Sunday, April 17, 2011
Cheryl Wilson-Bridges, Guest Lectionary Liturgist
Worship Planning Notes
Palm branches should be distributed to the adults in the congregation, and colored fabric cut in long, vertical pieces can be given to the youth and children. Also see the ideas in the lectionary commentary for additional ideas for children.
Idea for Opening Today’s Worship: A man costumed as Jesus Christ should enter the sanctuary from the back. A deacon/elder/associate clergy can read with a loud cry Matthew 21:5(a): “Tell the daughter of Zion, Behold your King is coming to you.” Then have the Jesus Christ character enter the sanctuary as the congregation waives their palm branches and lays the colored cloth in the aisles before him. When the Jesus Christ character reaches the pulpit area of the sanctuary, the congregation will quiet down in reverence, and then the responsive reading begins.
1. Responsive Reading: Psalm 118:1-4, 28-29 and Matthew 21:9
Leader: |
Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!
People: |
For His mercy endures forever.
Leader: |
Let the house of Aaron now say,
People: |
His mercy endures forever.
Leader: |
Let those who fear the Lord now say,
People: |
His mercy endures forever.
Leader: |
You are my God
People: |
And I will praise You;
Leader: |
You are my God,
People: |
I will exalt You.
Leader: |
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
People: |
For His mercy endures forever.
Leader: |
Hosanna to the Son of David!
People: |
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!
ALL: |
Hosanna in the highest! |
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) All Glory Laud and Honor. By Theodulph of Orleans. Tune, (ST. THEODULPH), by Melchior Teshner
(b) Praise Him! Praise Him! By Fanny J. Crosby. Tune by Chester G. Allen
(c) Here I Am to Worship. By Tim Hughes 
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Ride On King Jesus. By John W. Work
(b) Nothing Between. By Charles A. Tindley
(c) Fairest Lord Jesus. By Schlesische Volkslieder. Arr. by Richard S. Willis
4. Gospel Song for Choirs, Ensembles, and Praise Teams
(a) Your Majesty. By Warren Jones, Isaac Lewis, and L. Stephens
(b) Again I Say Rejoice. By Israel Houghton and Aaron Lindsey
(c) Give Me Jesus. Arr. by Jeremy Camp
5. Liturgical Dance or Mime Ministry Music
(a) On My Knees. By Nicole C. Mullen, David Mullen, and Michael Ochs
(b) Let It Rise. By Holland Davis. Arr. by Stephen Hurd
(c) We Worship You Today. By Darwin Hobbs
6. Anthems
(a) Hosanna in Excelsis. By Brent Pierce
(b) Alleluia. By Randall Thompson
(c) Glorious Everlasting. By Thomas M. Cousins
7. Modern Songs
(a) I Will Sing Praises. By Richard Smallwood
(b) I Will Bless the Lord. By Isaiah D. Thomas
(c) Agnus Dei. By Michael W. Smith
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Oh Give Thanks. By Judith Christie-McAllister
(b) You Can’t Beat God’s Giving. By Doris Akers
(c) My Offering. By Nolan Williams, Jr.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Sweet Hour of Prayer. By William W. Walford. Tune by William B. Bradbury
(b) Deep in Love with You. By Michael W. Smith
(c) Healing. By Richard Smallwood
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Coming Strong. By Donald Lawrence
(b) And He Blessed My Soul. By Christopher Watkins
(c) I Walk with the King. By Donald Lawrence
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Falling in Love with Jesus. By Jonathan Butler
(b) Spirit of the Living God. By Daniel Iverson. Arr. by Melvin West
(c) Come to Jesus Now. Arr. by Evelyn Simpson-Currenton
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Till We Meet Again. By Kirk Franklin
(b) The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee. By B. B. McKinney
(c) Sweet Holy Spirit. By Doris Akers
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Responsive Reading: Psalm 118:1-4, 28-29 and Matthew 21:9 (NIV)
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) All Glory Laud and Honor. By Theodulph of Orleans. Tune, (St. THEODULPH), by Melchior Teshner
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #226
African Methodist Episcopal Church. African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. Nashville, TN: African Methodist Episcopal Church, 2006. #129
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. Nashville, TN: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #133
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #30
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #102
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1985. #230
(b) Praise Him! Praise Him! By Fanny J. Crosby. Tune by Chester G. Allen
African American Heritage Hymnal. #178
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #508
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #19
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #249
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #4
(c) Here I Am to Worship. By Tim Hughes
Hill Song featuring Darlene Zschech. Hope. New York, NY: Integrity Music, 2003.
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Ride On King Jesus. By John W. Work
(b) Nothing Between. By Charles A. Tindley
African American Heritage Hymnal. #397
(c) Fairest Lord Jesus. By Schlesische Volkslieder. Arr. by Richard S. Willis
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #75
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #228
4. Gospel Song for Choirs, Ensembles, and Praise Teams
(a) Your Majesty. By Warren Jones, Isaac Lewis, and L. Stephens
Jakes, T.D. Woman Thou Art Loosed Worship 2002. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2002.
(b) Again I Say Rejoice. By Israel Houghton and Aaron Lindsey
Houghton, Israel and New Breed. Live From Another Level. Mobile, AL: Integrity Gospel, 2004.
(c) Give Me Jesus. Arr. by Jeremy Camp
Beyond Measure. Seattle, WA: BEC Recordings, 2007.
5. Liturgical Dance or Mime Ministry Music
(a) On My Knees. By Nicole C. Mullen, David Mullen, and Michael Ochs
Mullen, Nicole C. Nicole C. Mullen. Nashville, TN: Word Entertainment LLC, 2006.
(b) Let It Rise. By Holland Davis. Arr. by Stephen Hurd
Hurd, Stephen. A Call to Worship: Live in DC. Mobile AL: Integrity Gospel, 2004.
(c) We Worship You Today. By Darwin Hobbs
The Best of Darwin Hobbs. Brentwood TN: EMI Gospel, 2007.
6. Anthems
(a) Hosanna in Excelsis. By Brent Pierce
J. W. Pepper and Sons, Incorporated
2480 Industrial Boulevard
Paoli, PA 19301
Phone: 1-800-345-6296
Online location: www.jwpepper.com
(b) Alleluia. By Randall Thompson
E. C. Schirmer Music Company
ECS Publishing
138 Ipswich Street
Boston, MA 02215-3534
Phone: 617-236-1935
Online location: www.ecspub.com
(c) Glorious Everlasting. Thomas M. Cousins
Glorious Everlasting. Charlotte, NC: Brodt Music Company, 1950.
7. Modern Songs
(a) I Will Sing Praises. By Richard Smallwood
Smallwood, Richard and Vision. Adoration: Live in Atlanta. New York, NY: Verity, 1996.
(b) I Will Bless the Lord. By Isaiah D. Thomas
Cage, Byron. An Invitation to Worship. New York, NY: Zomba Gospel LLC, 2005.
(c) Agnus Dei. By Michael W. Smith
McClurkin, Donnie. Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs. New York, NY: Zomba Gospel LLC, 2004.
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Oh Give Thanks. By Judith Christie-McAllister
Jakes, T.D. Woman Thou Art Loosed Worship 2002. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2002.
(b) You Can’t Beat God’s Giving. By Doris Akers
African American Heritage Hymnal. #671
(c) My Offering. By Nolan Williams, Jr.
InSpiration. Washington, DC: NEWorks Recording Studio, 2006.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Sweet Hour of Prayer. By William W. Walford. Tune by William B. Bradbury
African American Heritage Hymnal. #442
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #212
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #332
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #478
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #304
(b) Deep in Love with You. By Michael W. Smith
A New Hallelujah. Franklin, TN: Provident Label Group LLC, 2008.
(c) Healing. By Richard Smallwood
Smallwood, Richard with Vision. Healing: Live in Detroit. New York, NY: Verity Gospel Music Group, 2004.
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Coming Strong. By Donald Lawrence
Lawrence, Donald and The Tri City Singers. I Speak Life. New York, NY: Verity Records, 2004.
(b) And He Blessed My Soul. By Christopher Watkins
Chris and Kyle. Coming Out from Under. Detroit, MI: Crystal Rose, 2003.
(c) I Walk with the King. By Donald Lawrence
Lawrence, Donald and the Tri City Singers. The Best of Donald Lawrence and the Tri- City Singers: Restoring the Years. Brentwood, TN: EMI Christian Music, 2003.
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Falling in Love with Jesus. By Jonathan Butler
The Worship Project. San Clemente, CA: Maranatha! Music, 2004.
(b) Spirit of the Living God. By Daniel Iverson. Arr. by Melvin West
African American Heritage Hymnal. #320
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #212
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #332
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #672
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #304
(c) Come to Jesus Now. Arr. by Evelyn Simpson-Currenton
African American Heritage Hymnal. #354
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Till We Meet Again. By Kirk Franklin
Franklin and the Family. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 1993.
(b) The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee. By B. B. McKinney
Baptist Hymnal. Nashville, TN: Convention Press, 1956. #541
(c) Sweet Holy Spirit. By Doris Akers
African American Heritage Hymnal. #326