Friday, March 29, 2013
Courtney-Savali L. Andrews, Lectionary Young Adult Liturgist
Worship Planning Notes
On Good Friday, we celebrate the death of Christ who was sinless. In spite of the abuse he suffered, he did not do unto others as they did unto him. Instead, he provided our salvation by his death on Calvary, and by his death and suffering we are forever healed because of the works of the guardian of our souls. Accordingly, we are to walk as those who have been saved by such a magnificent Savior.
On this day in the church calendar, worship services across denominations serve as a specific moment in which we deviate from the usual worship experience in order to live through and reflect on the horrific, yet precious, crucifixion of Christ as the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. In doing so, services may be designed around particular rituals, symbols, places, and utterances signifying his lonesome journey, i.e. The Seven Last Words of Christ, The Stations of the Cross, and The Tenebrae Service. (For more resources and outlines for these specific services, see previous African American Lectionary Good Friday Worship Resources.)
Whether you incorporate these rituals in your service or not, it is important to set a tone and pace that gives the congregation and ministers space to comprehend and reflect not only on the actions of Christ, but also the entire weight of the Good Friday moment.
Setting the Tone
- Good Friday service embodies the journey Jesus walked to Calvary. Emotionally, this service guides us in acknowledging what Christ did, to reflecting on how and why he did it, towards gratitude for his unparalleled example of love and praise for doing it! As we suffer with Christ through this journey, consider in your worship planning how to convey the journey from acknowledgment/comprehension all the way through to gratitude and praise.
- Consider altering the order of service to start with something that places the congregation in the exact moment in which your narrative begins. This may be done through a theatrical reading, spoken word, liturgical dance or mime, worship video, or artistic painting or drawing created in real-time (usually from 5–10 minutes).
Starting with an unexpected expression of worship will capture the attention of your congregation and may be a powerful way to clarify the meaning and purpose of the service.
- Choose musical selections that are appropriate to the moment. Music can be used to accompany and/or lead all aspects of the service. This includes accompanying worship videos, paintings, the Seven Last Words, and so on.
- Be sure to keep things as simple as possible so that the specific messages that you have planned to deliver are grasped.
- Be mindful of the time constraints of the service. So as not to rush your expression of the Passion narrative, carefully plan any dramatizations to be simplistic in their design and presentation. When there is too much going on, you risk losing the focus of the congregation.
- Include all ages in the presentation of the narrative and the responses to it, whether it is through song, dance, dramatization, or readings.
1. Reflection and Responsive Reading
(a) Reflection
Behold the Man
Led to
the slaughter,
taking on our torment,
wearing our guilt,
torn, crushed
for sins
of God.
In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
In tangled thorns he
emptied himself,
pouring his
grace on
all of
(b) Responsive Reading
In Your Cross
All: |
In Your cross, we truly see
Leader: |
The God who suffers,
Congregation: |
To show us the magnificence of love.
Leader: |
The God who offers,
Congregation: |
to purchase those He made by love.
Leader: |
The God who chooses,
Congregation: |
To sacrifice His greatest love.
Leader: |
The God who conquers,
Congregation: |
The powers of ages by force of love.
Women: |
In Your cross, we see the God who nurtures, shares, and gives.
Men: |
In Your cross, we see the God who suffers, dies, then lives.
Leader: |
In Your cross, we see the pathway,
Congregation: |
In Your cross, we see the fullness,
All: |
In Your cross, we see the supremacy of love that suffers, redeems, sacrifices, and rises in victory.
Leader: |
In Your cross, we see humanity freed from powers unseen, within and without. In Your cross, we see the way to life marked by love that faces death, surrenders its will, gives without limit, and lives to serve another.
Congregation: |
Your life-giving Spirit begins this work of love in us. Your resurrection life seals this work of love for us. Your transforming hope draws this love from us, to be dispensed into our world.
Leader: |
We welcome today Your gifts of new creation,
Congregation: |
In our lives and in our world.
All: |
Your love has won the day. Amen and amen. |
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) At the Cross. By Isaac Watts. Tune, (HUDSON), by Ralph E. Hudson
(b) When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. By Isaac Watts. Tune, (HAMBURG), by Lowell Mason
(c) I Am Thine. By Fanny J. Crosby. Tune, (I AM THINE), by William H. Doane
(d) Jesus Paid It All. By Elvina M. Hall. Tune, (ALL TO CHRIST), by John T. Grape
(e) Oh How He Loves You and Me. By Kurt Kaiser. Tune, (OH HOW HE LOVES YOU AND ME).
(f) Jesus Lover of My Soul. By Charles Wesley. Tune, (MARTYN), by Simeon B. Marsh
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) I’ve Been ‘Buked. Arr. by Hal Johnson
(b) Were You There? Traditional
(c) Crucifixion (He Never Said Mumblin’ Word). Arr. by Adolphus Hailstork for SATB
(d) I Must Walk That Lonesome. Arr. by Clifford Shaw
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, and Praise Teams
(a) Above All. By Lenny LeBlanc and Paul Baloche 
(b) Jesus I’ll Never Forget. Traditional 
(c) You Are My King (Amazing Love). By Billy Foot 
(d) Holy Is the Lamb. By Fred White 
(e) If Not for Your Grace. By Israel Houghton 
(f) Jesus Paid It All. Arr. by David Curry 
5. Liturgical Dance and Mime Ministry Music
(a) Deep Blood Red. By Mali Music 
(b) Calvary. By Maurette Brown-Clark
(c) Lamb of God. By Twila Paris 
(d) Holy Is the Lamb. By Fred White 
(e) Savior More Than Life to Me. By Kirk Franklin 
6. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) I’ll Praise Him. By Maurette Brown-Clark
(b) Oh How Wondrous. By John P. Kee 
(c) Jesus Paid It All. By Kirk Franklin 
7. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Perfect Peace. By Rudolph Stanfield 
(b) There Is a Fountain. Arr. by Clarence McClendon 
8. Sermonic Selection
(a) Marvelous. By Walter Hawkins 
(b) Oh What Love. By T.J. Hemphill 
(c) God So Loved the World. By Lanny Wolfe 
(d) He Decided to Die. By Margaret Douroux 
(e) He Looked Beyond My Faults. By Dottie Rambo. Tune, (LONDONDERRY AIRE).Traditional
9. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) How Deep the Father’s Love for Us. By Stuart Townend 
(b) I Am Redeemed. By Jesse Dixon
(c) Grateful. By Sean Brown 
10. Benediction Song
(a) He’s the Greatest. By John P. Kee 
(b) Saved by Grace. By Israel Houghton 
11. Children and Youth Choir Selections
(a) Just for Me. By Donnie McClurkin 
(b) Born to Die. By Hezekiah Walker 
(c) Oh How He Loves You and Me. By Kurt Kaiser
(d) I Don’t Know Why Jesus Loves Me. By Andraé Crouch
(e) Blood Spilla. The Cross Movement 
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Reflection and Responsive Reading
(a) “Behold the Man” by Anne Osdieck. Online location: www.liturgy.slu.edu (accessed 10 January 2013).
(b) “In Your Cross” by Dan Wilt, The Institute of Contemporary and Emerging Worship Studies, St. Stephen’s University. Online location: http://www.danwilt.com (accessed 10 January 2013).
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) At the Cross. By Isaac Watts. Tune, (HUDSON), by Ralph E. Hudson
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #264
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. Nashville, TN: The African Methodist Episcopal Church, (2000) sixth printing 2004. #139
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Hymnal. Charlotte, NC: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #164
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #137
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN:
Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #104
(b) When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. By Isaac Watts. Tune, (HAMBURG), by Lowell Mason
African American Heritage Hymnal. #243
African American Episcopal Zion Hymnal. #160
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #113
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #255
(c) I Am Thine. By Fanny J. Crosby. Tune, (I AM THINE), by William H. Doane
African American Heritage Hymnal. #387
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #283
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Hymnal. #433
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #202
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #380
(d) Jesus Paid It All. By Elvina M. Hall. Tune, (ALL TO CHRIST), by John T. Grape
African American Heritage Hymnal. #357
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #271
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #89
The United Methodist Hymnal. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1989. #419
(e) Oh How He Loves You and Me. By Kurt Kaiser. Tune, (OH HOW HE LOVES YOU AND ME).
Dino. Just Piano…Praise! Franklin, TN: Benson Records, 1994.
African American Heritage Hymnal. #228
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #31
Boyer, Horace Clarence. Lift Every Voice and Sing II: An African American Hymnal. New York, NY: Church Pub., 1993. #35
(f) Jesus Lover of My Soul. By Charles Wesley. Tune, (MARTYN), by Simeon B. Marsh
African American Heritage Hymnal. #453
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Hymnal. #293
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #169
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #64
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) I’ve Been ‘Buked. Arr. by Hal Johnson
G. Schirmer, Inc.
257 Park Avenue South, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10010
Phone: 212-254-2100
Online location: www.halleonard.com
(b) Were You There? Traditional
African American Heritage Hymnal. #254
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #136
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #260
(c) Crucifixion (He Never Said a Mumblin’ Word). Arr. by Adolphus Hailstork for SATB
Theodore Presser Company
588 North Gulph Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Phone: 610-592-1222
Online location: www.presser.com
(d) I Must Walk That Lonesome. Arr. by Clifford Shaw
Alexander, Roberta. Songs My Mother Taught Me. Amsterdam, Netherlands:
Etcetera, 1999.
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, and Praise Teams
(a) Above All. By Lenny LeBlanc and Paul Baloche
Butler, Myron and Levi. Stronger. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2007.
(b) Jesus I’ll Never Forget. Traditional
Pearson, Carlton. Live at Azuza 2: Precious Memories. Nashville, TN: Warner Bros. Records Inc., 1997.
(c) You Are My King (Amazing Love). By Billy Foot
Nockels, Christy. The Best of Passion [So Far]. Brentwood, TN: EMI/Sparrow Records, 2006.
(d) Holy Is the Lamb. By Fred White
Adams, Oleta. Come Walk with Me. Nashville, TN: Harmony Records, 1997.
(e) If Not for Your Grace. By Israel Houghton
Houghton, Israel and New Breed. A Deeper Level. Colorado Springs, CO: Integrity Music, 2010.
(f) Jesus Paid It All. Arr. by David Curry
Mississippi Mass Choir. I’ll See You in the Rapture. Jackson, MS: Malaco Records, 1996.
4913 Albemarle Road #103
Charlotte, NC 28205
Phone: 704-531-8961
Online location: www.ntimemusic.com
5. Liturgical Dance and Mime Ministry Music
(a) Deep Blood Red. By Mali Music
(b) Calvary. By Maurette Brown-Clark
By His Grace. Atlanta, GA: Atlanta International Records, Inc., 2002.
(c) Lamb of God. By Twila Paris
Take 6. Feels Good. Nashville, TN: Take 6 Records, 2006.
(d) Holy Is the Lamb. By Fred White
Adams, Oleta. Come Walk with Me. Nashville, TN: Harmony Records, 1997.
(e) Savior More Than Life to Me. By Kirk Franklin
Whatcha Lookin’ 4. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric Records, 1996.
6. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) I’ll Praise Him. By Maurette Brown-Clark
The Dream. Atlanta, GA: Atlanta International Records, 2007.
(b) Oh How Wondrous. By John P. Kee
Kee, John. P and New Life. Blessed by Association. New York, NY: Verity/Zomba Records, 2002.
(c) Jesus Paid It All. By Kirk Franklin
Whatcha Lookin’ 4. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric Records, 1996.
Phone: 704-531-8961
Online location: www.ntimemusic.com
7. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Perfect Peace. By Rudolph Stanfield
Sapp, Marvin. Be Exalted. New York, NY: Zomba Recording LLC, 2000.
(b) There Is a Fountain. Arr. by Clarence McClendon
McClendon, Bishop Clarence E. and The Harvest Fire Mega Mass Choir. Shout Hallelujah. Mobile, AL: Integrity, 2000.
8. Sermonic Selection
(a) Marvelous. By Walter Hawkins
Love Alive V. New York, NY: Gospocentric, 1998.
(b) Oh What Love. By T.J. Hemphill
Winans, Vickie. Live in Detroit Vol. 2. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 1999.
(c) God So Loved the World. By Lanny Wolfe
Armstrong, Vanessa Bell. Peace Be Still. Nashville, TN: Onyx International Records, 1983.
(d) He Decided to Die. By Margaret Douroux
Various Artists, Donald Vails Choraleers. He Is Risen. Jackson, MS: Malaco, 1998.
(e) He Looked Beyond My Faults. By Dottie Rambo. Tune, (LONDONDERRY AIRE). Traditional
African American Heritage Hymnal. #294
9. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) How Deep the Father’s Love for Us. By Stuart Townend
Various Artists. The Nation’s Favourite Worship Songs. United Kingdom: Kevin Mayhew Records, 2009.
(b) I Am Redeemed. By Jesse Dixon
African American Heritage Hymnal. #512
(c) Grateful. By Sean Brown
Walker, Hezekiah and Love Fellowship Choir. 20/85 The Experience. New York, NY: Verity, 2005.
10. Benediction Song
(a) He’s the Greatest. By John P. Kee
Kee, John. P and New Life. Blessed by Association. New York, NY: Verity/Zomba Records, 2002.
(b) Saved By Grace. By Israel Houghton
Power of One. New York, NY: Integrity/ Columbia, 2001.
11. Children and Youth Choir Selections
(a) Just for Me. By Donnie McClurkin
Live in London and More. New York, Verity, 2000.
Phone: 704-531-8961
Online location: www.ntimemusic.com
(b) Born to Die. By Hezekiah Walker
Various Artists. The First Decade: A Celebration of Christmas. New York, NY: Zomba, 2005.
(c) Oh How He Loves You and Me. By Kurt Kaiser
African American Heritage Hymnal. #228
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #31
(d) I Don’t Know Why Jesus Loves Me. By Andraé Crouch
The Definitive Hits. Atlanta, GA: Intersound Records, 2005.
(e) Blood Spilla. The Cross Movement
Heaven’s Mentality. Philadelphia, PA: Cross Movement/Seventh Street Records, 1997.