DeAndre Patterson
Hayes, Charles G. & The Warriors. Back at War. Chicago, IL: Utopia Music Group, 2004.
(c) The Great I Am. By Melvin Crispell
Ford, Bishop Andrew and The Anointed Voices of Ford Memorial Temple. It’s Our Time! But It’s for God’s Glory! Philadelphia, PA: MTM Records, 2002.
(d) Hold Out. By David Frazier
Walker, Hezekiah & LFC. 20/85 The Experience. New York, NY: Zomba, 2005.
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Battlefield. By Norman Hutchins
Battlefield. Los Angeles, CA: JDI Records, 1993.
(b) Got What I Need. By Vashawn Mitchell
GMWA. GMWA Live in Kansas City 2004. New York, NY: Artemis Gospel, 2005.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Yield Not to Temptation. By Horatio R. Parker
African American Heritage Hymnal. #429
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #413
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #188
Yes Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #325
(b) Be Still My Soul. By Katharina von Schlagel. Tune, (Finlandia) by Jean Sibelius
African American Heritage Hymnal. #135
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #426
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #221
Yes Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #96
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) I Surrender All. By Darnell Davis
Dillard, Ricky & New G. 7th Episode Live in Toronto. Hermitage, TN: Nuspring, 2007.
(b) Only a Look. Arr. By Thomas Whitfield
Whitfield, Thomas A. and The Whitfield Company. Alive and Satisfied. Santa Monica, CA: A&M Records, 2002.
(c) My Witness. Unknown
Jamison, Albert & New York State Mass Choir. Show Yourself Mighty. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2007.
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) If Jesus Goes with Me. By C. Austin Miles
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #416
(b) Look and Live (I’ve a Message from the Lord). By William A. Ogden. Tune, Look and Live
African American Heritage Hymnal. #503
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #215
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #136
Yes Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #428
(c) He Didn’t Have to Do It But He Did. Traditional. Arr. By G. E. Patterson
Patterson, Gilbert Earl. Bishop G. E. Patterson & Congregation Singing The Old Time Way, Volume 2. Memphis, TN: Podium Records, 2006.
12. Benediction Song
As You Go, Tell the World. By Valeria Foster
African American Heritage Hymnal. #633