Sunday, October 3, 2010
Michelle Riley Jones, Lectionary Team Liturgist
In the Darkness. Mercy
In the morning. Mercy
On my knees now.
Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. Mercy.
—Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon (New York
NY: Vintage Books, 2004).
1. Litany, Responsive Reading, or Invocation
The attached slide can be used during the Music for Invocation, the Invocation, and the Meditation for Gathering. Download Slide
Music for Invocation
Hear Our Prayer. By George Whelpton
(b) Invocation from Psalm 34:17-19
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; [the Lord] delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous [wo]man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers [her] from them all.
Hear our cries, O Lord. Come, and deliver us today.
Meditation for Gathering
(c) Call for the Wailing Women (based on Jeremiah 9:17-20, The Message Bible). By Michelle Riley Jones
Call for the Wailing Women
Jesus’ call is for women who are not afraid to holla! Where are the wailing women, who will prostrate themselves before Almighty God and petition for deliverance?
[Lord, we] “Look over the trouble we’re in and call for help.
Send for some singers who can help us mourn our loss.”
Where are the women who shed tears not only on behalf of themselves but for all those who need a word, and a touch from the Lord?
“Tell them to hurry—to help us express our loss and lament.
Help us get our tears flowing, make tearful music of our crying.”
For we have backslidden; we have made excuses; we have turned our noses up and passed by our sistahs in need. We have been too busy getting our hair done and our nails polished, and we have forgotten about exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit. I feel a wail, even now, in my spirit!
“Listen to it! Listen to that torrent of tears out of Zion.”
Women, clasp your sistahs’ hands and open up your mouths together as God speaks to us today.
“…Women, hear the word of the Lord; open your ears to the
words of his mouth. Teach your daughters how to wail; teach one
another a lament.”
O where are the wailing women?
As we gather this day—knees bent, head bowed, hands lifted, hearts open—
cry aloud in word,
cry aloud in prayer,
cry aloud in song.
For the Lord will record our tears, and list them in the Book of Life. For our God sees and cares and will raise us up and deliver us.
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) God Leads Us Along. Text and Tune, (GOD LEADS US), by G. A. Young
(b) He Leadeth Me. By Joseph H. Gilmore. Tune, (HE LEADETH ME), by William B. Bradbury
(c) Does Jesus Care. By Frank E. Graeff. This is a hauntingly beautiful Southern Gospel
arrangement for quartet.
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Stand by Me. By Charles Albert Tindley
(b) Do What the Spirit Say Do. Traditional. By Ysaye M. Barnwell
(c) Repentir (O Divine Redeemer). By Charles Gounoud
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) The Praise. By LeJeune Thompson
(b) Praise and Worship. By Romel Gibson and John W. Jackson, Jr.
(c) Encourage Yourself. By Donald Lawrence
(d) Home in Glory. By Shawn McLemore
5. Music for Liturgical Dance or Mime Group
(a) As the Deer Medley: Thirst for You. By John Ragsdale, Jr.
(b) I Am Your Servant, Lord. By Donnie McClurkin
6. Anthems
(a) The Righteous Cry Out. By Rosephanye Powell. From Three Psalms of David, for SATB. This is an adaptable work that can be used in a concert or in a regular Sunday worship service.
(b) Pie Jesu (from Requeim, Op. 48: IV). By Gabriel Faure
7. Modern Songs
(a) Please Help Me Now (A Sistah’s Cry). By Herb Middleton
(b) We Cry Out. By Kim Walker. This selection is a Christian-Rock tune.
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Thank You (Asante!). By E. Brailsford and David Stevens
(b) Coming Home. By Madeleine Yayodele Nelson. This is an uplifting steel pan instrumental.
(c) You Can’t Beat God Giving. By Doris Akers
(d) I’m Encouraged. By Thomas Whitfield
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) I Need You. By Antonio Neal and Ayiesha Woods
(b) Faith That Conquers All. By Gerald Scott
(c) Shine on Us. By Lewis Warren, Jr. (featuring Kari Jobe). This can be a vocal or instrumental selection.
(d) God of Comfort. By Marvin Winans and Vickie Winans
(e) Prayer from Hansel and Gretel. By Englebert Humperdink. Arr. by Sondra Tucker. This selection is for handbells, Handbell Level 3.
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) I Look to You. By R. Kelly
(b) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. By Thomas O. Chisholm
(c) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. By Ray Palmer
(d) Jesus the Same. By Sunny Hawkins
(e) Come Boldly. By Joe Guildry, Aaron Lindsey, and Melinda Watts
(f) Be Merciful. By Eddie Robinson
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Midnight Cry. By Greg Day and Chuck Day
(b) I Pray. By Jessica Greene and J. Pidgen
(c) Shine on Us. By Lewis Warren, Jr. This selection can be an arrangement for piano.
(d) Redeemer. By Nicole C. Mullen
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) God Be with You. By Thomas A. Dorsey
(b) Finale: The Lord Is with Us in This Place. By Fred Hammond
(c) The Lord Will Bless His People. By Jalonda Robertson
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Litany, Responsive Reading, or Invocation
Music for Invocation
Hear Our Prayer. By George Whelpton
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #658
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #551
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1985. #684
(b) Invocation from Psalm 34:17-19.
Meditation for Gathering
(c) Call for the Wailing Women (based on Jeremiah 9:17-20, The Message Bible). By Michelle
Riley Jones
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) God Leads Us Along. Text and Tune, (GOD LEADS US), by G. A. Young
African American Heritage Hymnal. #136
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #261
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #386
(b) He Leadeth Me. By Joseph H. Gilmore. Tune, (HE LEADETH ME), by William B. Bradbury
African American Heritage Hymnal. #142
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. Nashville, TN: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #292
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #235
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #537
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #391
(c) Does Jesus Care. By Frank E. Graeff. This is a hauntingly beautiful Southern Gospel arrangement for quartet.
The Isaacs. The Isaacs Naturally: An Almost A Capella Collection. Alexandria, IN: Spring House Music, 2009.
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Stand by Me. By Charles Albert Tindley
Staples, Mavis. Spirituals & Gospel: Dedicated to Mahalia Jackson. France: Universal Music Jazz, 1996.
(b) Do What the Spirit Say Do. Traditional. By Ysaye M. Barnwell
Sweet Honey in the Rock. Experience 101. West Chester, PA: Appleseed, 2007.
(c) Repentir (O Divine Redeemer). By Charles Gounoud
Norman, Jessye. Sacred Songs & Spirituals. London, UK: Decca Music Group, 2005.
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) The Praise. By LeJeune Thompson
Metamorphosis. Charlotte, NC: LeCe Entertainment, 2008.
(b) Praise and Worship. By Romel Gibson and John W. Jackson, Jr.
The Anointed Pace Sisters. Access Granted. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscott Records, 2009.
(c) Encourage Yourself. By Donald Lawrence
Jones-Moffett, Sheri. Renewed. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2009.
(d) Home in Glory. By Shawn McLemore
Lyricsings. Brand New Day. Houston, TN: Canvas Records/Lyric, 2006.
5. Music for Liturgical Dance or Mime Group
(a) As the Deer Medley: Thirst for You. By John Ragsdale, Jr.
Alessi, Mary. When Women Worship. Miami, FL: Miami Life Sounds, 2007.
(b) I Am Your Servant, Lord. By Donnie McClurkin
The McClurkins. We Praise You. New York, NY: Zomba Gospel, 2006.
6. Anthems
(a) The Righteous Cry Out. By Rosephanye Powell. From Three Psalms of David, for SATB.
This is an adaptablework that can be used in a concert or in a regular Sunday worship
Hal Leonard Publishing
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(b) Pie Jesu (from Requeim, Op. 48: IV). By Gabriel Faure
Battle, Kathleen. Twentieth Century Masters—The Millennium Collection: Kathleen Battle. Santa Monica, CA: Universal Music, 2004.
7. Modern Songs
(a) Please Help Me Now (A Sistah’s Cry). By Herb Middleton
McClendon, Lisa. Reality. Jacksonville, FL: BluSoul Entertainment, 2009.
(b) We Cry Out. By Kim Walker. This selection is a Christian-Rock tune.
Walker, Kim. Jesus Culture: We Cry Out. Redding, CA: Jesus Culture, 2008.
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Thank You (Asante!). By E. Brailsford and David Stevens
McClendon, Lisa. Reality. Jacksonville, FL: BluSoul Entertainment, 2009.
(b) Coming Home. By Madeleine Yayodele Nelson. This is an uplifting steel pan instrumental.
Women of the Calabash. The Kwanzaa Album. New York, NY: Bermuda Reefs Records, 1998.
(c) You Can’t Beat God Giving. By Doris Akers
Battle, Lanee. There Are Times. Lemongrove, CA: Kingdom Records, 2002.
(d) I’m Encouraged. By Thomas Whitfield
Morton, Paul S., Sr. and Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship Women’s Mass Choir. Daughters of the Promise (Live) [Featuring Vanessa Bell Armstrong]. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2003.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) I Need You. By Antonio Neal and Ayiesha Woods
V3. V3. Brentwood, TN: EMI Gospel, 2006.
(b) Faith That Conquers All. By Gerald Scott
Watts, Melinda. People Get Ready. New York, NY: Razor and Tie, 2009.
(c) Shine on Us. By Lewis Warren, Jr. (featuring Kari Jobe). This can be a vocal or instrumental
Shine on Us. Dallas, TX: Lewis Warren, Jr., 2009.
(d) God of Comfort. By Marvin Winans and Vickie Winans
Winans, Vickie. Woman to Woman: Songs of Life. New York, NY: Zomba Gospel, 2006.
(e) Prayer from Hansel and Gretel. By Englebert Humperdink. Arr. by Sondra Tucker. This selection is for handbells, Handbell Level 3.
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Product: #HB355
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) I Look to You. By R. Kelly
Houston, Whitney. I Look to You. New York, NY: RCA/Jive Label Group, 2009.
(b) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. By Thomas O. Chisholm
Pine Forge Academy Choir. Rock in a Weary Land. Pine Forge, PA: Pine Forge Academy, 2007.
(c) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. By Ray Palmer
Burrell, Kim. No Ways Tired. Newton, NJ: Shananchie Entertainment, 2009.
(d) Jesus the Same. By Sunny Hawkins
More of You. Santa Monica, CA: Still Waters Recordings, 2007.
(e) Come Boldly. By Joe Guildry, Aaron Lindsey, and Melinda Watts
Watts, Melinda. People Get Ready. New York, NY: Razor and Tie, 2009.
(f) Be Merciful. By Eddie Robinson
Peoples, Dottie. Do It. Atlanta, GA: DP Muzik Group, 2008.
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Midnight Cry. By Greg Day and Chuck Day
Boyd-Gillis, Veronica. The Lord Is Good. Waldorf, MD: Veronica Boyd-Gillis, 2004.
(b) I Pray. By Jessica Greene and J. Pidgen
Greene, Jessica. 4 The World. Baltimore, MD: Habakkuk Music, 2007.
(c) Shine on Us. By Lewis Warren, Jr. This selection can be an arrangement for piano.
Shine on Us. Dallas, TX: Lewis Warren, Jr., 2009.
(d) Redeemer. By Nicole C. Mullen
Nicole C. Mullen. New York, NY: Word Entertainment, 2000.
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) God Be with You. By Thomas A. Dorsey
African American Heritage Hymnal. #639
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #308
(b) Finale: The Lord Is with Us in This Place. By Fred Hammond
Adams, Yolanda. The Essential Yolanda Adams. New York, NY: Provident Label Group, 1992/1995.
(c) The Lord Will Bless His People. By Jalonda Robertson
Cheri, Richard and Jalonda Robertson. Good Ground. Franklin Park, IL: J.S. Paluch Company/World Library Publications, 2007.