Sunday, August 22, 2010
Nolan Williams, Jr., Lectionary Team Liturgist and Kenneth Mosley, Assistant Liturgist
Worship Planning Notes
This Revival unit is focused around the story of Job. Job lost everything. His 401K was wiped out; he could not afford health care; his food and cattle were wiped out. Job was angry about his situation at points. At other times, he was dazed. But through it all, Job held on to the God in whom the poor and needy can place their hope.
Following Job’s example, the Church needs a revival of trust in God to handle all of our circumstances. God has promised to be our keeper and provider, especially when we face systems designed to neglect and even harm us. These Revival worship services should remind our congregants that we, like Job, are safe in committing our causes (even financial causes) to God.
Involving Young People in the Revival Services
As a way of involving the young people in the message of this year’s Revival series, engage them by having them develop a 10-15 minute skit that dramatizes the story of Job. Empower them to write the skit and to use their creativity in putting it together. Allow them to present their dramatization on the final night of Revival.
For reference, here are two examples of creative interpretations of the Job story:
1. Call to Worship, Litany, and Centering Prayer
Call to Worship
In today’s trying times, we have become aware like never before that our lives are not controlled by our own power. Our destinies are not governed by political forces. Our life’s assignments are not initiated by humankind. Rather, as the hymn writer Edward Mote proclaimed, “Our hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. We dare not trust the sweetest frame,” for these perilous times dictate that we “wholly lean on Jesus’ name!” Our souls are anchored in Jesus. Our lives are found in him, and we are solidly standing on Christ, the solid rock!
Job 5:8-16 |
Reader: |
But if it were I, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before him. |
People: |
He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. |
Reader: |
He bestows rain on the earth; he sends water upon the countryside. |
People: |
The lowly he sets on high, and those who mourn are lifted to safety. |
Reader: |
He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success. |
People: |
He catches the wise in their craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are swept away. |
Reader: |
Darkness comes upon them in the daytime; at noon they grope as in the night. |
All: |
He saves the needy from the sword in their mouth; he saves them from the clutches of the powerful. So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth. |
Centering Prayer
O God, in times of lack despair, we are grateful that we are not dependent on worldly provisions. For you are our provision, and in you we find our every need supplied. Thank you for your unfailing love, grace, mercy, and salvation. We have been saved from destitution of spirit, soul, and body. And though we, at times, face transitions, unexpected change, and even circumstances that appear to be setbacks, we have become more convinced with each passing day that you are in total control of our lives!
It is with this perspective that we worship you today, worry-free, resting in your peace, and fully expecting to see your divine hand and wisdom in each hard situation we face. We are blessed to find our comfort in you. In your name we pray. Amen.
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Standing on the Promises. Text and Tune, (PROMISES), by R. Kelso Carter
(b) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. By Thomas O. Chisholm. Tune, (FAITHFULNESS), by
William M. Runyan
(c) Amazing Grace. By John Newton. Tune, (NEW BRITAIN), by Virginia Harmony
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) 99 ½ Won’t Do. By Dorothy Love Coates
(b) Battlefield. By Norman Hutchins
(c) Done Made My Vow. Arr. by Nolan Williams, Jr.
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Hold Up the Light. By Donnie Harper
(b) I’m Not Tired Yet. By Milton Biggham
(c) Everything Will Be Alright. By Robert Gullette
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) I Told the Storm. By Gregory O’Quin
(b) Don’t Give Up on Jesus. By Thomas Whitfield
(c) Chasing after You (The Morning Song). By Christopher Stevens and Tye Tribbett
(d) To Live Is Christ. By Kirk Franklin. This selection is for a solo.
6. Anthems
(a) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Arr. by Nathan Carter
(b) Grace. By Mark Hayes
(c) Devotion. By John Ness Beck
7. Modern Songs
(a) Still Standing. By Cindy Cruse Ratcliff and Israel Houghton
(b) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. By Jimmy Fisher & Contagious Praise
(c) Above All/Lord I Lift Your Name on High. By Paul Blanche, Rick Founds, and
Lenny LeBlanc
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) I’m Determined. By Roger Culberson
(b) If We Faint Not. By Matthew D. Harris
(c) Hold On Old Soldier. By Walter Hawkins
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Near the Cross. By Angie Curry and Frank Williams
(b) I’m Going Through. By Thomas Whitfield
(c) Yes. By Derrick Horne and Jerry Smith
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) I Trust You. By James Fortune and T. Vaughn
(b) Safety. By Oscar Williams, Jr.
(c) That’s When You Bless Me. By John Black and Tony Wilkins
(d) For the Good of Them. By Darius Brooks
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Something Within. By Lucie E. Campbell
(b) God Specializes. By Gloria Griffin
(c) This Time I’m Going All the Way. By Milton Biggham
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) I’ll Be with You. By Eric Alphonson and Daryl Coley. This selection is for solo.
(b) Stand. By Milton Biggham
(c) Hallelujah, Amen. By Nolan Williams, Jr.
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Call to Worship, Litany and Centering Prayer. By Nolan Williams, Jr., and
Kenneth Mosley
2. Hymns and Traditional Songs
(a) Standing on the Promises. Text and Tune, (PROMISES), by R. Kelso Carter
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #373
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. Nashville, TN: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #260
National Baptist Publishing Board. The New National Baptist Hymnal. Nashville, TN: National Baptist Pub. Board, 1981. #279
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #105
(b) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. By Thomas O. Chisholm. Tune, (FAITHFULNESS), by
William M. Runyan
African American Heritage Hymnal. #158
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #80
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #242
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #153
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #122
(c) Amazing Grace. By John Newton. Tune, (NEW BRITAIN), by Virginia Harmony
African American Heritage Hymnal. #271
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #501
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #173
The New National Baptist Hymnal. #132
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #80
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) 99 ½ Won’t Do. By Dorothy Love Coates
Coates, Dorothy Love & The Original Gospel Harmonettes. Get on Board. Specialty, 1995.
(b) Battlefield. By Norman Hutchins
Battlefield. Columbia, SC: Just Do It, 1999.
(c) Done Made My Vow. Arr. by Nolan Williams, Jr.
NEWorks Publications
P.O. Box 4599
Washington, DC 20017
Phone: 877-293-9734
Online location: neworksinc@aol.com
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Hold Up the Light. By Donnie Harper
New Jersey Mass Choir of the GMWA. Hold Up the Light. Nashville, TN: Light, 1987.
(b) I’m Not Tired Yet. By Milton Biggham
Mississippi Mass Choir. Not by Might Nor by Power. Jackson, MS: Malaco, 2004/2005.
(c) Everything Will Be Alright. By Robert Gullette
Malloy, Donald. Everything Will Be Alright. Santa Monica, CA: A&M, 1993.
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) I Told the Storm. By Gregory O’Quin
O’Quin, Gregory ‘N Joyful Noyze. Conversations. New York, NY: Sony, 1998.
(b) Don’t Give Up on Jesus. By Thomas Whitfield
Coley, Daryl. Live in Oakland: Home Again. New York, NY: Verity, 1997.
(c) Chasing After You (The Morning Song). By Christopher Stevens and Tye Tribbett
Tribbett, Tye & G.A. Stand Out. New York, NY: Columbia, 2008.
(d) To Live Is Christ. By Kirk Franklin. This selection is for a solo.
Coley, Daryl. In My Dreams. Brentwood, TN: Sparrow, 1994.
6. Anthems
(a) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Arr. by Nathan Carter
GIA Publications, Inc.
7404 South Mason Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
Phone: 1-800-442-1358
Online location: http://www.giamusic.com
(b) Grace. By Mark Hayes
Beckenhorst Press, Inc.
960 Old Henderson Road
Columbus, OH 43220
Phone: 614-451-6461
Online location: www.beckenhorstpress.com
(c) Devotion. By John Ness Beck
7. Modern Songs
(a) Still Standing. By Cindy Cruse Ratcliff and Israel Houghton
Joel Osteen Ministries & Lakewood Church. Free to Worship. Houston, TX: Lakewood Music, 2007.
(b) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. By Jimmy Fisher & Contagious Praise
Faithful Central Church. Live from Faithful Central: Zion Rejoice. Mobile, AL: Integrity, 2005.
(c) Above All/Lord I Lift Your Name on High. By Paul Blanche, Rick Founds, and Lenny LeBlanc
Hurd, Stephen A. Times of Refreshing. Mobile, AL: Integrity, 2008.
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) I’m Determined. By Roger Culberson
Douroux, Margaret & the Heritage Mass Choir. Already Done. Los Angeles, CA: JDI, 1997.
(b) If We Faint Not. By Matthew D. Harris
Dillard, Ricky and New G. No Limit. Detroit, MI: Crystal Rose, 2000.
(c) Hold On Old Soldier. By Walter Hawkins
Mississippi Mass Choir. The First Twenty Years. Jackson, MS: Malaco, 2008.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Near the Cross. By Angie Curry and Frank Williams
Mississippi Mass Choir. The Mississippi Mass Choir. Jackson, MS: Malaco, 1987.
(b) I’m Going Through. By Thomas Whitfield
Whitfield, Thomas & The Whitfield Company. I’m Encouraged. Detroit, MI: Sounds of Gospel, 1990.
(c) Yes. By Derrick Horne and Jerry Smith
Mississippi Mass Choir. It Remains to be Seen. Jackson, MS: Malaco, 1993.
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) I Trust You. By James Fortune and T. Vaughn
Fortune, James & FIYA. The Transformation. Houston, TX: Worldwide, 2007.
(b) Safety. By Oscar Williams, Jr.
Williams, Oscar & Perfected Praise. Unstoppable. Indianapolis, IN: Aleho, 2005.
(c) That’s When You Bless Me. By John Black and Tony Wilkins
L. A. Mass Choir. Can’t Hold Back. Santa Monica, CA: A&M, 1989.
(d) For the Good of Them. By Darius Brooks
Brunson, Milton. Available to You. New York, NY: Sony, 1988.
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Something Within. By Lucie E. Campbell
Andrews, Inez. Most Requested Songs. Los Angeles, CA: Fuel 2000, 2005.
(b) God Specializes. By Gloria Griffin
Various Artists. Experience Gospel: Gospel Collaborations. Calvin Records, 2008.
(c) This Time I’m Going All the Way. By Milton Biggham
Cleveland, James. Soon I Will Be Done (With the New Jersey Mass Choir). Japan: Savoy, 1990.
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) I’ll Be with You. By Eric Alphonson and Daryl Coley
Various Artists. Celebrate Black History. Nashville, TN: Light, 2008.
(b) Stand. By Milton Biggham
Georgia Mass Choir. I Owe You the Praise. Jackson, MS: Malaco, 2002.
(c) Hallelujah, Amen. By Nolan Williams, Jr.