Betania at the Jordan River, considered to be the site of the Baptism of Jesus
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Nolan Williams, Jr., Lectionary Team Liturgist; Kenneth Mosley, Assistant Liturgist; and J. Anthony Plenty, Assistant Liturgist
Worship Planning Notes
On this moment in the calendar year, the Church is again afforded an opportunity to teach why it engages in baptism. Faith communities engage in baptism using different methods. What is significant, as Jesus points out in John 3:1-10, is the baptism of the Spirit and truly being born again.
Make Your Baptism Service Meaningful
Baptism has so long been a rite of the church that now little attention is given to baptism ceremonies. We sprinkle or submerge those who partake of the rite and move on with worship. However, baptism is one of the main ordinances celebrated in Protestant Churches and should receive appropriate attention. So, make each baptism service significant.
- Always print the names of those to be baptized in the bulletin/order of worship on the day of your baptismal service.
- Always extend special invitations to attend the service to the family and friends of each baptismal candidate.
- Do a two minute explanation explaining why your church baptizes. Thereafter, each time that you baptize, for two minutes or more, lift a different point to explain the significance of baptism in the Christian Church.
- Always have appropriate study literature ready to give to those who are newly baptized. The Pastor or Director of Christian Education can determine what newly baptized persons need to properly begin this phase of their walk with Christ.
- Ensure that appropriate music is played during each baptism service.
- Before or after all persons are baptized, give a corporate prayer of thanks to God for their joining the Church of Jesus Christ and pray that those who are mature saints of your church will serve as good examples for the newly baptized.
- Be sure to present persons with Baptismal Certificates. These can be purchased at any Christian Book Store or even printed from the web. Make sure that each certificate is properly signed and dated.
- If time permits, allow newly baptized persons to give a testimony concerning why this moment is meaningful to them. If time is limited, select one or two persons for testimonies. Make sure that they are asked in advanced and not shortly before they are to be baptized. Give them guidelines for remarks in your church and indicate to them how much time has been allotted for their remarks.
1. Call to Worship, Centering Prayer, and Litany
Call to Worship
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Behold, Light has come into the world, and whoever lives by the truth comes into the Light, so that all can see God at work in our lives! (adapted from John 3:16, 21)
Centering Prayer
O God, you have revealed to humankind the depth of your unconditional love by extending to us the gift of your Son. Thank you for making provision for us to be reconciled with you. As we consider your love, your grace, and your perfect plan, we celebrate afresh the gift of salvation. Today, we especially lift the holy rite of baptism as our spiritual landmark of culmination and commencement. Baptism marks the end of self-centered, carnal living, and the beginning of our God-centered, Spirit-led lives. In this sacred moment, we observe and remember the change you have made in our hearts because of Christ. And, with each passing day, we strive all the more to walk worthy of the sacrifice he has made and the abundant life we have gained. In your name, we pray. Amen.
Leader: |
With the dark past behind us, we celebrate this new day, and look onward to each brighter tomorrow. |
People: |
As the Savior dwelt in the tomb and was resurrected, so are we buried in baptism, arising from the watery grave with newness of life. |
Leader: |
To know the Lord, both in his power, and his resurrection, we celebrate his victorious triumph over sin and death with this sacred rite. |
People: |
Salvation is free to all, and we are not ashamed of the good news of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation. |
Leader: |
This world brings trouble all its own, and our observance of baptism is a reminder that Jesus has overcome the world. |
People: |
We are in the world, but not of the world. We have been reborn—of water and of the spirit. |
Leader: |
Therefore, we joyfully commemorate his death, burial, and resurrection! And we also celebrate our spiritual resurrection, knowing that we are buried with him in baptism, and raised to reign with him in this world, and in the world to come. |
All: |
We thankfully rejoice over our redemption, and we embrace our
commission to spread the gospel to those who are lost! |
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine. By Adoniram Judson. Tune, (ERNAN, LM), by
Lowell Mason
(b) Hallelujah, ‘Tis Done. Text and Tune by Philip P. Bliss
(c) Hallelujah, ‘Tis Done. African American traditional. Arr. by Evelyn Simpson-
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Lord, I Know I’ve Been Changed. Traditional
(b) Certainly Lord. Traditional
(c) Oh Happy Day. By Edwin Hawkins
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Changed. By Walter Hawkins
(b) Just Because He’s God. By Edwin Hawkins
(c) Amazing. By Justin Savage
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) Wade in the Water. Traditional
(b) Take Me to the Water. Traditional
(c) New Life. By David Caton
6. Anthems
(a) One Faith, One Hope, One Lord. By Craig Courtney
(b) The Power of the Cross. By Mark Hayes, Keith Getty, and Stuart Townsend
(c) Amazing Grace. Arr. by John Ness Beck
7. Baptism Songs
(a) Oh, How Wondrous. By John P. Kee
(b) Wash Me. By John P. Kee
(c) Take Me to the Water. By Rollo Dilworth
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Never Shall Forget. By John P. Kee
(b) Awesome God. By Norman Hutchins
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Forgiven. By John P. Kee
(b) Let the Rivers Flow. By Susan Sacca
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Redeemed. By Don Herron
(b) If It Wasn’t for Your Grace. By Kurt Carr
(c) Amazing Grace. By Kathy Taylor-Brown
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) New Life. By John P. Kee
(b) Jesus Paid It All. By Eddie James
(c) New Life. By Chris Anderson
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Oh Happy Day. Traditional
(b) Live for You. By John P. Kee
(c) New Name in Glory. Traditional. Arr. by Robert J. Fryson
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Call to Worship, Centering Prayer, and Litany. By Nolan Williams, Jr. and
Kenneth Mosley
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine. By Adoniram Judson. Tune, (ERNAN, LM), by
Lowell Mason
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #677
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. Nashville, TN: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #210
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #191
(b) Hallelujah, ‘Tis Done. Text and Tune by Philip P. Bliss
African American Heritage Hymnal. #672
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #438
(c) Hallelujah, ‘Tis Done. African American traditional. Arr. by Evelyn Simpson-
African American Heritage Hymnal. #673
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Lord, I Know I’ve Been Changed. Traditional
Pace, LaShaun. Look Up Sing Out…Glory. New York, NY: EMI, 2006.
(b) Certainly Lord. Traditional
Five Blind Boys of Mississippi. Something to Shout About. London, England: Shout, 2007.
(c) Oh Happy Day. By Edwin Hawkins
Hawkins, Tramaine. I Never Lost My Praise. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2007.
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Changed. By Walter Hawkins
Hawkins, Edwin. Celebrate Black History. Nashville, TN: Light, 2008.
(b) Just Because He’s God. By Edwin Hawkins
If You Love Me. Pomona, NY: Fixit, 1993.
(c) Amazing. By Justin Savage
Hurd, Stephen. Times of Refreshing. Mobile, AL: Integrity, 2008.
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) Wade in the Water. Traditional
Sweet Honey in the Rock. Live at Carnegie Hall. Chicago, IL: Flying Fish Records, 1988.
(b) Take Me to the Water. Traditional
Petty, Clifford W. Touch Jesus. Franklin Park, IL: World Library Publications, 2009.
(c) New Life. By David Caton
Wright, Timothy and the New York Fellowship Choir. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Ontario, Canada: Koch, 2005.
6. Anthems
(a) One Faith, One Hope, One Lord. By Craig Courtney
Lorenz Press, Inc.
501 E. Third Street
P.O. Box 802
Dayton, OH 45401
Phone: 1-800-444-1144
Online location: www.lorenz.com
(b) The Power of the Cross. By Mark Hayes, Keith Getty, and Stuart Townsend
Lorenz Press, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-444-1144
Online location: www.lorenz.com
(c) Amazing Grace. Arr. by John Ness Beck
Beckenhorst Press, Inc.
960 Old Henderson Road
Columbus, OH 43220
Phone: 614-451-6461
Online location: www.beckenhorstpress.com
7. Baptism Songs
(a) Oh, How Wondrous. By John P. Kee
Hooked on the Hits. New York, NY: Verity, 2003.
(b) Wash Me. By John P. Kee
Hooked on the Hits. New York, NY: Verity, 2003.
(c) Take Me to the Water. By Rollo Dilworth
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) Never Shall Forget. By John P. Kee
Hooked on the Hits. New York, NY: Verity, 2003.
(b) Awesome God. By Norman Hutchins
Nobody But You. Los Angeles, CA: JDI, 1999.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Forgiven. By John P. Kee
Kee, John P. and the New Life Community Choir. Nothing But Worship. London, England: Zomba, 2007.
(b) Let the Rivers Flow. By Susan Sacca
Lillenas Publishing Company
2923 Troost
Kansas City, MO 64109
Phone: 816-931-1900
Online location: www.lillenas.com
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Redeemed. By Don Herron
L.A. Mass Choir. I Can’t Hold Back. Inglewood, CA: A&M, 1989.
(b) If It Wasn’t for Your Grace. By Kurt Carr
No One Else. Santa Monica, CA: Interscope, 1997.
(c) Amazing Grace. By Kathy Taylor-Brown
Taylormade. Indianapolis, IN: Aleho, 1999.
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) New Life. By John P. Kee
The Essential John P. Kee. New York, NY: Verity, 2007.
(b) Jesus Paid It All. By Eddie James
Fervent Worship. Hamilton, AL: Fresh Wine Records, 2009.
(c) New Life. By Chris Anderson
McFarland, Kim. Divas of Gospel. Downers Grove, IL: CGI, 1999.
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Oh Happy Day. Traditional
Hawkins, Tramaine. I Never Lost My Praise. Inglewood, CA: Gospocentric, 2007.
(b) Live for You. By John P. Kee
Nothing But Worship. London, England: Zomba, 2007.
(c) New Name in Glory. Traditional. Arr. by Robert J. Fryson
African American Heritage Hymnal. #593