Sunday, August 24, 2008
Donna Cox, Guest Lectionary Liturgist
Chair, Department of Music, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH
Worship Planning Notes
Some of the notes provided in our first Revival Music and Worship Resource unit
bears repeating. The purposes for holding revivals vary from church to church,
but most seek to bring into the church persons who have little or no Christian
experience, and to bring back those who were once members of a church. The type
of worship in which your church engages during its revival should be driven by
the purpose(s)/aims of the revival as established by the pastor and/or the
spiritual leaders of the church. Following are some pointers to keep in mind
when planning worship for a revival:
Begin planning your revival far enough in advance to invite guest choirs, guest
churches, and persons from your community. During the planning phase, you may
also want to select a theme and colors, and you may want to tie
the revival to other church efforts.
Planning is critical to any successful revival.
The typical revival service held in the evening should be no longer than two
and a half hours if persons are expected to return for multiple nights during
the week.
Youth revivals should not be treated in the same manner liturgically as a
revival for adults. Youth revivals are occasions for adults to be taken outside
of their comfort zones; these services should cater to their target
audience–youths. It is expected that a youth revival will feature praise
dancers, Christian mime groups, step teams, and youth worship leaders and
Just because congregants arrive late does not require that worship begin late.
Always start at the time that was advertised. This is especially important for
choir members and other members of your worship ministry. Also ensure that
members of the music and arts ministries who have disabilities arrive early to
allow time for them to be properly seated and provided with necessary materials
to participate in the worship service.
Please see Revival One Music and Worship Resources for
additional notes on planning an organized, spirit-filled revival.
1. Litany
The pathway to the burning fire and refreshing springs of revival is faith. We
remember that in the antebellum South, American slaves of African ancestry
stole away in the darkness of night to celebrate salvation in Jesus!
People: |
Lord God, your people are still in need of repentance and renewal. They are
seeking hiding places in the hope of finding you. |
Leader: |
Like Moses who approached you through a bush that burned but was not consumed,
we desire to draw closer to you during this revival.
People: |
God of Strength, the power of your divine presence
enlightens our vision, empowers our mission, directs our ministries, renews our
spirit, transforms our minds, heals our sufferings, and cleanses our souls.
When Joshua battled the Amorites, you caused the sun to stand still over
Gibeon. Before David slew the Philistine giant and King Jehoshaphat defeated
both the Moabites and the Ammonites, you said, “The battle is not yours, but
the Lord’s.”
People: |
God of Victory, we confess that your strength is seen in
our weakness, and that our best efforts are feeble attempts unless your divine
presence and eternal wisdom are called upon. |
Through the faith of a Hebrew maiden, the Israelites secured a leader–Moses;
through faith, Ruth clung to Naomi and God redeemed the future of all
generations; Rahab’s faith provided safety for two of Joshua’s spies.
People: |
Through faith, a widow provided food for Elijah when the
brook of Cherith dried up; through faith, Hannah gave Samuel back to the Lord;
through faith, Mary, a young virgin, trusted that the life within her was
indeed of the Holy Spirit! |
Leader: |
“As a deer longs for flowing streams,” we stand before you asking for an
outpouring of your Holy Spirit. Miracle-working, Supernatural God, stir up our
faith to such an extent that we may fulfill your purposes at this time.
ALL: |
God, who has answered by fire, send again the wind and the
fire of your Spirit. On your people pour your power. “Lord, let there be a
revival and let it begin with us.”
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) He Touched Me. By William J. Gaither. Tune, (HE TOUCHED ME).
(b) He Looked Beyond My Faults. By Dottie Rambo. Tune, (LONDONDERRY AIRE).
(c) Victory Is Mine. By Dorothy Norwood and Alvin Darling. Tune, (VICTORY).
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) If Any Man Be in Christ. By Raymond Wise. For SATB
(b) I Want to Thank You Lord. By Moses Hogan. For SATB with tenor solo and
(c) I Will Trust in the Lord. Spiritual
(d) Old Time Religion. Traditional
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Stop By Lord. By Doris Wesley Bettis. For SATB
(b) Bless Me (Prayer of Jabez). By Andraé Crouch and Donald Lawrence
(c) Lord Help Me to Hold Out. By James Cleveland
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) Go Tell Somebody. By Michael Brooks
(b) We Are Not Ashamed. By Andraé Crouch
6. Anthems
(a) Sing Unto the Lord. By Diane White. For SATB
(b) O for a Shout of Sacred Joy. By Isaac Watts. Arr. by Robert Jordahl
7. Modern Songs
(a) Center of My Joy. By Richard Smallwood and William Gaither

(b) Why We Sing. By Kirk Franklin
(c) Let it Rain. By Paul S. Morton
(d) I’ve Got a Reason to Praise the Lord. By O’Landa Draper and the Associates
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) He’ll Welcome Me. By John P. Kee
(b) Old Time Power. By Charlie D. Tillman
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Lord I Want to Be a Christian. Spiritual
(b) Just as I Am. By Charlotte Elliott. Tune, (WOODWORTH), by William Bradbury
(c) Revive Us Again. By William P. Mackay. Tune, (REVIVE US AGAIN), by John J.
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Hymn of Praise. By Shelton Beckton. For SATB
(b) Guide My Feet. Arr. by Avis Graves. For SATB
(c) I Wanna Be Yours. By Fred Hammond
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Sanctify Me. By V. Michael McKay
(b) Come and Go with Me. Arr. by H. Luedeman
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Lord Make Me More Holy. Traditional. Adapted and arranged by Roland Carter
(b) With Thy Spirit Fill Me. By Oswald J. Smith. Tune, (FILL ME).
13. Other Recommendations
Cox, Donna. Gospel Songs Your Choir Will Love To Sing: An Annotated Resource
Guide. Dayton, OH: Personal Best Ministries Press, 2007.
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Litany—Revival, used with permission.
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #94
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) He Touched Me. By William J. Gaither. Tune, (HE TOUCHED ME).
African American Heritage Hymnal. #273
African Methodist Episcopal Hymnal. Nashville, TN: AME Publishing House,
1998. #629
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL:
GIA Publications, 1987. #167
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal.
Memphis,TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #469
(b) He Looked Beyond My Faults. By Dottie Rambo. Tune, (LONDONDERRY AIRE).
African American Heritage Hymnal. #249
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #195
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #162
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #140
(c) Victory Is Mine. By Dorothy Norwood and Alvin Darling. Tune, (VICTORY).
Dorothy Norwood and the Northern California GMWA Mass Choir. Jackson, MS: Malaco Records, 1992.
African American Heritage Hymnal. #489
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) If Any Man Be in Christ. By Raymond Wise. For SATB
Raise Records and Publishing Company
P.O. Box 247574
Columbus, OH 43224
Phone: 614-268-5056
(b) I Want to Thank You Lord. By Moses Hogan. For SATB with tenor solo and
Sheet Music Plus
1300 64th Street
Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone: 1-800-743-3868
Online location:
(c) I Will Trust in the Lord. Spiritual
African American Heritage Hymnal. #391
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #333
(d) Old Time Religion. Traditional
African American Heritage Hymnal. #161
National Baptist Convention of the United States of America. Gospel Pearls.
1921. #156
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #488
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Stop By Lord. By Doris Wesley Bettis. For SATB
GIA Publications, Inc.
7404 South Mason Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
Phone: 1-800-GIA-1358
Online location:
(b) Bless Me (Prayer of Jabez). By Andraé Crouch and Donald Lawrence
Various Artists. WOW Gospel 2005. Nashville, TN: Verity Records, 2005.
(c) Lord, Help Me to Hold Out. By James Cleveland
James Cleveland Sings With the World’s Greatest Choirs: 20th Anniversary Album. Newark, NJ: Savoy Records, 1980.
African American Heritage Hymnal. #446
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) Go Tell Somebody. By Michael Brooks
Commissioned. The Commissioned Reunion: Live. Nashville, TN: Verity
Records, 2002.
(b) We Are Not Ashamed. By Andraé Crouch
Clark Sheard, Karen. The Heavens Are Telling. New York, NY: Elektra
Entertainment Group, 2002.
6. Anthems
(a) Sing Unto the Lord. By Diane White. For SATB
LCW Publishing
322 Bryant Street NE,
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 310-936-0055
(b) O for a Shout of Sacred Joy. By Isaac Watts. Arr. by Robert Jordhal
Alan Hovhaness (Composer), Donald Pearson (Conductor), St. John's Episcopal
Cathedral Festival Orchestra (Orchestra), and Eric Plutz (Performer). Hovhaness:
Magnificat Op157; Symphony No.12. Santa Monica, CA: Delos Records,
7. Modern Songs
(a) Center of My Joy. By Richard Smallwood and William Gaither
The Praise & Worship Songs of Richard Smallwood with Vision. Nashville, TN: Verity, 2003.
African American Heritage Hymnal. #491
(b) Why We Sing. By Kirk Franklin
Kirk Franklin & The Family. Inglewood, CA:
Gospocentric, 1993.
(c) Let It Rain. By Paul S. Morton
Morton, Paul and the FGBF Choir. Let It Rain. New York, NY:
Compendia, 2003.
(d) I’ve Got a Reason to Praise the Lord. By O’Landa Draper
Draper, O’Landa and the Associates.
Gotta Feelin’, (LIVE). New York, NY: Warner
Brother Records, 1996.
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) He’ll Welcome Me. By John P. Kee
The New Life Community Choir featuring John P. Kee. Show Up. New York,
NY: Verity, 2007.
(b) Old Time Power. By Charlie D. Tillman
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #189
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Lord I Want to Be a Christian. Spiritual
African American Heritage Hymnal. #281
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal Official Hymnal
of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Charlotte, NC: A.M.E.
Zion Pub. House, 1996. #606
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #119
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #156
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #277
(b) Just as I Am. By Charlotte Elliott. Tune, (WOODWORTH), by William Bradbury
African American Heritage Hymnal. #345
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Hymnal. #415
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #122
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #167
Cleveland, J. Jefferson, and Verolga Nix. Songs of Zion. Supplemental
worship resources, 12. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1981. #208
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #293
(c) Revive Us Again. By William P. Mackay. Tune, (REVIVE US AGAIN), by John J.
African American Heritage Hymnal. #569
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. Nashville, TN: The African
Methodist Episcopal Church, (2000) sixth printing, 2004. #97
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #405
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Hymn of Praise. By Shelton Beckton. For SATB
(b) Guide My Feet. Arr. by Avis Graves. For SATB
(c) I Wanna Be Yours. By Fred Hammond
Hammond, Fred and Radical for Christ. Pages of Life. Chapters I-II. Southfield, MI: Verity/Face to Face, 1998.
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Sanctify Me. By V. Michael McKay
(b) Come and Go with Me. Arr. by H. Luedeman
Best of Spirituals and Gospels
Weihergarten 5
D-55116 Mainz
Tel. +49 6131 246-0
Fax. +49 6131 246-211
Online location:
Order #ED 9643
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Lord Make Me More Holy. Traditional. Adapted and arranged by Roland Carter
African American Heritage Hymnal. #632
(b) With Thy Spirit Fill Me. By Oswald J. Smith. Tune, (FILL ME).
African American Heritage Hymnal. #322