Sunday, February 13, 2011
William Powell, Guest Lectionary Liturgist
Associate Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Worship Planning Notes
This worship unit is planned with the intent of identifying and affirming under-represented or unexpected heroes in the local church, and in the community. As a means of evangelism, some churches might view this worship focus as an opportunity to reach out to “un-churched” and unlikely heroes and heroines who are recognized in the local community. Regardless, the opportunity exists to affirm individuals who have contributed to the good of human existence, whether spiritually, physically, socially, or otherwise.
To enhance the theme, worship planners are encouraged to display photographs of non-celebrity heroism such as the many photos taken during the initial Hurricane Katrina disaster relief. If the technology is available, churches can project some of the video resources listed in Audio Visual Suggestions (#13). Also, worship planners are encouraged to notify in advance the groups and individuals specified below for the litany. Assignments can certainly be modified at the discretion of the leaders.
The music suggestions can also be modified to accommodate soloists, instrumentalists, or small ensembles as needed. As well, some songs can be used at moments other than for which they are intended as given below.
1. Litany
“Heroes and Heroines”
Minister/Clergy: |
Heroes and heroines are marked by their courage, bravery, or abilities, especially in times of crisis.
Women: |
Heroes are often marked by how they respond during a negative situation in order to achieve a positive result.
Men: |
Heroes do not seek glory or recognition for their actions. They seek the greater good for others rather than simply for themselves.
Minister/Clergy: |
What makes a person a hero or heroine? How do they respond in a crisis? Where does one go to find such people? We need some heroes.
Children/Youth: |
They believe in what is right and good. They show up with all of their imperfections willing to take a stand when others are afraid or too unconcerned to do so.
Choir/Praise Team: |
They may begin their heroic deeds in fear, but they end in triumph.
Congregation: |
As I look inside myself, I discover that with the Holy Spirit, God has equipped me to be a hero.
Ushers/Greeters: |
If I believe the Word of God and am mindful of what is right and good, I, too, can be a hero or a heroine.
Congregation: |
If I seek to uphold the greater good for all, I, too, can be a hero or heroine.
Church Officers: |
If I deny myself and seek ways to bring glory to the Most High God, then I have what it takes to be a hero or heroine.
Congregation: |
If I follow Jesus, the ultimate hero, and strive to obey him, I will be victorious in all that I seek to accomplish for others. |
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. By Elisha A. Hoffman. Tune, (SHOWALTER), by Anthony J. Showalter
(b) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. By Ray Palmer. Tune, (OLIVET), by Lowell Mason
(c) Stand Up for Jesus. By George Duffield, Jr. Tune, (WEBB), by George J. Webb
(d) We’ve Come This Far by Faith. Text and Tune by Albert A. Goodson
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Ain’t Got Time to Die. Negro Spiritual. Arr. by Hall Johnson
(b) The Battle of Jericho. Negro Spiritual. Arr. by Moses G. Hogan
(c) This Little Light of Mine. Negro Spiritual
(d) I Wanna Be Ready. Negro Spiritual. Arr. by Rosephanye Powell
(e) Go Down, Moses. Negro Spiritual. Arr. by William Powell for 2-part Children’s or Treble Choir
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) No Ways Tired. By Curtis Burrell
(b) Stand. By Donnie McClurkin
(c) Soon as I Get Home. By Thomas A. Whitfield
5. Liturgical Dance or Mime Ministry Music
(a) Hero. By Kirk Franklin
(b) Alabaster Box. By Janice Sjostrand
(c) They That Wait. By Michael Bethany, Phillip Feaster, Frederick Hammond, Calvin Rodgers, Ericka Warren, and Dynna Wells
(d) Conquerors. By Kirk Franklin
(e) Optimistic. By James Harris, Gary Hines, and Terry Lewis
(f) Can’t Give Up Now. By Curtis Burrell, Erica Atkins, Trecina Atkins, and Warryn Campbell
6. Anthems
(a) Wait on the Lord. By Rosephanye Powell
(b) Come Unto Me. By Rosephanye Powell
(c) The Last Words of David. By Randall Thompson
7. Modern Songs (Written between 2005-2010)
(a) Encourage Yourself. By Donald Lawrence
(b) Never Would Have Made It. By Matthew Brownie and Marvin Sapp
(c) Righteous Forsaken. By Percell Holmes, Caron Jones, James Jones, and Larry Oliver
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) The Lord Will Make a Way Somehow. By Benjamin Clark and Hezekiah Walker
(b) Born to Win. by Kevin Davidson
(c) Battlefield. By Norman Hutchins
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) No Ways Tired. Traditional. By Curtis Burrell
(b) I’m Still Holding On. By Luther Barnes
(c) Grateful. By Sean Brown
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Fight On. By Kevin Davidson

(b) My Soul Has Been Anchored in the Lord. By Douglas Miller
(c) His Eye Is on the Sparrow. By Civilla D. Martin. Tune, (SPARROW), by Charles H. Gabriel
(d) If I Can Help Somebody. Traditional. By Alma Androzzo
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Just as I Am. By Charlotte Elliott. Tune, (WOODWORTH, LM), by William B. Bradbury
(b) I Surrender All. By Judson W. Van De Venter. Tune, (SURRENDER), by Winfield S. Weeden
(c) Come to Jesus. Traditional. Tune, (COME TO JESUS).
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) I Need You to Survive. By David G. Frazier
(b) Blest Be the Tie That Binds. By John Fawcett. Tune, (DENNIS, SM), by John Nägeli
(c) God Be with You. Text and tune by Thomas A. Dorsey
13. Audio Visual Suggestions
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Litany “Heroes and Heroines.” By William C. Powell
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. By Elisha A. Hoffman. Tune, (SHOWALTER), by Anthony J. Showalter
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #371
Gospel Pearls. Nashville, TN: Sunday School Publishing Board, National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., 1921. #110
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Memphis, TN: The CME Publishing House and Triad Publications II, Inc., 1987. #211
Boyer, Horace Clarence. Lift Every Voice and Sing II: An African American Hymnal. New York, NY: Church Publishing, 1993. #196
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2001. #262
(b) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. By Ray Palmer. Tune, (OLIVET), by Lowell Mason
Gospel Pearls. #22
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. #203
Lift Every Voice and Sing II. #88
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #273
Nix, Verolga. Cleveland, J. Jefferson, ed. Songs of Zion. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1981. #175
(c) Stand Up for Jesus. By George Duffield, Jr. Tune, (WEBB), by George J. Webb
African American Heritage Hymnal. #476
Gospel Pearls. #5
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. #394
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #409
(d) We’ve Come This Far by Faith. Text and Tune by Albert A. Goodson
African American Heritage Hymnal. #412
Lift Every Voice and Sing II. #208
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. #222
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #529
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Ain’t Got Time to Die. Negro Spiritual. Arr. by Hall Johnson
Hal Leonard Corporation
PO Box 13819
Milwaukee, WI 53213 Phone: 1-800-345-6296
Online location: www.halleonard.com
(b) The Battle of Jericho. Negro Spiritual. Arr. by Moses G. Hogan
(c) This Little Light of Mine. Negro Spiritual
African American Heritage Hymnal. #549
(d) I Wanna Be Ready. Negro Spiritual. Arr. by Rosephanye Powell
(e) Go Down, Moses. Negro Spiritual. Arr. by William Powell for 2-part children’s or treble choir
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) No Ways Tired. By Curtis Burrell
Cleveland, James. I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired. Jackson, MS: 601 Records, 1981.
(b) Stand. By Donnie McClurkin
Donnie McClurkin. Nashville, TN: Word Entertainment, 1996.
(c) Soon as I Get Home. By Thomas A. Whitfield
Whitfield, Thomas A. and the Whitfield Company. Hallelujah Anyhow. Detroit, MI: Sounds of Gospel, 1983.
5. Liturgical Dance or Mime Ministry Music
(a) Hero. By Kirk Franklin
Franklin, Kirk with Karen Clark-Sheard. Hero. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2005.
(b) Alabaster Box. By Janice Sjostrand
Winans, CeCe. Alabaster Box. Brentwood, TN: Chordant Music Group, 1999.
(c) They That Wait. By Michael Bethany, Phillip Feaster, Frederick Hammond, Calvin Rodgers, Ericka Warren, and Dynna Wells
Hammond, Fred. Love Unstoppable. New York, NY: Verity Records, 2009.
(d) Conquerors. By Kirk Franklin
Franklin, Kirk and The Family. Whatcha Lookin’ 4. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 1998.
(e) Optimistic. By James Harris, Gary Hines, and Terry Lewis
Sounds of Blackness. Evolution of Gospel. New York, NY: Perspective Records, 1991.
(f) Can’t Give Up Now. By Curtis Burrell, Erica Atkins, Trecina Atkins, and Warryn Campbell
Mary Mary. Thankful. Nashville, TN: Sony, 2000.
6. Anthems
(a) Wait on the Lord. By Rosephanye Powell
(b) Come Unto Me. By Rosephanye Powell
(c) The Last Words of David. By Randall Thompson
ECS Publishing
138 Ipswich St.
Boston, MA 02215-3534
Phone: 617-236-1935
Online location: www.ecspublishing.com
7. Modern Songs (Written between 2005–2010)
(a) Encourage Yourself. By Donald Lawrence
Lawrence, Donald and the Tri-City Singers. Donald Lawrence Presents the Tri-City Singers. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2006/2007.
(b) Never Would Have Made It. By Matthew Brownie and Marvin Sapp
Sapp, Marvin. Thirsty. New York, NY: Verity, 2009.
(c) Righteous Forsaken. By Percell Holmes, Caron Jones, James Jones, and Larry Oliver
Long, Eddie and Friends. The Kingdom Vol. 1 Featuring GW's. Port Washington, NY: Koch Records, 2009.
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) The Lord Will Make a Way Somehow. By Benjamin Clark and Hezekiah Walker
Walker, Hezekiah and The Love Fellowship Choir with Kim Burrell-Wiley. Family Affair 2: Live at Radio City Music Hall. New York, NY: Verity Records, 2002.
(b) Born to Win. By Kevin Davidson
Davidson, Kevin and The Voices. Full Circle. Nashville, TN: New Haven Records, 2003.
(c) Battlefield. By Norman Hutchins
Battlefield. Los Angeles, CA: JDI Records, 1999/2001.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) No Ways Tired. Traditional. By Curtis Burrell
Cleveland, Rev. James. I Don't Feel No Ways Tired. Jackson, MS: 601 Records, 1981.
(b) I’m Still Holding On. By Luther Barnes
Barnes, Luther and the Red Budd Gospel Choir. He Cares. Atlanta, GA: Atlanta International Records, 1984.
(c) Grateful. By Sean Brown
Walker, Hezekiah and LFC. 20/85 The Experience. New York, NY: Verity Records, 2005.
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Fight On. By Kevin Davidson
Davidson, Kevin and the Voices. Celebrate. New York, NY: Warner Christian, 1998.
(b) My Soul Has Been Anchored in the Lord. By Douglas Miller
Unspeakable Joy. New York, NY: Compendia, 1995.
(c) His Eye Is on the Sparrow. By Civilla D. Martin. Tune, (SPARROW), by Charles H. Gabriel
African American Heritage Hymnal. #143
Gospel Pearls. #47
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. #204
Lift Every Voice and Sing II. #191
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #60
Songs of Zion. #83
(d) If I Can Help Somebody. Traditional. By Alma Androzzo
Zion Still Sings for Every Generation. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2007. #140
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Just as I Am. By Charlotte Elliott. Tune, (WOODWORTH, LM), by William B. Bradbury
African American Heritage Hymnal. #344
Gospel Pearls. #92
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. #145
Lift Every Voice and Sing II. #137
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #167
Songs of Zion. #140
(b) I Surrender All. By Judson W. Van De Venter. Tune, (SURRENDER), by Winfield S. Weeden
African American Heritage Hymnal. #396
Gospel Pearls. #109
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. #227
Lift Every Voice and Sing II. #133
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #198
Songs of Zion. #5
(c) Come to Jesus. Traditional. Tune, (COME TO JESUS).
African American Heritage Hymnal. #354
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. #182
Songs of Zion. #30
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #173
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) I Need You to Survive. By David G. Frazier
Walker, Hezekiah and Love Fellowship Crusade Choir. Family Affair 2: Live at Radio City Music Hall. New York, NY: Verity, 2002.
(b) Blest Be the Tie That Binds. By John Fawcett. Tune, (DENNIS, SM), by John Nägeli
African American Heritage Hymnal. #341
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. #359
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #298
(c) God Be with You. Text and tune by Thomas A. Dorsey
The Hymnal of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. #361
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #560