Sunday, October 23, 2011
The African American Lectionary Liturgists Team
Worship Planning Notes
This year’s Family Enrichment/Kinship Sunday Scripture focuses on discipline. If your congregation decides to use discipline or related subjects as a theme, here are suggestions to aid you in planning your worship service:
- Plan your service at least two months in advance to allow time to have all members of your church invite their family and extended family members.
- Highlight the theme of discipline. Have select family members give brief (fun or serious) testimonies about an instance they received discipline and how it blessed their life. Keep the testimonies to two minutes or less. Allow persons from all ages to give testimonies at select points throughout the service. For instance, you could open the service with a discipline testimony, have another during the announcement segment, and have another before the sermon.
- List brief sayings that concern discipline in your bulletin. See the Family
Enrichment/Kinship Sunday 2011 Cultural Resource unit for examples.
- Plan a family picnic that will occur either the Saturday before or immediately after your worship service. Allow youth and teenagers to assist in planning the activities for the picnic.
- Encourage each family to choose a color to represent their entire family at the service. Ideally, the color should have some symbolic meaning or significance to the family. Each individual in the family can decide how to wear the color (as a suit, blouse, pants, scarf, etc.).
- Honor both the family who has attended your church the longest and the newest family in your church.
1. Responsive Reading
The Black Family
Leader: |
O God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, Maker of all there is, we recognize the multitude of challenges facing families as we celebrate the bonds of kinship established through your love.
Congregation: |
We celebrate strong black families everywhere and their future generations.
Leader: |
We understand the negative impact of poverty, poor education, crime and substance abuse, premature sexual activity, inadequate housing, and unemployment on the black family.
Congregation: |
We acknowledge that of ourselves we can do nothing, but with you all things are possible.
Leader: |
We declare our interest in and commitment to the survival of the black family. Now, therefore, we affirm for every black family faith, strength, and love.
Congregation: |
We pray for faith, strength, and love for black families everywhere and for future generations.
Leader: |
We further pray for black family understanding, wisdom, and power.
Congregation: |
We pray for understanding, wisdom, and power for black families everywhere and for future generations.
Leader: |
We pray for the inner strength of every black family member—every parent, every spouse, every child, every sibling, and every caregiver—that they may never forget your promise to strengthen them and cause them to stand, upheld by your righteous, omnipotent hand.
Congregation: |
Our prayer is that you would renew our minds, uplift our hearts, and create a growing spiritual life for our people today and for future generations.
All: |
Blest be the tie that binds, our hearts in Christian love! The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) A Christian Home. By Barbara B. Hart. Tune, (FINLANDIA), by Jean Sibelius
(b) Precious Memories. By J. B. F. Wright and Lonnie B. Combs
(c) We’re Marching to Zion. By Isaac Watts
3. Spirituals
(a) Stan’in in de Need of Prayer (solo). Arr. by Hall Johnson
(b) Ole-Time Religion.
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) I Need You to Survive. By David Frazier
(b) United We Stand. By Timothy Wright
(c) When Will We Sing the Same Song? By John P. Kee
5. Liturgical Dance or Mime Ministry Music
(a) You Are an Heir. By Donald Lawrence
(b) Yes. By Phil Tarver
6. Anthems
(a) Family Born of Font and Spirit (w/opt. congregation). By Jeffrey Honoré
(b) As a Family, We Thank You (w/opt. congregation). By Ruth Elaine Schram
7. Modern Songs (Written between 2000–2010)
(a) Unity. By Glorraine Moone. Based on Psalm 133:1
(b) Family (There’s a Healing). By Donald Lawrence
(c) Umoja (Unity). By Glenn Burleigh
(d) Family Bible. By Willie Nelson
(e) The Family of God. By William J. Gaither and Gloria Gaither
8. Song or Instrumental for the Offertory Period
(a) Will the Circle Be Unbroken? By Ada R. Habershon
(b) In the Sanctuary. By Kurt Carr
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) We Are One. By Timothy Wright
(b) They’ll Know We Are Christians. By Peter Scholtes
(c) Koinonia. By V. Michael McKay
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy. By Nettie Dudley Washington. Arr. by Lari Goss
(b) Seasons. By Donald Lawrence
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) The Family of God. By Gloria Gaither and William Gaither
(b) The Bond of Love. By Otis Skillings
(c) O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee. By Washington Gladden. Tune, (MARYTON), by H. Percy Smith
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Make Us One. By Carol Cymbala
(b) God Be with You Till We Meet Again. By Jeremiah E. Rankin
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Responsive Reading—The Black Family
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #81. Used with permission.
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) A Christian Home. By Barbara B. Hart. Tune, (FINLANDIA), by Jean Sibelius
National Baptist Publishing Board. The New National Baptist Hymnal. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 1979. #373
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #360
(b) Precious Memories. By J. B. F. Wright and Lonnie B. Combs
African American Heritage Hymnal. #517
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #285
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #408
(c) We’re Marching to Zion. By Isaac Watts
African American Heritage Hymnal. #590
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #22
Cleveland, J. Jefferson, and Verolga Nix. Songs of Zion. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1981. #3
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #24
3. Spirituals
(a) Stan’in in de Need of Prayer (solo). Arr. by Hall Johnson
Thirty Spirituals. Arranged for Voice and Piano by Hall Johnson
G. Schirmer, Inc.
777 W. Bluemound Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53213
Phone: 1-866-307-3812
(b) Ole-Time Religion.
Songs of Zion. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1981. #89
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) I Need You to Survive. By David Frazier
Walker, Hezekiah and the Love Fellowship Crusade Choir. Family Affair, Vol. 2: Live at Radio City Music Hall. New York, NY: Verity, 2002/2004.
(b) United We Stand. By Timothy Wright
Wright, Timothy and the New York Fellowship Mass Choir II. Live in New York. Atlanta, GA: AIR Gospel, 2003.
(c) When Will We Sing the Same Song? By John P. Kee
Victory in Praise Music and Arts Seminar Mass Choir featuring John P. Kee. Nothing But the Hits. New York, NY: Verity, 2004.
5. Liturgical Dance or Mime Ministry Music
(a) You Are an Heir. By Donald Lawrence
Lawrence, Donald presents the Tri-City Singers. Finale Act I. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2006.
Sheet Music Available
Anthology. By Donald Lawrence
Norwood Music Publishing
4913 Albemarle Road
Charlotte, NC 28205
Phone: 704-531-8961 Online location: www.ntimemusic.com
(b) Yes. By Phil Tarver
Shekinah Glory Ministry. LIVE. Harvey, IL: Kingdom Records, 2004.
6. Anthems
(a) Family Born of Font and Spirit. By Jeffrey Honoré
MorningStar Music Publishers
1727 Larkin Williams Road
Fenton, MO 63026-2024
Phone: 1-800-647-2117
Online location: www.morningstarmusic.com
(b) As a Family, We Thank You (w/opt. congregation). By Ruth Elaine Schram
GlorySound, a Division of Shawnee Press, Inc.
1107 17th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37212
Phone: 1-800-962-8584
Online location: www.shawneepress.com
7. Modern Songs (Written between 2000–2010)
(a) Unity. By Glorraine Moone. Based on Psalm 133:1
African American Heritage Hymnal. #338
(b) Family (There’s a Healing). By Donald Lawrence
(c) Umoja (Unity). By Glenn Burleigh
Burleigh Inspirations Music
P.O. Box 16091
Oklahoma City, OK 73113
Phone: 405-842-3470
Online location: www.glenmusik.com
(d) Family Bible. By Willie Nelson
County Gospel: Featuring Various Artists. Los Angeles, CA: Hollywood Records, 1987/1994.
(e) The Family of God. By William J. Gaither and Gloria Gaither
The Bill Gaither Trio, Vol. 2. The Family of God. Alexandria, IN: Gaither Music, 2005.
8. Song or Instrumental for the Offertory Period
(a) Will the Circle Be Unbroken? By Ada R. Habershon
African American Heritage Hymnal. #598
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #297
(b) In the Sanctuary. By Kurt Carr
Carr, Kurt and the Kurt Carr Singers. Awesome Wonder. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2000.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) We Are One. By Timothy Wright
African American Heritage Hymnal. #323
(b) They’ll Know We Are Christians. By Peter Scholtes
The Celebration Hymnal. Nashville, TN: Word Entertainment and Publishing, 1997. #429
(c) Koinonia. By V. Michael McKay
African American Heritage Hymnal. #579
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy. By Nettie Dudley Washington. Arr. by Lari Goss
(b) Seasons. By Donald Lawrence
Lawrence, Donald and the Tri-City Singers. Go Get Your Life Back. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2002.
Sheet Music Available
Anthology. By Donald Lawrence
Norwood Music Publishing
Phone: 704-531-8961
Online location: www.ntimemusic.com
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) The Family of God. By Gloria Gaither and William Gaither
African American Heritage Hymnal. #519
(b) The Bond of Love. By Otis Skillings
African American Heritage Hymnal. #521
(c) O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee. By Washington Gladden. Tune, (MARYTON), by H. Percy Smith
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #405
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #445
The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990. #357
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Make Us One. By Carol Cymbala
The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. Live with Friends. Dallas, TX: Word, Inc., 1991.
Sheet Music Available
Word Music
25 Music Square West
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone: 1-888-324-9673
(b) God Be with You Till We Meet Again. By Jeremiah E. Rankin
African American Heritage Hymnal. #634
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #322
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #361
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #86