Sunday, October 24, 2010
Nolan Williams, Jr., Lectionary Team Liturgist; Kenneth Mosley, Assistant Liturgist; J. Anthony Plenty, Assistant Liturgist; Reverend Charrise Barron, Contributor, New Haven, CT
Worship Planning Notes
American youth (ages 12–17) are suffering from health problems not previously seen among this age group. From gross obesity, to diabetes, to heart problems, large numbers of our youth are unhealthy. On this Sunday, we want to promote healthy lifestyles, encouraging our young people to make wise choices regarding the food they eat, daily exercise, and actions that lead to healthy living.
To reinforce the theme for this Sunday, plan a range of health-related activities for Youth Sunday weekend. Consider sponsoring a health walk through the city or a neighborhood or host an intramural game tournament. Both ideas help drive home the importance of health while facilitating fellowship and fun.
1. Call to Worship, Litany, and Centering Prayer
Call to Worship
The Word of God teaches us that all we do should be done for the glory of God. Today, we celebrate our young people, encouraging them to let the light of God shine through their lives. We pray for their wholesome development in mind, body, and spirit. We encourage them to develop healthy lifestyles and to make healthy choices so that the divine will of God will be fully actualized in their lives. Today, let’s give God praise for our youth!
Youth Reader: |
We, as young people, are not just the future—we also have the potential to make a world of impact TODAY! |
People: |
Christians are temples of the Holy Spirit, selected for divine use, designated for holy purposes. |
Youth Reader: |
Each day must be spent feeding our mind and our body healthy ingredients. We must educate ourselves spiritually and academically. We provide for our bodies nutrients to fuel our dreams and goals. |
People: |
We are in the world, but not of the world. |
Youth Reader: |
We choose to lift a higher standard. Our social and nutritional diets reflect the best of what God has to offer for energy, sustenance, and motivation! |
People: |
God will take care of all that concerns us, and expects us to do all we can to be fit for God’s purposes. |
Youth Reader: |
Exercise, discipline, and tenacity are all a part of the formula for success in every aspect of life. |
All Adults: |
We acknowledge the pursuit of wholesome lifestyles as a sacred charge and commit ourselves to being examples of healthy lifestyles so that our youth will choose healthy lifestyles. Strengthen us, Lord, to do better than we have done. |
Centering Prayer
Dear Lord, you are our Creator. You have made each of us responsible for maintaining your creation. In our hearts, we place you first among our priorities. In our bodies, we strive for optimal health. Renew in all of us the desire to attain health and wholeness. Help our parents and adults to place the health of our young as a priority. Help our youth to make sound lifestyle choices and to honor their bodies as temples for your Holy Spirit. In your blessed name we do pray. Amen.
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. By Thomas O. Chisholm. Tune, (FAITHFULNESS), by William M. Runyan
(b) No, Not One. By Johnson Oatman, Jr. Tune, (HARPER MEMORIAL), by George C. Hugg
(c) Jesus Paid It All. By Elvina M. Hall. Tune, (ALL TO CHRIST), by John T. Grape
(d) I’ve Got a Reason (Draper’s Legacy). By O’landa Draper
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) This Is the Day. Traditional. Text: Psalm 118:24. Tune by Les Garrett. Arr. by Stephen Key
(b) Oh, How Precious. By Myrna Summers
(c) The Lord Is Blessing Me. Traditional
(d) I Get Joy When I Think About (What He’s Done for Me). Traditional

4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) High Praise. By Reginald Cole and Tim Harper
(b) Let Us Worship. By Tye Tribbett
(c) You Alone Are Worthy. By Nate McNair
(d) We Worship Thee. By Gary Mayes
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) Bless the Lord (Son of Man). By Jon Owens and Kelley Owens
(b) When the Saints Go to Worship. By Donald Lawrence
(c) I Want It All Back. By Tye Tribbett
6. Anthems
(a) Allellujah, Praise Jehovah. By Calvin Barnard Rhone
(b) Our God Reigneth. By Oscar Williams
(c) The Lord’s Prayer. Text derived from Matthew 6:9-13
(d) It Is Well. Text by Horatio Spafford. Tune, (VILLE DU HAVRE), by Philip Bliss. Arr. by Benny Cummings
7. Modern Songs
(a) I Will. By Jason Clayborn
(b) Healed. By Jonathan Nelson
(c) The Corinthian Song. By V. Michael McKay
(d) Lord, Prepare Me to Be a Sanctuary. By Randy Scrugg and John W. Thompson
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Thank You. By Walter Hawkins
(b) Encourage Yourself. By Donald Lawrence
(c) Faithful Is Our God. By Jules Bartholomew
(d) Lord, I Lift Your Name on High. By Rick Founds
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Oh, It Is Jesus. By Andraé Crouch
(b) I Worship You. By Waryn Campbell, Erica Campbell, and Tina Campbell
(c) I Need Thee Every Hour (refrain only). By Annie S. Hawkes. Tune, (NEED), by Robert Lowry
(d) You Can Change. By Tye Tribbett
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) I Desire More. By Asaph Alexander Ward
(b) Holy Spirit. By Donnie Harper
(c) Stir Up the Gift. By Rudolph Standfield
(d) Imagine Me. By Kirk Franklin
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Just Come. By Percy Bady
(b) We Fall Down. By Kyle Matthews
(c) Give Thanks. By Erica Campbell, Tina Campbell, Warryn Campbell, and John “Jubu” Smith
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) I Need You to Survive. By David Frazier
(b) Grateful. By Sean Brown
(c) The Blessing of Abraham. By Donald Lawrence
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Call to Worship, Litany, and Centering Prayer
By Nolan Williams, Jr., Lectionary Liturgist, and Kenneth Mosley, Assistant Liturgist
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. By Thomas O. Chisholm. Tune, (FAITHFULNESS), by William M. Runyan
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #158
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. Nashville, TN: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #80
National Baptist Publishing Board. The New National Baptist Hymnal. Nashville, TN: National Baptist Pub. Board, 1981. #153
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #122
(b) No, Not One. By Johnson Oatman, Jr. Tune, (HARPER MEMORIAL), by George C. Hugg
African American Heritage Hymnal #308
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #258
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #273
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #217
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #221
(c) Jesus Paid It All. By Elvina M. Hall. Tune, (ALL TO CHRIST), by John T. Grape
African American Heritage Hymnal. #357
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #262
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #89
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #257
(d) I’ve Got a Reason (Draper’s Legacy). By O’landa Draper
Walker, Hezekiah & The Love Fellowship Crusade Choir. Family Affair. New York, NY: Verity, 2000.
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) This Is the Day. Traditional. Text: Psalm 118:24. Tune by Les Garrett. Arr. by Stephen Key
African American Heritage Hymnal #108
(b) Oh, How Precious. By Myrna Summers
Taylor, Kathy. Live: The Worship Experience. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2009.
(c) The Lord Is Blessing Me. Traditional
Trotter, Larry & The Sweet Holy Spirit Combined Choir. What’s 2 Come Is Better Than What’s Been. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 1999.
(d) I Get Joy When I Think About (What He’s Done for Me). Traditional
4. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) High Praise. By Reginald Cole and Tim Harper
McAllister, Judith Christie. Essence of Praise & Worship Live. Nashville, TN: Alliant, 2005.
(b) Let Us Worship. By Tye Tribbett
Tribbett, Tye & G.A. Stand Out. New York, NY: Columbia, 2008.
(c) You Alone Are Worthy. By Nate McNair
Armstrong, Vanessa Bell. Desire of My Heart: Live in Detroit. New York, NY: Verity, 1997/1998.
(d) We Worship Thee. By Gary Mayes
Mayes, Gary & Nu Era. The N.E. X-perience, Vol.1. Houston, TX: GVM, 2002.
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) Bless the Lord (Son of Man). By Jon Owens and Kelley Owens
Tribbett, Tye & G.A. Stand Out. New York, NY: Columbia, 2008.
(b) When the Saints Go to Worship. By Donald Lawrence
The Best of Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers: Restoring the Years. Chicago, IL: Chordant, 2003.
(c) I Want It All Back. By Tye Tribbett
Tribbett, Tye & G.A. Victory Live. New York, NY: Sony, 2005/2006.
6. Anthems
(a) Allellujah, Praise Jehovah. By Calvin Barnard Rhone
Whitman, Walt & The Soul Children of Chicago. Growing Up. Nashville, TN: Light, 1996.
(b) Our God Reigneth. By Oscar Williams
That’s My Song Publishing
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Florissant, MO 63033
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Online location: oscarworldwide@aol.com
(c) The Lord’s Prayer. Text derived from Matthew 6:9-13
Whitman, Walt & The Soul Children of Chicago. This Is the Day. Los Angeles, CA: I Am Records, 1990.
(d) It Is Well. Text by Horatio Spafford. Tune, (VILLE DU HAVRE), by Philip Bliss. Arr. by Benny Cummings
Whitman, Walt & The Soul Children of Chicago. This Is the Day. Los Angeles, CA: I Am Records, 1990.
Youthful Praise. Exalted… Live in Baltimore. Nashville, TN: Light Records/Evidence Gospel, 2007.
7. Modern Songs
(a) I Will. By Jason Clayborn
Clayborn, Jason & Thee Ensemble. MusicWord Tieology. Louisville, KY: Complete Tribe Entertainment, 2007.
CD Baby
5925 NE 80 Ave.
Portland, OR 97218-2891
Phone: 503-595-3000
Online location: http://www.cdbaby.com/
(b) Healed. By Jonathan Nelson
Lawrence, Donald & Company. I Speak Life. New York, NY: Verity, 2004.
(c) The Corinthian Song. By V. Michael McKay
Taylor, Kathy. Live: The Worship Experience. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2009.
(d) Lord, Prepare Me to Be a Sanctuary. By Randy Scrugg and John W. Thompson
West Angeles COGIC Mass Choir. No Limit. Nashville, TN: EMI Gospel, 2007.
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Thank You. By Walter Hawkins
Love Alive IV. Jackson, MS: Malaco, 1990.
(b) Encourage Yourself. By Donald Lawrence
Finale: Act II (Live). Nashville, TN: EMI Gospel, 2006.
(c) Faithful Is Our God. By Jules Bartholomew
Walker, Hezekiah & The Love Fellowship Crusade Choir. 20/85 The Experience. New York, NY: Verity, 2005.
(d) Lord, I Lift Your Name on High. By Rick Founds
Pace, Joe. Joe Pace Presents: Sunday Morning Service. Mobile, AL: Integrity Gospel/Epic, 2004.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Oh, It Is Jesus. By Andraé Crouch
Vega, Tata. Now I See. New York, NY: Warner Bros., 1998.
(b) I Worship You. By Warryn Campbell, Erica Campbell, and Tina Campbell
Mary, Mary. The Sound. New York, NY: Columbia, 2008.
(c) I Need Thee Every Hour (refrain only). By Annie S. Hawkes. Tune, (NEED), by Robert Lowry
African American Heritage Hymnal. #451
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #466
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #229
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #305
(d) You Can Change. By Tye Tribbett
Life. New York, NY: Sony, 2004.
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) I Desire More. By Asaph Alexander Ward
Aikin, Crystal. Crystal Aikin. New York, NY. Verity/Zomba/BET, 2008.
(b) Holy Spirit. By Donnie Harper
New Jersey Mass Choir. Hold Up the Light. Nashville, TN: Light, 1987.
(c) Stir Up the Gift. By Rudolph Standfield
Pace, Joe & The Colorado Mass Choir. Best of Joe Pace & The Colorado Mass Choir. New York, NY: Verity, 2001.
(d) Imagine Me. By Kirk Franklin
Hero. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2005.
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Just Come. By Percy Bady
Pace, Joe & The Colorado Mass Choir. God’s Got It. New York, NY: Verity, 1999.
(b) We Fall Down. By Kyle Matthews
McClurkin, Donnie. Live in London and More…. New York, NY: Verity, 2000.
(c) Give Thanks. By Erica Campbell, Tina Campbell, Warryn Campbell, and John “Jubu” Smith
Jakes, T.D. Get Ready: The Best of T.D. Jakes. New York, NY: Sony, 2000.
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) I Need You to Survive. By David Frazier
Walker, Hezekiah & The Love Fellowship Crusade Choir. Family Affair, Vol. 2: Live at Radio City Music Hall. New York, NY: Verity, 2002.
(b) Grateful. By Sean Brown
Walker, Hezekiah & The Love Fellowship Crusade Choir. 20/85 The Experience. New York, NY: Verity, 2005.
(c) The Blessing of Abraham. By Donald Lawrence
Lawrence, Donald & the Tri-City Singers. Finale Act I. Nashville, TN: EMI Gospel, 2006.