Sunday, June 19, 2011
Michelle Riley Jones, Lectionary Team Liturgist
“..on this Father’s Day, I think back to the day I drove Michelle and a newborn Malia home from the hospital nearly 11 years ago—crawling along, miles under the speed limit, feeling the weight of my daughter’s future resting in my hands. I think about the pledge I made to her that day… I would be a good father… On this Father’s Day, I am recommitting myself to that work, to those duties that all parents share: to build a foundation for our children’s dreams, to give them the love and support they need to fulfill them, and to stick with them the whole way through, no matter what doubts we may feel or difficulties we may face. That is my prayer for all of us on this Father’s Day…”
—PresidentBarack Obama’s reflection on what fatherhood meant to him (Father’s Day, PARADE, June 21, 2009)
“A faithful father prioritizes his physical presence, is engaged emotionally and leads spiritually by example. Being a faithful father is a journey that begins wherever you are, and continues with a commitment to grow in your role as a man, husband and father, to be better tomorrow than today.”
—from Faithful Fathering.org
Worship Planning Notes
This year, we honor our fathers for their faithfulness—men willing to be faithful to their divine calling as fathers, to rear healthy, happy children who will be equipped to make positive contributions to society. Abraham is called the Father of the Faithful. The story in our Lection Scripture, Genesis 22:1-19, describes his willingness to do all that he could to be faithful to what he was told by God to do, even willing to sacrifice his son. Abraham knew that fathers who are faithful to God will be faithful to their children; it is not an either or proposition but a both and proposition.
Carey Casey, the CEO of National Center for Fathering, and an African American, leads a national movement, Championship Fathering. (See (h) below and #16.) This movement is characterized by men who will fulfill their commitment to Love their children, Coach their children, Model for their children, Encourage other children, and Enlist other dads to join the team. No matter what the father role, all fathers who are faithful to God’s call on their lives can be equipped, by God’s grace, to be the involved fathers, grandfathers, and father-figures their children need.
However, the church must recognize that not all fathers and father-figures are the same (just as all women who are mothers are not all the same). Fathers live out many different life situations that call for special approaches to fathering, including being adoptive dads, at-home dads, divorced dads, non-custodial dads, foster dads, single dads, step-dads, military dads, and widowed dads.
Every church congregation is full of men in these various life/fathering situations. Worship leaders and church leadership who want to appeal to all fathers must provide resources that appeal and minister to the diverse spectrum of fathering circumstances.
Ideas for your Father’s Day Service:
- Have a musician or director compose a song especially for fathers for the church choir or congregation to sing.
- Specify a group “accessory” for all fathers for this day. Some options might include bowties, neck sashes in African fabrics, a special pin, armband, etc.
- Select colors for Father’s Day that reflect the robustness, royalty, and strength of fatherhood. See The African American Lectionary Liturgical Colors Calendar for recommendations.
- Rather than focusing only on the usual categories for honoring fathers (i.e., newest father, oldest father, fathers who have the most children, etc.), come up with some other creative categories to honor Fathers. Some suggestions include:
- Honor any 3rd- or 4th-generation father groups—grandfather/father/grandson/great-grandson—in your congregation
- Give special recognition to adoptive and foster dads
- Honor the fathers who travelled the farthest to visit their own father since last Father’s Day
- Honor fathers who took their children on a non-church organized community service activity
- Honor fathers who are participating in formal mentoring programs
- Discover stories about the fathers in your congregation who have contributed greatly to ministry in your community but who have done so with little fanfare or recognition. Document their lives. This makes a great oral history project. Consider sharing these stories in a written and video format. Allow young boys to participate in this project. This would be a real gift to your congregation.
- Ask a few fathers if they’d be willing to speak about what it is that they enjoy about fatherhood. Leave it open for a few men of various ages to come up during the service and speak.
- Have Guess Who? Moments in the service. Have several children of the men write on an index card something that describes their father. Read several aloud at various points in the service and let that father “Guess Who?” by standing up or stepping out, then have his child present him with a gift. You’ll have to do preparatory to make this one work.
- Have a prayer and anointing service for all fathers following the sermon (see #13(g) below). Engage the fathers in your congregation to be a part of the national movement of the Center for Fathering to make the Championship Fathering Commitment (see #10(d) below) by calling fathers and father-figures to be the engaged and involved fathers their children need. Download the commitment card and wristbands. Conclude with a charge to the fathers (see #13(h) below) for faithfulness in their roles as fathers and father-figures.
- For 30 days leading up to Father’s Day, or using Father’s Day as a kickoff for the succeeding 30 days, have all of the fathers participate in a church-wide Thirty Days of Praying the Names and Attributes of God. One resource can be found at: http://pastoralcareinc.com/Articles/30nameatt.php. Your church may also purchase the book Praying the Attributes of God: A Guide to Personal Worship through Prayer by Rosemary Jensen for all of your fathers. Read the daily description about God and the accompanying passage. Worship God, focusing on the qualities of God that men should emulate.
See #16 Other Recommendations for suggestions on community outreach activities.
1. Call to Worship, Litany
Sung Call to Worship (a) We Welcome You (Holy Father). By Tommy Simms
Spoken Call to Worship
We Welcome You (Holy Father). By Tommy Simms
Holy Father God
We welcome You within this place
We come to worship You
With all our might
We exalt thee Oh God
The Lord Most High
And we magnify You
In the earth forever
O Lord You are our God.
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Faith of Our Fathers. By Frederick William Faber. Tune, (ST. CATHERINE), by Henri Frederick Henry
(b) Come and Go with Me (to My Father’s House). Congregational Praise song. Tune, (COME AND GO WITH ME).
(c) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. By Ray Palmer. Tune, (OLIVET), by Lowell Mason
(d) God of Our Fathers. By Daniel C. Roberts. Tune, (NATIONAL ANTHEM), by George W. Warren
(e) Lord, Bless Our Homes. By Frank von Christierson. Tune, (CHARTERHOUSE), by David Evans
(f) Children of the Heavenly Father. By Carolina Sandell Berg. Tune, (TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA), Swedish Folk Medley
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Father I Stretch My Hand to Thee/Amazing Grace. Traditional/By John Newton
(b) I Know the Lord’s Laid His Hand on Me. Spiritual. Arr. by Moses Hogan. SATB, a capella
(c) Here’s One. Spiritual
(d) My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord. Spiritual. Arr. by Moses Hogan
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Faithful Is Our God. By Brandon Camphor
(b) You Are. By Terrell Hunt
(c) Blessings. By John P. Kee
(d) Worship Medley (Joy of the Lord/Oh the Glory). By Deitrick Haddon
(e) I Love to Praise His Name. Traditional
5. Liturgical Dance or Mime Ministry Music
(a) My Father Was/Is. By Noel Hall and Fred Hammond 
(b) Father You. By Jayshawn Champion
(c) Ever-Loving Father. By Walter Hawkins
6. Anthems
(a) Who Shall Separate Us from the Love of Christ? By Gilbert Martin, for SATB choir
(b) My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord. Spiritual. Arr. by Glenn L. Jones 
(c) I Must Tell Jesus. By Elisha A. Hoffman. Arr. by Mattie L. Robertson
7. Modern Songs
(a) In Christ Alone (Medley). By Shawn Craig, Keith Getty, Don Koch, and Stuart Townsend 
(b) Faithfully. By Walter Hawkins
(c) Faithful. By David Holmes and Darlene Zschech 
(d) He’s Been Faithful. By Carol Cymbala
8. Songs for Youth
(a) My Father’s House. By Deitrick Haddon
(b) Faithful. By Lee Jerkins and Stacey Swann
(c) Father’s Love. By Arthur Strong, Israel Houghton, and Daniel Johnson 
9. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) For Who You Are. By Beverly Crawford 
(b) Father. By Paul D. Allen 
10. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer Music
(a) God Specializes. By Gloria Griffin
(b) We Worship You Today. By Rose Harper
(c) Pastoral Prayer for Fathers. Author unknown
Pastoral Prayer for Fathers
Loving and Merciful God, whose power is beyond our scope
and whose wisdom is beyond our understanding,
We turn to you in faith assured that you know our every emotion
and are aware of our every need.
Our thoughts and prayers today are turned towards our fathers.
For those whose fathers have increased the joy in their lives, we give you thanks.
For those whose father’s presence is greatly missed,
may we take time to gratefully recall all they have given to us,
providing for us in our growing.
For those whose fathers have recently lost
or who are facing the imminent loss of their own fathers,
may they find comfort in their grief, hope in their despair,
and courage in the love that their fathers have given them.
We give thanks, God, for these good men who sustain and support us in our living,
who love us no matter what! What a blessing they are to all who know them!
We give thanks to you, O God,
for all those whose gift for fatherhood is so strong
that they have allowed their caring to spill over into the lives of others,
providing the guidance and stability, the nurture and the love needed.
How distressing it is for us to consider that not all fathers have been good fathers.
We pray, compassionate God, for those whose father has been a source of hurt and pain,
for all those for whom one or more members of their family has caused them to suffer.
May their wounds be healed. May they find in you, in us, in others,
the nurturing, sustaining love that is needed for their growth and well-being.
We recall with sadness fathers who are separated from their children
though life choices made by them or others.
Give them the insight and wisdom, the courage and perseverance
to parent in whatever creative and life-giving ways are open to them.
Give them the courage to make the decisions which allow their children to prevail.
We remember to you single fathers and mothers who struggle to be both
parents to their children—to provide all the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs without the constant support of a spouse.
May they find the strength, courage, and wisdom for their task.
We pray for those fathers whose relationships with their children have been difficult or disappointing.
We pray, too, for those who have been denied a chance to be fathers,
and for those whose years of parenting have been cut short by the loss of a child.
We turn to You, most Holy God, knowing, trusting that you can console where consolation seems impossible.
May these receive comfort for their soul and peace and hope for living that their gifts may not be denied to others.
Finally, O God, we rejoice with you, O God, at the many fine men,
who in spite of confusing roles in a rapidly changing society
have taken their place as fathers with open hearts, with willingness and joy.
And we join all fathers everywhere in praying that their children
may be well and happy, a source of joy for years to come.
Hear our prayers this day, O God,
and give to us such assurance of your love
that your love may spill forth from us into the lives of others.
(d) Championship Fathering Commitment. This commitment pledge from this national program of the National Center for Fathering (www.fathers.com) can be included in the prayer moment.
Yes, I commit myself to become a
Championship Father for my children!
I will love my children.
I will coach my children.
I will model for my children.
I will encourage other children.
I will enlist other dads as Championship Fathers.
11. Sermonic Selection
(a) My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me. By W. C. Martin. Tune, (WATCHES OVER ME), by Charles H. Gabriel
(b) Dear God. By Smokie Norful 
(c) Faithful. By Craig Aiven 
(d) My Father Was/Is. By Noel Hall and Fred Hammond 
(e) Father I Worship You. By Charles Williams 
(f) Lord You Are My Everything. By Marvin L. Winans, Jr. 
12. Instrumental or Song for Invitation
(a) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Instrumental for piano
(b) It’s Not in Vain. By John Stoddart
13. Anointing Service for Fathers Music
(a) Spirit of the Living God. Text and Tune, (LIVING GOD), by Daniel Iverson
(b) Daily I Shall Worship Thee. By Curtiss Glenn. This selection is a prayer in song. 
(c) We Fall Down. By Kyle Matthews
(d) Love. By John Stoddart. Instrumental for piano
(e) Trust Me. By Richard Smallwood 
(f) God Specializes. Traditional
Anointing Service
(g) The Pastor may choose to append a Prayer and Anointing service for fathers to the end of the Worship Service. It is noteworthy that anointing in Scripture is performed when someone is set apart for special service (also for healing, for the dying, etc.). Regarding the use of oil, one should understand that the oil is not sacramental or the “vehicle of divine power.” In this case the oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Therefore the application of oil to fathers is a symbolic act whereby fathers can be set apart to be ministered to by the Holy Spirit, and for reconsecration for the role of fatherhood. While fathers ought not to hesitate to have the elders to intercede for them, the desire to be anointed should be motivated by the Holy Spirit. Such an experience touches on the most intimate relationship of an individual with God. Here is a basic outline:
Anointing Service for Fathers
Introduction of the Anointing Service to the Congregation
Calling Fathers forward
Charge to Fathers
Anointing, Laying on of Hands and Prayer for each Father
Congregational Song
- Introduction of the Anointing Service to the Congregation
Following the sermon, have the musicians play meditative music. Have Elders line up across the front of the church. Deaconesses or other designees may line up behind each Elder with small bowl or vial of oil. The Pastor can introduce the anointing service, as follows:
Pastor: “For the next part of our service, we would like to provide a special time of anointing and prayer for all fathers. This anointing is to remind all fathers of the call of fatherhood placed over your lives and the purpose and plan that God has set in place for you to accomplish for the building up of His kingdom and His glory.”
- Calling Fathers forward
Pastor should invite all fathers who wish to be anointed to come forward, directing them to line up in the center aisle (or multiple aisles depending on the size of your church) facing the front.
Pastor: “At this time, I would like to ask our fathers to prayerfully consider coming forward for prayer and anointing. Our congregation should also enter into this time with a prayerful heart. ”
- Charge to Fathers
As the fathers are coming forward, the Pastor can proceed:
Pastor: “Anointing with oil and laying on of hands are symbolic acts of claiming for God’s rule the person so touched. The fathers who are coming forward for this ritual and our prayers do so as a way of recommitting themselves, and their roles as fathers, to God. We expect that God’s Spirit will move through these actions and these prayers to bring strength, peace, hope, and comfort to sustain our fathers in all of their father roles. To prepare our fathers for this anointing, I will read the following charge (see 13 (h)), and then the Elders will invite each father to proceed to them for anointing, laying on of hands, and prayer.”
Read “The Anointing of Fathers – A Charge” (13(h) below)
- Laying on of Hands and Prayer
As the Pastor completes the charge to fathers, each Elder should invite a father forward. The Elder should ask the father if he has a special prayer request, and then the Elder should proceed with anointing, laying on of hands, and prayer. This cycle of invitation should continue until each father who has come forward is served.
During this period, the musicians should be playing meditative music. Your choir and/or praise team may also softly lead the congregation in meditative song (see 13 (a–f)).
- Congregational Song
Following the anointing, the congregation may sing a song (see 14 (b–d)).
- Prayer
Following the song, the Pastor can offer a general prayer or benediction (see 14 (a)).
(h) The Anointing of Fathers – A Charge. By Michelle Riley Jones
The Anointing of Fathers – A Charge
as God has been faithful to you thus far,
He will not withhold from you His desires.
You are the emissary of God’s truth and love for your children and family.
You are commanded to bring your children up in the
nurture and admonition of the Lord.
As you are faithful, He will bless you;
your family will be blessed through you;
and they will be a blessing to others.
As your head was anointed with oil today, so will your cup will run over
with His goodness, His providence, and His mercy.
He has given you everything you need as fathers.
In His strength, you can be strong.
He’s got a fail-proof plan and support for you,
no matter your father-role, or any obstacles to fathering that you may be up against.
I charge you to gird yourself therefore:
with Truth—
let your life be a living testament of the Gospel to your children;
with Righteousness—
live so that your life example will lead your children to seek after God;
with Peace—
rest and abide in the knowledge that, no matter what the circumstances,
He knows all and is with you and your children;
with Faith—
trust and believe in God; as His word is true, so His promises are sure;
and with Salvation—
for there is only one way for fathers and their family—to be found in Christ Jesus.
Fathers, there is no substitute for the Word of God.
Study it faithfully and let it be your guide.
And let a lifestyle of fervent prayer and Godly love
bind you and your family together.
God has chosen you, so that you will direct your children
and your household after you to keep the way of the Lord.
Lead them as God leads you.
God will bring about for you what He has promised you.
14. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) A Prayer of Benediction for Fathers. Taken from John 17:4, 9-10a, 26. By Michelle Riley Jones
A Prayer of Benediction for Fathers
Heavenly Father,
We have glorified thee on the earth:
and are wholly committed to that
which thou hast given us to do—the role of fatherhood.
We pray, not for the world, but for the family, the children,
which thou hast given us; for they are thine. And all ours are thine, and thine are ours.
And we have declared thy name unto our family and our children,
and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved us
we show through our expressions of love to them.
Father we stretch our hand to thee, for we know of no other help.
We go forth, humbled by your presence,
yet empowered by Your Spirit to father our children
as you so lovingly and faithfully father us.
(b) Falling in Love with Jesus. By Jonathan Butler
(c) Gospel Medley: I’ve Got a Feeling/Power Lord/Glory Glory/Up above My Head
(d) Go Ye Now in Peace. By Joyce Eller
15. Audio Visual Suggestions
A few weeks before Father’s Day, have your church photographer take photos of the fathers. Use them in slide presentation that can be shown throughout the service. Use images of fathers from all age ranges. Suggestions for videos and background music include:
(a) My Father Was/Is. By Noel Hall and Fred Hammond
(b) That’s Just the Way the Father Is. By Kurt Carr
16. Other Recommendations Consider these ideas for community outreach for Father’s Day:
- Have the fathers host a Car Show. This can be held in connection with a church parking lot party or picnic at an offsite park location. It can even be part of a fundraiser. Have the children make key chains for all of the fathers as a memento. As a main attraction, invite members of your local antique car clubs to participate in the show. If part of a fundraiser, the proceeds from the fees can be donated to a community group that provides services to fathers in your local area.
- Have a “Father’s Day Family Breakfast” prior to the beginning of the worship service or in between services. Invite families or individuals in your congregation to host a “breakfast table” and invite another family (unchurched) in an effort to help your church evangelize by hosting another invited family at their table. Be sure to serve ONLY healthy, low-fat food.
- Have fathers host a luncheon for the homeless.
- Contact a local prison to hold a worship service for incarcerated fathers and their families at the prison. Refer to the Lectionary Commentary, Worship, and Cultural Resources for 2008 and 2010 for preaching and worship service ideas for ministering to those who are incarcerated.
- The evening before Father’s Day, host a Movie Night in your church fellowship hall, or rent a facility. Invite the community. To invite the men/families in your church community, design and print “movie tickets,” and purchase pounds of shelled peanuts and put them in small brown paper bags. Organize men and children in teams to deliver the bag of peanuts and enough “movie tickets” per household. You can also include invitations to member friends and neighbors who don’t go to church. Rent two movies for the night.
Resources for Programming Ideas
- National Center for Fathering/Championship Fathering. This national organization provides practical, research-based training and resources that equip men in virtually every fathering situation to be the involved fathers their children need. www.fathers.com
- Men’s Ministry Remodeled™. Developed by National Fatherhood Initiative, this one-year ministry plan provides a model that churches and ministries can use to establish a sustainable men’s ministry that prioritizes fathers. This program provides the tools needed to create an intentional men’s ministry where fathers feel welcomed and encouraged. www.fatherhood.org
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
Quote by President Barack Obama on what fatherhood meant to him appeared in PARADE Magazine on Father’s Day, June 21, 2009. This reflection followed his now-famous open letter to his daughters, Malia and Sasha (also published in PARADE Magazine on Sunday, January 18, 2009), two days before his inauguration as the 44th President of the United States. Online location: http://www.parade.com/news/2009/06/barack-obama-we-need-fathers-to-step-up.html accessed 2 February 2011
Quote taken from Faithful Fathering Initiative. Online location: http://www.faithfulfathering.org/ accessed 2 February 2011
Several ideas for honoring fathers taken from Ministry-to-Children.com Online location: http://ministry-to-children.com/church-fathers-day/#respond accessed 2 February 2011
(h) Information about the Championship Fathering Commitment program, commitment cards,
and wristbands can be found at:
(i) Praying the Attributes of God. By Rosemary Jensen
Jensen, Rosemary. Praying the Attributes of God: A Guide to Personal Worship through Prayer. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publication, 2002.
1. Call to Worship, Litany
Sung Call to Worship (a) We Welcome You (Holy Father). By Tommy Simms
Winans, CeCe. Thy Kingdom Come. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel/Pure Springs, 2007.
Spoken Call to Worship
(b) We Welcome You (Holy Father). By Tommy Simms
Winans, CeCe. Thy Kingdom Come. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel/Pure Springs, 2007.
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Faith of Our Fathers. By Frederick William Faber. Tune, (ST. CATHERINE) , by Henri Frederick Henry
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #409
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. Nashville, TN: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #529
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #282
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1985. #304
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #27
(b) Come and Go with Me (to My Father’s House). Congregational Praise song. Tune, (COME AND GO WITH ME).
African American Heritage Hymnal. #596
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #250
(c) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. By Ray Palmer. Tune, (OLIVET), by Lowell Mason
African American Heritage Hymnal. #456
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #468
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #221
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #273
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #517
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #127
(d) God of Our Fathers. By Daniel C. Roberts. Tune, (NATIONAL ANTHEM), by George W. Warren
African American Heritage Hymnal. #609
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #530
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #322
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #459
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #645
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #499
(e) Lord, Bless Our Homes. By Frank von Christierson. Tune, (CHARTERHOUSE), by David Evans
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #654
(f) Children of the Heavenly Father. By Carolina Sandell Berg. Tune, (TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA), Swedish Folk Medley
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #101
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #141
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Father I Stretch My Hand to Thee/Amazing Grace. Traditional/By John Newton
Norful, Smokie. Featuring Pastor W.R. Norful Sr. and the 12th District AME Mass Choir. How I Got Over: Songs That Carried Us. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2001.
(b) I Know the Lord’s Laid His Hand on Me. Spiritual. Arr. by Moses Hogan. SATB, a capella
Published and Distributed by:
Hal Leonard Corporation
P.O. Box 13819
Milwaukee, WI 53213
Online location: www.halleonard.com
(c) Here’s One. Spiritual
Phipps, Wintley. Wintley Phipps Live. New York, NY: Coral Records, 2001.
(d) My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord. Spiritual. Arr. by Moses Hogan
The Atlanta Singers. Deep River. Atlanta, GA: ACA Digital Recordings, 2006.
Published and Distributed by:
Hal Leonard Corporation
Online location: www.halleonard.com
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Faithful Is Our God. By Brandon Camphor
Camphor, Brandon & OneWay. Regeneration. Laurel, MD: Brandon Camphor, 2009.
(b) You Are. By Terrell Hunt
My Gift to You. Laurel, MD: FamousAmos Music, 2009.
(c) Blessings. By John P. Kee
The Legacy Project. New York, NY: Verity Gospel Music, 2010.
(d) Worship Medley (Joy of the Lord/Oh the Glory). By Deitrick Haddon
Lost and Found. New York, NY: Zomba Recording, 2002.
(e) I Love to Praise Him Name. Traditional
McClurkin, Donnie. Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs. New York, NY: Verity Gospel, 2005.
5. Liturgical Dance or Mime Ministry Music
(a) My Father Was/Is. By Noel Hall and Fred Hammond
Hammond, Fred & Radical for Christ. Purpose By Design. New York, NY: Verity, 2000.
(b) Father You. By Jayshawn Champion
Champion, Jason. Reflections. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2008.
(c) Ever-Loving Father. By Walter Hawkins
A Song in My Heart. Oakland, CA: Coda Records, 2005.
6. Anthems
(a) Who Shall Separate Us from the Love of Christ? By Gilbert Martin, for SATB choir
Hinshaw Music, Inc.
Post Office Box 470
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-0470
Phone: 919-933-1691
Online location: www.hinshawmusic.com
(b) My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord. Spiritual. Arr. Glenn L. Jones Location:
J. W. Pepper & Sons Incorporated
2480 Industrial Boulevard
Paoli, PA 19301
Phone: 1-800-345-6296
Online location: www.jwpepper.com
(c) I Must Tell Jesus. By Elisha A. Hoffman. Arr. by Mattie L. Robertson
GIA Publications
7404 South Mason Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
Phone: 1-800-GIA-1358
7. Modern Songs
(a) In Christ Alone (Medley). By Shawn Craig, Keith Getty, Don Koch, and Stuart Townsend
Phillips Craig & Dean. Let the Worshippers Arise. Brentwood, TN: INO Records, 2004.
(b) Faithfully. By Walter Hawkins
A Song in My Heart. Oakland, CA: Coda Records, 2005.
(c) Faithful. By David Holmes and Darlene Zschech
Zschech, Darlene. Kiss of Heaven. New York, NY: Extravagant Worship, 2003.
(d) He’s Been Faithful. By Carol Cymbala
Yohe, Vicki. He’s Been Faithful. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel/Pure Springs, 2005.
8. Songs for Youth
(a) My Father’s House. By Deitrick Haddon
Haddon, Deitrick & Voices of Unity. Together in Worship. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot Records, 2007.
(b) Faithful. By Lee Jerkins and Stacey Swann
Bonillo, Michelle. Urban Compositions. Waterford, NJ: RockSoul Entertainment, 2003.
(c) Father’s Love. By Arthur Strong, Israel Houghton, and Daniel Johnson
New Breed. Generation Love. Houston, TX: Newbreed Music, 2010.
9. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) For Who You Are. By Beverly Crawford
Live from Los Angeles, Vol. 2. Los Angeles, CA: JDI Records, 2010.
(b) Father. By Paul D. Allen
Pajam. Pajam Presents Sing to the Lord. Mobile, AL: Integrity Media, 2007.
10. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) God Specializes. By Gloria Griffin
Wright, Lizz. Fellowship. Santa Monica, CA: The Verve Music Group, 2010.
(b) We Worship You Today. By Rose Harper
Hobbs, Darwin. The Best of Darwin Hobbs. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2003.
(c) Pastoral Prayer for Fathers. Author unknown
Online location: http://www.homiliesbyemail.com
(d) Championship Fathering Commitment.
National Center for Fathering/Championship Fathering Phone: 1-800-593-DADS Online location: www.fathers.com
11. Sermonic Selection
(a) My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me. By W. C. Martin. Tune, (WATCHES OVER ME), by Charles H. Gabriel
African American Heritage Hymnal. #144
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #84
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #231
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #53
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #139
(b) Dear God. By Smokie Norful
Smokie Norful Live. Brentwood, TN: TreMyles Music/EMI Gospel, 2009.
(c) Faithful. By Craig Aiven
Winans, CeCe & Pure Worship Performers. Pure Worship (CeCe Winans Presents Pure Worship Performers. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel/Pure Springs, 2007.
(d) My Father Was/Is. By Noel Hall and Fred Hammond
Hammond, Fred & Radical for Christ. Purpose By Design. New York, NY: Verity, 2000.
(e) Father I Worship You. By Charles Williams
Pugh, Earnest. Earnest Pugh Live: A Worshipper’s Perspective. Detroit, MI: Crystal Rose Records, 2006.
(f) Lord You Are My Everything. By Marvin L. Winans, Jr.
Cage, Byron. Faithful to Believe. New York, NY: Verity Gospel Music Group, 2009.
12. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Instrumental for piano
Guillaume, Duke. Breathe. New York, NY: Duke Guillaume, 2010.
(b) It’s Not in Vain. By John Stoddart
Faces. Upper Marlboro, MD: Urban Junction East Music, 2008.
13. Anointing Service for Fathers
(a) Spirit of the Living God. Text and Tune, (LIVING GOD), by Daniel Iverson
African American Heritage Hymnal. #320
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #692
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #126
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #133
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #672
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #197
(b) Daily I Shall Worship Thee. By Curtiss Glenn. This selection is a prayer in song.
Greater Mount Calvary Recording Choir. Greater Mount Calvary LIVE As Told by the Music Ministry. Washington, DC: Calvary Records, 2011.
(c) We Fall Down. By Kyle Matthews
Carlisle, Bob. Stories from the Heart. Franklin, TN: Benson Records, 1998.
(d) Love. By John Stoddart. Instrumental for piano
Sweet. Upper Marlboro, MD: Urban Junction East Music, 2005.
(e) Trust Me. By Richard Smallwood
Trust Me (single). New York, NY: Verity Gospel, 2011.
(f) God Specializes. Traditional
Wright, Lizz. Fellowship. Santa Monica, CA: The Verve Music Group, 2010.
(g) Anointing Service for Fathers. The general outline of the service was developed by Michelle Riley Jones.
(h) The Anointing of Fathers – A Charge (based on Genesis 18 and Ephesians 6). By Michelle Riley Jones
14. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Benediction Prayer. Taken from John 17: 4, 9-10a, 26. By Michelle Riley Jones
(b) Falling in Love with Jesus. By Jonathan Butler
Whalum, Kirk. The Gospel According to Jazz: Chapter 2. New York, NY: Warner, 2002.
(c) Gospel Medley: I’ve Got a Feeling/Power Lord/Glory Glory/Up above My Head.
Wright, Lizz. Fellowship. Santa Monica, CA: Verve Music Group, 2010.
(d) Go Ye Now in Peace. By Joyce Eller
African American Heritage Hymnal. #637
15. Audio Visual Suggestions
(a) My Father Was/Is. By Noel Hall and Fred Hammond
Hammond, Fred & Radical for Christ. Purpose by Design. New York, NY: Verity, 2000.
(b) That’s Just the Way the Father Is. By Kurt Carr
Carr, Kurt and The Kurt Carr Singers. Awesome Wonder. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2000.
16. Other Recommendations
Several ideas for honoring fathers taken from Ministry-to-Children.com accessed at http://ministry-to-children.com/church-fathers-day/#respond
(d) For worship planning ideas for fathers who are in prison, reference the Anti-Incarceration commentaries and worship units on the 2008 and 2010 calendars for The African American Lectionary.
(f) National Center for Fathering/Championship Fathering
National Center for Fathering/Championship Fathering
Phone: 1-800-593-DADS Online location: www.fathers.com
(g) Men’s Ministry Remodeled. By The National Fatherhood Initiative
National Fatherhood Initiative
101 Lake Forest Blvd.
Suite 360
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Phone: 301-948-0599
Online location: www.fatherhood.org