Sunday, October 6, 2013
L'Tanya M. Moore-Copeland, Guest Lectionary Liturgist
Director of Music and Worship Arts, Saint Philip African Methodist Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
Key Thought: You were created by God and God does not make mistakes or junk.
For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. Psalm 139:13-14 (NRSV)
Key Thought: You have leadership ability and can overcome obstacles and steer your life in the right direction with God's guidance. Stand strong and fulfill your purpose!
I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 (NRSV)
Worship Planning Notes
If possible, in the corridors of your church place YOUTH banners that proclaim victory, love, self-esteem, encouragement, hope, leadership, etc.
As people are entering and exiting the Sanctuary, play appropriate music or videos on screens. The videos should be centered on victory, love, self-esteem, encouragement, hope, leadership, etc.
Bulletins should include graphics centered on victory, love, self-esteem, encouragement, hope, leadership, etc. The Bulletin should be UNIQUE and the extreme opposite of a regular church program. Consider changing the size or shape of your bulletin for Youth Sunday.
Teens Serving in Worship
All participants in today's worship service should be teens—greeters, ushers, choir, dancers, deacons, and clergy.
Praise Team/Choir/Dancers
Your choir and praise dancers should coordinate songs that can be ministered together. Dancers should use banners and flags throughout the entire worship experience. The choir and praise team should be musically prepared for a constant "flow" in worship.
Order of Service
The Service should be NON-TRADITIONAL and highly energetic. Interject strong passionate testimonies from teens whose lives have been changed by involvement in church organizations.
Encourage a come-as-you-are approach with respect to attire.
The sermon should be given by a youth pastor or teen clergy.
Invitation to Christ
The Invitation to enter a relationship with Jesus should be uniquely presented with teens assisting in the invitational process.
Follow Up/Stay Connected
A week after your service, send follow-up letters, e-mails, Facebook posts, Twitter messages, Instagram pictures, etc. to follow young people who visited your church and those youth who are members of your church. Continue to invite them to be a part of activities including Bible studies, youth gatherings, and Sunday worship.
1. Litany, Responsive Reading, or Invocation
Be Joyful in the LORD
Youth Leader: |
Be joyful in the Lord, all you lands;
Congregation: |
Serve the Lord with gladness and come before His presence with a song.
Youth Leader: |
Know this: The Lord Himself is God;
Congregation: |
He Himself has made us, and we are His; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Youth Leader: |
Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise;
Congregation: |
Give thanks to Him and call upon His name.
Youth Leader: |
For the Lord is good; His mercy everlasting
All: |
And His faithfulness endures from age to age. |
Rite of Passage Litany for Youth
God, bless our youth that they may grow into men and women who honor you and who reflect the best of their families and communities.
As they experience the difficult task of becoming adults, guide them in the pursuit of faith, identity, and purpose.
Above all may they come to know you and love you with all their hearts, minds, and souls. Let them know that you are always with them, helping them fulfill the plan which you have designed for their lives. May they keep your commandments and search out your will.
Wherever life takes them, may they never cease to praise you, to pray, and to study your Holy Word.
God, save them from negative self-images, from feelings of hopelessness, and from peer pressure that contradicts the values which their families and churches have instilled in them.
As Jesus increased in wisdom and favor, grant that young people may also attain spiritual and human maturity.
May they understand the responsibility and sensitivity necessary to become a friend, a leader, a spouse, and a parent.
Lord, give them role models and mentors. Grant them spiritual immunity from the brokenness and meanness of life. Help them to develop good relationships with others.
May they acquire knowledge of their ancestry, master contemporary life skills, and understand the multicultural dimensions of our world.
May they begin the adult journey by remembering the history of their people. May they travel with confidence.
May they value education and see themselves as an important part of their nation. Bless them to choose and prepare for careers and vocations that enrich their lives and the lives of others.
As they set personal and career goals, give them the knowledge and capability to achieve them. Help them to aim high, embrace good health, live by moral principles, have respect for life and property, and have a desire to serve others.
May they feel connected to every village and nation of the world, and may they understand the importance of participating in many arenas of life.
God of our past, present, and future, let our youth see visions, discern problems, and search for solutions. Make them and shape them into strong African American men and women.
(ABC Prayer for a Teen's Life)
Dear God,
A soul is born into this world—
Be it a boy or a girl.
Created precious by God for life,
Developed with love amidst the world's strife,
Eventually this child will learn and grow,
Forgiving and trusting, taking life slow.
Give now this youth, this gift of love,
Help him or her with teachings that come from above.
Introduce her early to seeking God's way,
Just help them believe there will be better days.
Kindness offered to all people they know,
Let every teen show love for their friends and their foes.
Make their minds strive to study God's Word,
Not just to wait 'til it's something they've heard.
Open their minds to receive suggestions.
Please allow them to ask many questions.
Quickly always to lend them a helping hand, teach them to
Respect every woman and man.
Singing songs to God, with hands upraised
To you oh Lord, we lift our hearts in praise.
Ungrateful our teens shall never be.
Verbal teachings will also help them to see,
With Christ in their lives to help them to do right.
X-Ray Christ-like vision will lead them to your light.
Young, full of joy, each youth can grow.
Zealous to walk on God's path they'll go. Amen.
Finally Figured It Out
(For teens working to develop positive self-esteem, inspired by Katrina, age 17)
Dear God,
Finally figured out what I'm good at.
I'm a poet with confidence, and that's a fact!
I'll make it in this world—this I believe.
I treat the word can't as if it's a disease.
One thing I've learned, though, is life is not fair.
There are dangers to face, and of evil, we must beware.
My life is not perfect—that is true.
But I am learning more and more how to put my trust in You.
That's why I'm special; that's why I've grown.
With You, Lord, in my life, I can make it on my own.
X-tra Time
(For teens fighting to avoid death in the streets, inspired by Jeremy, age 15)
Dear God,
I pray for X-tra time—
X-tra time to make up my mind concerning life, goals, and dreams.
I pray for X-tra time—
X-tra time to make up my mind to seek your guidance as I strive for my goals.
I pray for X-tra time—
X-tra time to leave a positive mark on someone else's life.
I pray for X-tra time—
X-tra time to live and not be a statistic, to overcome trials and make a difference.
Lord, I pray for X-tra time.
There is enough pain and hurt in this world, without my adding to the strife.
Scripture: Psalm 73 
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) This Is My Father's World. By Maltbie D. Babcock, Franklin Sheppard, and Norman Johnson
(b) I've Got Joy, Joy, Joy. By George W. Cooke
(c) Victory Is Mine. By Dorothy Norwood, Alvin Darling, and Stephen Key
(d) I Need You to Survive. By David Frazier
(e) Victory Chant. By Joseph Vogels. Arr. by Pam Stephenson
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Let Everything That Hath Breath. Arr. by Twinkie Clark-Terrell
(b) Open My Mouth. Negro Spiritual. Arr. by Dexter Walker
(c) Blessed. By Fred Hammond and Tommie Walker
(d) He's Able. By Deitrick Haddon
4. Songs for Praise Teams
(a) Chasing after You. By DeVaughn Murphy
(b) Press. By Shana Wilson
(c) So Addicted. By Deon Kipping
(d) Champion. By Tye Tribbett
(e) Let God Arise. By Elizabeth Bacon. Arr. by Reid Lancaster
5. Modern Songs
(a) Hello Fear. By Kirk Franklin
(b) Made. By Evelyn Keene, Lisa McClendon, and Keith McMasters
(c) Strong Finish. By Jonathan Nelson
(d) Stronger. By Myron Butler
(e) Happy. By Tasha Cobbs
(f) I Believe. By James Fortune and AyRon Lewis
6. Liturgical Dance and Mime Ministry Music
(a) No Way. By Tye Tribbett
(b) Set Me Free. By Myron Butler
(c) Break Every Chain. By William Reagan
(d) It's Not Over. By Israel Houghton, Aaron Lindsey, and Ricardo Sanchez
7. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Champions. By Jonathan Nelson
(b) I Choose to Believe. By Myron Butler
(c) After This. By J. J. Hairston
(d) Victory Chant. By Joseph Vogels. Arr. by Pam Stephenson
8. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Draw Me Close. By Kelly Carpenter and Fannie Crosby
(b) Indescribable. By Jesse Reeves and Laura Story
(c) Nobody Greater. By Darius Paulk
(d) I'm In Love with Jesus. By Percy Gray
9. Sermonic Selection
(a) God Made Me. By Jules Bartholomew
(b) The Struggle Is Over. By Jonathan Nelson
(c) Speak. By Jamar Jones and Johnnie Murray
(d) Turning around for Me. By Vashawn Mitchell, Philip Feaster, Lehman Gray, and Calvin Rodgers
10. Invitation Song or Instrumental
(a) Jesus You're Beautiful. By CeCe Winans
(b) Speechless. By Rick Roberson
(c) Time to Believe. By Dewitt Jones and Kim Jones
(d) Hold On. By Cheryl Fortune, James Fortune, and Terence Vaughn
(e) I Give Myself Away. By William McDowell
11. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Expect the Great. By Jonathan Nelson
(b) The Best Is Yet to Come. By Donald Lawrence
(c) Victory. By Tye Tribbett
(d) Moving Forward. By Israel Houghton, Ricardo Sanchez, and Y. Sus. Moonlight
(e) There Is a King in You. By Donald Lawrence
12. Other Recommendations
Songs to Play BEFORE or AFTER Your Service
(a) Lovin Me. By Jonathan McReynolds
(b) I Won't Go Back. By William McDowell
(c) My Name Is Victory. By Jonathan Nelson and Justin Savage
(d) You Are an Heir. By Donald Lawrence
(e) Friend of God. By Michael Gungor and Israel Houghton
(f) Happy Being Me. By Derek Allen, Saleem Asad, and Angie Stone
Spoken Word
Let the Word Do the Work. By Donald Lawrence and Loren McGee
Psalm 73 
Internet Sources
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Litany, Responsive Readings, or Invocation
(a) Be Joyful in the Lord.
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. Nashville, TN: The African Methodist Episcopal Church, 2004. #696
(b) Rite of Passage Litany for Youth.
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #61
(c) Beginnings. By Lisa D. Williams
Dear God, Hear My Cry; Prayers for Urban Teens. Nashville, TN: Abbington Press, 2004.
(d) Finally Figured It Out. By Lisa D. Williams
Dear God, Hear My Cry; Prayers for Urban Teens. Nashville, TN: Abbington Press, 2004.
(e) X-Tra Time. By Lisa D. Williams
Dear God, Hear My Cry; Prayers for Urban Teens. Nashville, TN: Abbington Press, 2004.
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) This Is My Father's World. By Maltbie D. Babcock, Franklin Sheppard, and Norman Johnson
African American Heritage Hymnal. #149
The Presbyterian Hymnal Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs. Louisville, KY:
Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990. #293
Total Praise. Chicago, IL/Nashville, TN: GIA Publications, Inc./Sunday School Publishing Board, 2011. #140
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN:
Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #49
(b) I've Got Joy, Joy, Joy. By George W. Cooke
African American Heritage Hymnal. #622
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #49
(c) Victory Is Mine. By Dorothy Norwood, Alvin Darling, and Stephen Key
African American Heritage Hymnal. #489
Total Praise. #480
(d) I Need You to Survive. By David Frazier
Abbington, James W., ed. New Wine in Old Wineskins: A Contemporary Congregational Song Supplement, vol. 2. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2010. #28
(e) Victory Chant. By Joseph Vogels. Arr. by Pam Stephenson
McClurkin, Donnie. Live in London. New York, NY: Word Entertainment, 2000.
Songs of Faith and Praise Hymnal. West Monroe, LA: Howard Publishing Co., Inc. 1998. #471
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Let Everything That Hath Breath. Arr. by Twinkie Clark-Terrell
Twinkie Clark-Terrell Presents The Florida A & M University Gospel Choir. Detroit, MI:
Crystal Rose Records, 1998.
(b) Open My Mouth. Negro Spiritual. Arr. by Dexter Walker
Dexter Walker & Zion Movement "Open My Mouth". Nashville, TN: Central South, 2007.
(c) Blessed. By Fred Hammond and Tommie Walker
Hammond, Fred. The Inner Court. New York, NY: Verity Records, 1995.
(d) He's Able. By Deitrick Haddon
Hobbs, Darwin. Free. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2008.
4. Songs for Praise Teams
(a) Chasing after You. By DeVaughn Murphy
Morton, Bishop Paul S. and The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship Mass Choir. Cry Your Last Tear. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2008.
(b) Press. By Shana Wilson
The Nations Are Waiting. Shana Wilson, 2008.
(c) So Addicted. By Deon Kipping
I Just Want to Hear You. New York, NY: Verity, 2012.
(d) Champion. By Tye Tribbett
Fresh. New York, NY: Columbia/Sony Music, 2010.
(e) Let God Arise. By Elizabeth Bacon. Arr. by Reid Lancaster
Songs of Faith and Praise Hymnal. West Monroe, LA: Howard Publishing Co., Inc. 1998. #471
5. Modern Songs
(a) Hello Fear. By Kirk Franklin
Hello Fear. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2011.
(b) Made. By Evelyn Keene, Lisa McClendon, and Keith McMasters
McClendon, Lisa. Live from the House of Blues. New York, NY: Columbia, 2006.
(c) Strong Finish. By Jonathan Nelson
Strong Finish. Detroit, MI: Karew Records, 2013.
(d) Stronger. By Myron Butler
Butler, Myron & Levi. Stronger. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2007.
(e) Happy. By Tasha Cobbs
Grace. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2012.
(f) I Believe. By James Fortune and AyRon Lewis
Fortune, James & FIYA. I Believe—Live. Houston, TX: Black Smoke Music, 2010.
6. Liturgical Dance and Mime Ministry Music
(a) No Way. By Tye Tribbett
Tribbett, Tye & G.A. Life. New York, NY: Columbia Records, 2004.
(b) Set Me Free. By Myron Butler
Butler, Myron & Levi. Set Me Free. Brentwood, TN: EMI, 2005.
(c) Break Every Chain. By William Reagan
Cobbs, Tasha. Grace. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2012.
(d) It's Not Over. By Israel Houghton, Aaron Lindsey, and Ricardo Sanchez
Houghton Israel & New Breed. Jesus at the Center. Colorado Springs, CO: Integrity Music, 2012.
7. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Champions. By Jonathan Nelson
Right Now Praise. Colorado Springs, CO: Integrity Music, 2008.
(b) I Choose to Believe. By Myron Butler
Butler, Myron & Levi. Revealed: Live in Dallas. Brentwood, TN: EMI, 2010.
(c) After This. By J. J. Hairston
Hairston, J.J. & Youthful Praise. After This. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2011.
(d) Victory Chant. By Joseph Vogels. Arr. by Pam Stephenson
McClurkin, Donnie. Live in London. New York, NY: WORD Entertainment, 2000.
8. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Draw Me Close. By Kelly Carpenter and Fannie Crosby
McClurklin, Donnie. Psalms, Hymns, and Spirituals Songs. New York, NY: Verity, 2004.
(b) Indescribable. By Jesse Reeves and Laura Story
Sheard, Kierra. Free. Brentwood, TN/Detroit, MI: EMI Gospel/Karew Records, 2011.
(c) Nobody Greater. By Darius Paulk
Mitchell, Vashawn. Triumphant. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2010.
(d) I'm in Love with Jesus. By Percy Gray
New Direction. RAIN. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2004.
9. Sermonic Selection
(a) God Made Me. By Jules Bartholomew
Mississippi Mass Choir. Then Sings My Soul. Jackson, MS: Malaco, 2011.
(b) The Struggle Is Over. By Jonathan Nelson
Youth for Christ. The Struggle Is Over. Middleburg, FL: LKS/Emtro Gospel, 2006.
(c) Speak. By Jamar Jones and Johnnie Murray
Butler, Myron & Levi. Revealed Live in Dallas. Brentwood, TN: EMI, 2010.
(d) Turning around for Me. By Vashawn Mitchell, Philip Feaster, Lehman Gray, and Calvin Rodgers
Mitchell, Vashawn. Created 4 This. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2012.
10. Invitation Song or Instrumental
(a) Jesus You're Beautiful. By CeCe Winans
Winans, CeCe. Throne Room. Brentwood, TN: INO Records, 2003.
(b) Speechless. By Rick Roberson
Wilson, Anita. Worship Soul. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2012.
(c) Time to Believe. By Dewitt Jones and Kim Jones
Forever Jones: A Family Band. Get Ready. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2010.
(d) Hold On. By Cheryl Fortune, James Fortune, and Terence Vaughn
Fortune, James & FIYA. Identify. Franklin, TN: Entertainment One Music, 2012.
(e) I Give Myself Away. By William McDowell
As We Worship Live. Franklin, TN: Entertainment One Music/Koch, 2009.
11. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Expect the Great. By Jonathan Nelson
Better Days. New York, NY: Columbia Records, 2010.
(b) The Best Is Yet to Come. By Donald Lawrence
Lawrence, Donald & The Tri-City Singers. Go Get Your Life Back. Brentwood, TN:
EMI, 2002.
(c) Victory. By Tye Tribbett
Tribbett, Tye & G.A. Victory Live. New, NY: Columbia, 2006.
(d) Moving Forward. By Israel Houghton, Ricardo Sanchez, and Y. Sus. Moonlight
Houghton, Israel. The Power of One. Colorado Springs, CO: Integrity Music, 2009.
(e) There Is a King in You. By Donald Lawrence
Lawrence, Donald & Co. The Law of Confession, Part 1. New York, NY: Verity, 2009.
12. Other Recommendations
Songs to Play BEFORE or AFTER Your Service
(a) Lovin Me. By Jonathan McReynolds
Life Music. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2012.
(b) I Won't Go Back. By William McDowell
Arise…The Worship Experience. Franklin, TN: Entertainment One Music, 2011.
(c) My Name Is Victory. By Jonathan Nelson and Justin Savage
Nelson, Jonathan. Right Now Praise. Colorado Springs, CO: Integrity Music, 2008.
(d) You Are an Heir. By Donald Lawrence
Finale: Act One. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2006.
(e) Friend of God. By Michael Gungor and Israel Houghton
Houghton, Israel. Songs 4 Worship: 50 Greatest Praise and Worship Songs. Colorado Springs, CO: Integrity Music, 2009.
(f) Happy Being Me. By Derek Allen, Saleem Asad, and Angie Stone
Lawrence, Donald. Law of Confession, Part 1. New York, NY: Verity Music, 2009.
Spoken Word
Let the Word Do the Work. By Donald Lawrence and Loren McGee
Lawrence, Donald. Law of Confession, Part 1. New York, NY: Verity Music, 2009.