Sunday, September 19, 2010
Nolan Williams, Jr., Lectionary Team Liturgist; Kenneth Mosley, Assistant Liturgist; J. Anthony Plenty, Assistant Liturgist; Sylveta Brown; Jemarlo Brown, Contributor, Minister of Music, Fountain of Faith Church, Atlanta, GA
Worship Planning Notes
Much has been made of the deterioration of the black family. On this Sunday, we salute the black family in its myriad forms, from single-family households to extended families. We speak affirmations of faith over these households, that each family head will have the boldness like Joshua to proclaim, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” (Joshua 24:15).
In preparation for this Sunday, find three different types of family structures in your congregation and involve them in the worship experience. For example, have a single mother or father with children do the Centering Prayer together, each rendering a line. Have a family with adopted or foster children share corporately in leading the Litany; and have an extended family circle share in some other worship aspect, such as the Offertory period or Benediction.
1. Call to Worship, Centering Prayer, and Litany
Call to Worship
Joshua 24:14-17
“Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
Then the people answered, “Far be it from us to forsake the Lord to serve other gods! It was the Lord our God himself who brought us and our fathers up out of Egypt, from that land of slavery, and performed those great signs before our eyes. He protected us on our entire journey and among all the nations through which we traveled.”
Centering Prayer
Dear Lord, in a time when loyalty to relationships of all kinds seems diminished, we commit ourselves anew to building our families, friendships, and kinships. We believe in your plan to knit us together through human blood, through extended familiar relations, and through this household of faith.
Help us, O God, to never take our relationships for granted, recognizing that they form the fabric of our society and the foundation for personal and spiritual growth. In your blessed name we do pray. Amen.
Reader: |
Because of the Lord’s blessings, each of us has been given a family. |
People: |
Whether biologically or through relationship, we are blessed to have people who
care for us, and for whom we care. |
Reader: |
The family unit must be strengthened. |
People: |
Under the hand of God, we strive to teach our children the ways of godly living. By the grace of God, we commit ourselves to building and sustaining loving and affirming familial relationships. |
Reader: |
We’re grateful to God for blessing us with many types of families in the household of faith. Together, we strengthen each other. |
All: |
And as for our houses, we will serve the Lord! |
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) To God Be the Glory. By Fanny J. Crosby. Tune, (BE THE GLORY), by William H. Doane
(b) Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. By Henry van Dyke. Tune, (HYMN TO JOY), Arr. from
Ludwig van Beethoven, by Edward Hodges
(c) Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand. By Jennie Wilson
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit. Arr. by Bob Chilcott
(b) Woke Up This Mornin’. Traditional 
(c) Done Made My Vow. By Nolan Williams, Jr. Tune, (UNCHANGING HAND), by F. L.
Eiland. Arr. by Stephen Key
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Flow to You. By Lunn Deshazo
(b) High Praise. By Reginald Cole and Tim Harper
(c) Praise Medley: Call Him Up/Celebrate Jesus/Great & Mighty Is He. By Tom Brooks, Ricky
Grundy, and Gary Oliver
(d) Have Your Way. By Curtis “Busta” Brown and Levi Stewart
(e) For Your Glory. By Mia Booker
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) I’m Still Here. By Dorinda Clark-Cole and Asaph A. Ward
(b) Praise Him in Advance. By Deon Kipping
(c) God Believes in You. By Ted Winn
(d) Worshipper in Me. By Jonathan Dunn
6. Anthems
(a) It Pays to Serve Jesus. Arr. by Nathan Carter
(b) I Will Give Thanks Unto Thee. By G. Rossini
(c) A Good and Faithful Servant of the Lord. By David Lantz, III
7. Modern Songs
(a) Glory to the Highest. By Noel Jones
(b) Family Bible. By Willie Nelson
(c) Total Praise. By Pastor Rudy
(d) The Family of God. By William J. Gaither
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) The Lord Is Blessing Me. By Larry Trotter
(b) Come, Ye Thankful People Come. Text By Henry Alford. Tune by George J. Elvery
(c) I Will Call Upon the Lord. By Kevin Davidson and Marque Walker
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) We Shall Receive. By Kevin Davidson and Toya Wilson Gillard
(b) Place of Worship. By Jason Nelson
(c) Across the Miles. By Karen Stayley
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Dear God. By Smokie Norful
(b) My Hands Are Lifted Up. By Jamel Strong
(c) I Lift My Hands. By Natasha Brown
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Lord, You Are All. By William Toney
(b) In Spite Of. By William Toney
(c) He Is Able. By Greg Ferguson, John Jackson, and Rory Noland
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) I Will Bless the Lord. By Isaiah Thomas
(b) Bless the Lord (Son of Man). By Jon Owens and Kelly Owens
(c) Sweet, Sweet Spirit. By Doris Akers
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Call to Worship, Centering Prayer and Litany. By Nolan Williams, Jr. and Kenneth
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) To God Be the Glory. By Fanny J. Crosby. Tune, (BE THE GLORY), by William H. Doane
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #157
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. Nashville, TN: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #50
National Baptist Publishing Board. The New National Baptist Hymnal. Nashville, TN: National Baptist Pub. Board, 1981. #23
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #19
(b) Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. By Henry van Dyke. Tune, (HYMN TO JOY), Arr. from
Ludwig van Beethoven, by Edward Hodges
African American Heritage Hymnal. #120
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #11
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #197
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #19
(c) Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand. By Jennie Wilson. Tune, (UNCHANGING HAND), by F.
L. Eiland. Arr. by Stephen Key
African American Heritage Hymnal. #404
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #45
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #248
Yes, Lord! Church of God In Christ Hymnal. #406
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit. Arr. by Bob Chilcott
(b) Woke Up This Mornin’. Traditional
African American Heritage Hymnal. #566
(c) Done Made My Vow. By Nolan Williams, Jr.
NEWorks Publications
P.O. Box 4599
Washington, DC 20017
Phone: 877-293-9734
Online location: neworksinc@aol.com
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Flow to You. By Lunn Deshazo
Morton, Paul and the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship. Embracing the Next Dimension. Nashville, TN: Light, 2007.
(b) High Praise. By Reginald Cole and Tim Harper
Various Artists. Performed by Judith Christie McAllister. Essence of Praise and Worship: Live. Nashville, TN: Alliant, 2005.
(c) Praise Medley: Call Him Up/Celebrate Jesus/Great & Mighty Is He. By Tom Brooks, Ricky
Grundy, and Gary Oliver
RaSean, Todd. Urban Worship. Utopia Music Group, 2006.
(d) Have Your Way. By Curtis “Busta” Brown and Levi Stewart
New Direction. Rain. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2004.
(e) For Your Glory. By Mia Booker
Morton, Bishop Paul and the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship. Embracing the Next Dimension. Nashville, TN: Light, 2007.
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) I’m Still Here. By Dorinda Clark-Cole and Asaph A. Ward
Clark-Cole, Dorinda. Dorinda Clark-Cole. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2002.
(b) Praise Him in Advance. By Deon Kipping
Sapp, Marvin. Thirsty. New York, NY: Verity, 2007.
(c) God Believes in You. By Ted Winn
Balance. Newton, NJ: Shanachie, 2009.
(d) Worshipper in Me. By Jonathan Dunn
Sapp, Marvin. Thirsty. New York, NY: Verity, 2007.
6. Anthems
(a) It Pays to Serve Jesus. Arr. by Nathan Carter
GIA Publications, Inc.
7404 South Mason Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
Phone: 1-800-442-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
(b) I Will Give Thanks Unto Thee. By G. Rossini
J. W. Pepper & Sons Incorporated
2480 Industrial Blvd
Paoli, PA 19301
Phone: 1-800-345-6296
Online location: www.jwpepper.com
(c) A Good and Faithful Servant of the Lord. By David Lantz, III
Beckenhorst Press, Inc.
960 Old Henderson Road
Columbus, OH 43220
Phone: 614-451-6461
Online location: www.beckenhorstpress.com
7. Modern Songs
(a) Glory to the Highest. By Noel Jones
Jones, Noel & the City of Refuge Sanctuary Choir. Welcome to the City. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2007.
(b) Family Bible. By Willie Nelson
County Gospel: Featuring Various Artists. Los Angeles, CA: Hollywood Records, 1987/1994.
Online location: www.amazon.com
(c) Total Praise. By Pastor Rudy
Pastor Rudy Rasmus: Touch The Pastor Rudy Experience, Vol. 1. Houston, TX and New York, NY: Music World Entertainment/Spirit Rising Music, 2006.
(d) The Family of God. By William J. Gaither and Gloria Gaither
The Bill Gaither Trio, Vol. 2. The Family of God. Alexandria, IN: Gaither Music, 2005.
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) The Lord Is Blessing Me. By Bishop Larry Trotter
Trotter, Larry & The Sweet Holy Spirit Combined Choir. What’s 2 Come Is Better Than What’s Been. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 1999.
(b) Come, Ye Thankful People Come. Text By Henry Alford. Tune by George J. Elvery
African American Heritage Hymnal. #194
(c) I Will Call Upon the Lord. By Kevin Davidson and Marque Walker
Davidson, Kevin & The Voices. Overflow. Nashville, TN: New Haven, 2006.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) We Shall Receive. By Kevin Davidson and Toya Wilson Gillard
Perfection. Perfection. Seattle, WA: JEA/Right Now, 2008.
(b) Place of Worship. By Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson and Jaelyn. Place of Worship. Nashville, TN: Central South Distribution, 2008.
(c) Across the Miles. By Karen Stayley
IIIrd Tyme Out. Living on the Other Side. Burlington, MA: Rounder Records, 1996.
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Dear God. By Smokie Norful
Live. Nashville, TN: CMG, 2009.
(b) My Hands Are Lifted Up. By Jamel Strong
Jamel Strong Presents The Triple M Mass Choir. It’s Your Time. Huntsville, AL: Strongtower (INDIE) , 2004.
(c) I Lift My Hands. By Natasha Brown
Arkansas Gospel Mass Choir. Hold on for Life. Middleburg, FL: T Records, 2008.
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Lord, You Are All. By William Toney
Toney, William & Teleios. Any Way You Bless Me. Nashville, TN: Alliant, 2005.
(b) In Spite Of. By William Toney
Toney, William & Teleios. Any Way You Bless Me. Nashville, TN: Alliant, 2005.
(c) He Is Able. By Greg Ferguson, John Jackson, and Rory Noland
Smith, L. Spenser & Testament. Statement. Middleburg, FL: Emtro Gospel, 2006.
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) I Will Bless the Lord. By Isaiah Thomas
Cage, Byron. An Invitation to Worship. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2005.
(b) Bless the Lord (Son of Man). By Jon Owens and Kelly Owens
Tribbett, Tye & G.A. Stand Out. New York, NY: Columbia, 2008.
(c) Sweet, Sweet Spirit. By Doris Akers
African American Heritage Hymnal. #326
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #218
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #75
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #123
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #192