Worship Resources
Strengthening the Community
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Stirling Culp, Guest Lectionary Liturgist
Adjunct Professor of Music, Lewis University, Romeoville, IL
Lection Scripture - Acts 2:42-47 (New Revised Standard Version)
Worship Planning Notes
The theme for this moment on the calendar,
the second Sunday in Easter, is selected to encourage churches to live out
their belief in a resurrected savior. Specifically, this Sunday concerns the
church and its community involvement. Make sure that your church provides
opportunities for all ages to be involved and that it purposely makes a
connection with members of the surrounding community.
This Sunday should
either be a celebration of the culmination of a community service project
in which your church has engaged or the preparatory worship service for an
upcoming community service project. Be sure to include information
on what was done to positively impact the community nearest your church or
give detailed directions concerning an upcoming project.
Please email us and share information concerning
your community service
project(s). We may post your information in year two of the
The Save One Community Challenge for Each Church
Each church can make at least
one community better. Each year every church should challenge itself to engage in
one tangible project that strengthens a community. Examples include: adopting a
grammar school and ensuring that the school has needed supplies and adults to
regularly assist teachers or working with city agencies to clean up a community
including having abandoned buildings renovated or torn down and an entire
neighborhood aesthetically refurbished. This clean up could include painting homes
of those who are too frail to do so, placing garbage cans and recycling
bins on streets, having more lighting added to a community, or
planting trees and flowers. Take the challenge seriously, and you and your
community will be better for it. Even if your church is physically distant
from a neighborhood, you can select a neighborhood that needs help and provide
1. Litany
Urban Ministry
God tells us to spread the good news on the mountains, over
the valleys, in the hood, on street corners, in sanctuaries, in our
homes, everywhere.
We go in faith and joy to tell the good news of God's unconditional
love for all people.
God calls us to be in covenant relationships and covenant ministries:
To love and care, to share and clothe, to feed and nurture, to
counsel and teach, to be committed to
the health and well-being of our communities.
We are called to be the living church in the world.
The Church is the body of Christ, beyond these walls. We go in faith to minister in hospitals, prisons,
schools, in places where people gather.
Gracious God, in all that is beautiful and right, fix our hearts so that our own doubts, fears, and
judgmental nature will not impede our service.
God, prepare minds and souls to be your vessels, ever respectful and loving of others and ourselves.
Blessed be every child of God. Blessed be the gift of life, that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
Our light is the light of Christ. God calls us to be beacons of hope, to help those in distress,
following the model of the beloved son, Jesus. Our church homes are to be havens for those needing refuge.
In the midst of domestic violence, gang unrest, drug and substance abuse, depression, adultery,
loneliness, hate, and greed, help us live the option of love before your people.
O God, lead our communities to wholesome spiritual, social, political, and financial action.
Anoint us to step out boldly in courage to affect healing, renewal, opportunity, and hope.
We pledge our support to develop new, meaningful ministries. We open our eyes, by
God's grace, to see all of creation in new ways.
Rather than demonize differences, may we respect and celebrate them.
We open ourselves totally to do the work of love and mercy throughout
our community.
Open our eyes that we may see the needs of your people; open
our hearts and souls that we may serve with dignity, and
in peace.
2. Hymn or Anthem
(a) The Living Church. By Philip Doddridge
(b) A
Charge to Keep I Have. By Charles Wesley. Tune, (BOYLSTON), by Lowell Mason
3. Spirituals
(a) Amen.
(b) What a Time.
(c) Lord I Want to Be a Christian.
4. Modern Songs
(a) Incredible God. By Youthful Praise
(b) Faithful Is Our God. By Hezekiah Walker 
(c) Give Him Glory.
By DeAndre Patterson
(d) I Will Do a New Thing. By Audrey Byrd
(e) Order My Steps. By Glenn Burleigh
5. Offering Song or Instrumental
(a) Nothing Between. By Charles Tindley
(b) For All the Saints. By William Howe
6. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) I Need Thee Every Hour. By Annie S. Hawkes
(b) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. By Ray Palmer
7. Congregational Songs
(a) He Is Lord. Traditional. Tune, (HE IS LORD).
(b) Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone. Thomas Shepherd. Tune, (MAITLAND), by George N. Allen
(c) Renew Thy Church, Her Ministries Restore. By Kenneth L. Cober
8. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Come to Jesus. Traditional. Tune, (COME TO JESUS), by Evelyn Simpson-Curenton
(b) Just as I Am (Without One Plea). By Charlotte Elliott
(c) Pass Me Not Old Gentle Savior. By Fannie Crosby
9. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Always Remember. By Andraé Crouch
(b) Go Ye Now in Peace. By Joyce Eilers
10. Audio Visual Suggestions
For bulletins: use images of houses being repaired; of seniors being visited by youths and
young adults; of church members together with police officers
For screens: Worship leaders should develop a collage that makes clear that the church is to be involved in the community.
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Litany--Urban Ministry, used with permission.
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2005. #78
2. Hymn or Anthem
(a) The Living Church. By Philip Doddridge
African American Heritage Hymnal. #523
(b) A Charge to Keep I Have. By Charles Wesley. Tune, (BOYLSTON), by Lowell Mason
African American Heritage Hymnal. #468
African Methodist Episcopal Church. African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. Nashville, TN: African Methodist Episcopal
Church, 2006. #242
3. Spirituals
(a) Amen.
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #172
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #502
Cleveland, J. Jefferson, and Verolga Nix. Songs of Zion, Supplemental worship resources, 12. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1981. #147
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #260
(b) What a Time. Traditional
Infinity. New Direction. Solar Music Group, 1994.
Louisiana State Mass Choir, Paul S. Morton, and Larry L. Brandon. His Name Is Jesus. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2004.
The Tri City Singers featuring Arnetta Murrill-Crooms, Darwin Hobbs, et. Al. Boycott Sound Track (from the HBO Film Boycott). Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2001.
(c) Lord I Want to Be a Christian.
African American Heritage Hymnal. #463
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #282
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #119
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #156
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #227
4. Modern Songs
(a) Incredible God. By Youthful Praise
Hairston, James. Youthful Praise Live! The Praise-- The Worship. New York, NY: Evidence Gospel, 2005.
(b) Faithful Is Our God. By Hezekiah Walker
20/85 the experience. New York, NY: Verity/Zomba, 2005.
(c) Give Him Glory. By DeAndre Patterson
DeAndre Patterson. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2004.
(d) I Will Do a
New Thing. By Audrey Byrd
African American Heritage Hymnal. #568
(e) Order My Steps. By Glenn Burleigh
African American Heritage Hymnal. #333
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #526
5. Offering Song or Instrumental
(a) Nothing Between. By Charles Tindley
African American Heritage Hymnal. #397
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #451
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #307
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #292
(b) For All the Saints. By William Howe
African American Heritage Hymnal. #339
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #476
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #105
6. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) I Need Thee Every Hour. By Annie S. Hawkes
African American Heritage Hymnal. #451
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #327
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #238
(b) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. By Ray Palmer
African American Heritage Hymnal. #456
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #415
National Baptist Convention of the United States of America. Gospel Pearls. Nashville, TN: Sunday School Pub. Board, National Baptist Convention, USA, 1994. #22
7. Congregational Songs
(a) He Is Lord. Traditional. Tune, (HE IS LORD).
African American Heritage Hymnal. #285
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #56
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #29
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #107
(b) Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone. By Thomas Shepherd. Tune, (MAITLAND), by George N. Allen
African American Heritage Hymnal. #554
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Hymnal. #512
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #221
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #368
(c) Renew Thy Church, Her Ministries Restore. By Kenneth L. Cober
African American Heritage Hymnal. #343
8. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Come to Jesus. Traditional. Tune, (COME TO JESUS), by Evelyn Simpson-Curenton
African American Heritage Hymnal. #354
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #246
(b) Just as I Am (Without One Plea). By Charlotte Elliott
African American Heritage Hymnal. #344
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #257
Gospel Pearls. #92
(c) Pass Me Not Old Gentle Savior. By Fannie Crosby
African American Heritage Hymnal.
African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal. #272
Gospel Pearls. #106
9. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Always Remember. By Andraé Crouch
Crouch, Andraé. No Time to Lose. Newbury Park, CA: 1984.
Online location: www.andraecrouch.com
African American Heritage Hymnal. #640
(b) Go Ye Now in Peace. By Joyce Eilers
African American Heritage Hymnal. #637
10. Audio Visual Suggestions Images of communities and churches working in communities can be obtained through several entities.
2013 Units