Sunday, May 30, 2010
Michelle Riley Jones, Lectionary Team Liturgist
Worship Planning Notes
Christian education has several purposes. One of its purposes is to teach people the principles (also known as ordinances, commandments, statutes, or decrees) of God. This is baseline Christian education work. After people accept God as the head of their lives, they cannot do the will of God unless they know what it is.
A second purpose of Christian education is to help people walk in the path of God; and a third critical purpose is to help persons gain the spirit of wisdom and revelation as they come to know God. Armed with knowledge of God’s commandments, they can walk in the path designed for them all the while using the spirit of wisdom and gaining revelation from God. This prepares each Christian to do the will of God according to the purposes and roles that God assigns them. After all, Christian education is only useful if it is put into practice.
Many may not be fully aware of the widespread reach and impact of Christian education in the life of the church. Use this service to highlight all of the classes, programs, etc., available (i.e., Sabbath/Sunday School, New Members Class, Bible Institute, Church Library, Small Groups, Vacation Bible School, etc.) that your church offers. Distribute an overview of all classes/programs to the congregation and give them as a “homework” assignment signing up for some of the available offerings. Develop and distribute pledge cards to boost participation in weekly Bible Study, Sabbath/Sunday school classes, and all that the Christian Education Ministry offers to the congregation and community.
1. Music for Prelude or Introit/Meditation for Gathering
Instrumental Prelude
(a) As the Deer. By Martin Nystrom. Arr. by Patricia Cota for handbells
Music for Introit
(b ) Introit. By Leon C. Roberts
(c) Think on These Things. By Ruth Schram. For SATB. Based on Philippians 4:4-13, this lovely
song is suitable for general use or services of Thanksgiving. “For all things that are lovely, for
all things that are pure, for all things that are honest, for truth that will endure; think on these
things, think on these things and be thankful ...”
Audio Sample: http://choralmusic.com/audio/thinkonthesethings_satb.mp3
Meditation for Gathering
(d) A Covenant for Church Educators. By Safiyah Fosua
Leader: |
Loving God, we thank you for the people who have presented themselves for the work of Christian education and spiritual formation. |
People: |
Gracious God, thank you for this opportunity for growth and service. We come first as disciples, seeking wisdom and knowledge from you. Teach us so that we can teach others. |
Leader: |
We covenant to pray for our leaders and for all the children, youth, and adults who will attend classes this year. Lord, enable all of us to grow spiritually and study diligently. May this year of learning enlighten and transform us. |
People: |
Amazing God, grant each of us fresh vision of faith and a new understanding of your grace. |
Leader: |
We pray for those, dear God, being drawn by your love, who will venture into our classrooms for the first time. We pray especially for those who will come searching for God and for a Christian family. |
People: |
Accepting God, show us how to welcome the stranger. Use our classrooms and small groups as loving examples of Christian community for persons of all ages. |
Leader: |
Help us to encourage all in our care to love you with all their hearts, minds, souls, and strength, and let each of us love our neighbors as we love ourselves. |
ALL: |
Empowering God, help us all to believe what we teach and to practice what we preach! Amen. |
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Order My Steps. Text and Tune, (IN YOUR WORD), by Glenn Burleigh
(b) Feasting with My Lord. By J. S. Brown. Tune by L. O. Brown
(c) How Firm a Foundation. Based on 2 Peter 1:4, in Rippon’s “K” “A Selection of Hymns.” Tune, (CALDWELL), from Caldwell’s “Unison Harmony”
(d) Tell Me the Stories of Jesus. By William H. Parker. Tune, (STORIES OF JESUS), by Frederic A. Challinor
(e) Wonderful Words of Life. Text and Tune, (WORDS OF LIFE), by Philip P. Bliss
(f) Deeper, Deeper. Text and Tune, (DEEPER), by Charles P. Jones
(g) Holy Bible, Book Divine. By John Burton. Tune, (ALETTA), by William B. Bradbury
(h) For Your Holy Book We Thank You. By Ruth Carter. Tune, (HOLY BOOK), by Blythe Owen
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Ain’a That Good News. African American Spiritual
(b) We’ve Come This Far by Faith. By Albert A. Goodson
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Psalm 19: Lord, You Have the Words of Everlasting Life. By Rawn Harbor. For unison or SATB choir
Audio Sample: http://www.ocp.org/songs/79315
(b) The Word of God. By Nolan Williams, Jr.
(c) Teach Me Your Way. By Amy Nobles
(d) Teach Me Lord. By James Hall
(e) Open Our Ears. By Darryl Ducote. This selection can be sung by a praise team or used as an introduction to the reading of Scripture.
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) What-cha Know About Jesus. By K. LeVar Grayson and K. Younger
(b) Teach Me. By Paul Allen, Keisha Allen, and James Moss
(c) Hide the Word. By Fred Hammond
6. Anthems
(a) Teach Me, O Lord. By Thomas Attwood. 18th Century anthem for SATB choir
(b) Open Your Hearts (A Gospel Processional). By Paul Inwood. For SATB choir. This selection can also be used as Prelude.
Audio Sample: http://www.giamusic.com/mp3s/5824.mp3
7. Modern Songs
(a) Word of God Speak. By Pete Kipley and Bart Millard
(b) Teach Me Your Ways. By Canton “C.J.” Jones
8. Song or Instrumental for the Offertory Period
(a) Becoming the Kingdom. By Nolan Williams, Jr.
(b) We Are an Offering. By Dwight Liles
9. Prayer, Song, or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) We Have Not Been Attentive. By Jeannette Pinkston
Holy God,
We have not been attentive to your Word this week. We have not “studied to show ourselves approved,” nor have we listened and obeyed when we felt your Spirit directing us to speak a word of encouragement to those we have encountered. Forgive us, Lord. Move us from do-nothingness to action. Amen.
Prayer Music
(b) I’ll Say Yes. By Edwin Lynn Keesecker
(c) Nearer Still Nearer. Text and Tune, (MORRIS), by C. H. Morris
(d) Word from the Lord/Speak Lord. By Thomas Whitfield and Emil Peeler
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) As the Deer Pants. By Rosephayne Powell. For SSAA choir
(b) The Word Was God. By Rosephayne Powell. Arr. by William C. Powell. For TTBB, a capella
(c) Your Word Is a Lamp (Psalm 119). By Grayson Warren Brown. Arr. by Peter Quint. For SATB choir and organ
Audio Sample: http://www.ocp.org/songs/77976
(d) Break Thou the Bread of Life. By Mary A. Lathbury. Tune, (BREAD OF LIFE), by William F. Sherwin
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) The Savior Is Waiting. Text and Tune, (CARMICHAEL), by Ralph Carmichael
(b) O Lord, Our Schools with Thee We Love. From T. Williams’s Psalmodia Evangelica. Tune,
(c) One Bread, One Body. Text from The Didache 9. Tune by John Foley
(d) Available to You. By Darius Brooks
12. Benediction Spoken or Sung
(a) Benediction Prayer
2 Peter 3:18 (KJV)
But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
Benediction Music
(b) God Be in My Head. By Grayson Warren Brown. For SATB, a capella
(c) Psalm 121. By Deborah Govenor. For SATB choir
13. Audio Visual Suggestions
(a) Design your bulletin cover to resemble a black-and-white marbled composition notebook.
(b) Position a large chalkboard in the front of the church where members can write a one-word “name” for what God means to them (i.e., friend, guide, protector, healer, provider, etc.). This would be very effective as a Christian education tool to use just before the period of prayer.
(c) Develop a 3-slide Christian Education Ministry PSA based on a 1980s anti-drug campaign:
“This is drugs. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?” The slides should have a black background.
Slide #1 introduces the first statement “This is Christian Education.” Set up slide animation so that various phrases in different colors can appear in random succession and placement on the screen (these should be based on the programs currently in place at your church, or projected for roll-out). Some examples include: Adult Education, Bible Study Discussion Groups, Sabbath/Sunday School, Bible Institute, Camping Program, Confirmation Classes, Childhood Education, and Christian School.Then a caption in white lettering should appear in the center of the slide, with voice-over: “This is Christian Education.” Next, additional phrases should appear on the slide: Day Care Program, Conferences & Retreats, Discipleship, Family Ministry, Library, Mentoring, Ministry Training, Missionary Education, New Members Class, Small Groups, Special Education Program, and Vacation Bible School.
Slide #2 focuses on the second statement: “This is your life with Christian Education. Any questions?” The second section could have various photos that represent the many aspects of Christian education from the lists used on Slide #1. These photos can appear all at once or in random order on the screen. When all photos have appeared, then the caption in white lettering appears with voice-over: “This is your life with Christian Education. Any questions?”
Slide #3 will encourage support of the Christian Education Ministry and should also provide contact information, such as:
Support (church name) Christian Education Ministry
For more information, contact:
(Name), Director of Christian Education
Phone - Email address - Website address
See more information at _______________________
14. Other Recommendations
Drama Sketch
(a)Develop a short Bible/drugs drama sketch, a parody of the popular 1980s anti-drug commercial “Parents who use drugs have children who use drugs.”
Bible/Drugs Parody Drama Sketch
Performance Time: About 1 minute
Objective:This parody, based on the 1980s anti-drug campaign “Parents who use drugs have children who use drugs,” becomes “Parents who use the Bible have children who use the Bible,” underscoring the influence parents can have on their children. When parents model the importance of the study of the Word of God in their daily lives, their children will learn to treasure and also make the Word of God a part of their lives.
Synopsis: The son comes in to take his seat, and while he puts headphones on, music begins playing as the screen shows the text: “In the 1980s, a popular anti-drug commercial—‘Parents who use drugs have children who use drugs’—targeted parents and youth in an effort to show the importance of modeling good behavior for our children.” The son is “jamming” to the music with his eyes closed, singing and beating drum sticks in time with the music. His father walks in looking very distraught. He calls his son who doesn’t hear him, so the father turns off the stereo system. The father confronts the youth, showing him a Bible, asking how he got the Bible and where he learned how to use it. (The screen shows an image of the Holy Bible and then an image of a specific page in the Bible.) The son looks around appearing nervous and scared, at first denying and trying to get out of answering the questions. The father insists that the son answer him. The son points to his father and announces that he got it from watching him. The actors freeze and the screen shows the text—with background voice: “Parents who use Bibles have children who use Bibles.”
Cast: |
Male youth (preferably age 11–16)
Background voice |
Props: |
Small table
IPod or CD player
Drum sticks
Images for screens:
- Image #1: (black background with white lettering): “In the 1980s, a popular anti-drug commercial—‘Parents who use drugs have children who use drugs’—targeted parents and youth in an effort to show the importance of modeling good behavior for our children.”
- Image #2: Cover of the Holy Bible
- Image #3: Specific Bible pages with handwritten notes on them
- Image #4: (black background with white lettering):“Parents who use Bibles have children who use Bibles.”
- Image #5: Support (Put your church name here) Christian Education Ministry
The scene begins as son walks in his “room” to sit in the chair. He puts on his headphones, turns on his music (moderate level), closes his eyes as he sings along, and beats his drum sticks to the music.
Show screen image #1, as the volume of the music is increased. If screens are not available, have someone (hidden) read the text.
Unbeknownst to the son, his father storms in hurriedly, looking stressed. The father calls his son, who doesn’t hear him because the music is so loud, so the frustrated father turns off the music.
(The son opens his eyes and looks annoyed as he takes the headphones off.)
Son: “Hey, Dad! That was my favorite song!”
(The father shows the Bible to his son, shoving it at him.)
Father: “Is this yours? Is this yours?”
(Screens should show image #2 of Holy Bible—optional if screens are not available.)
(The son looks stunned.)
Son: “Uh, no, I…”
Father: “Your mother said she found it in your nightstand.”
(The son shifts in his seat and looks nervously at his father.)
Son: “Uh, I don’t know, when I got it. I must have . .”
Father: “Must have what?”
Son: “But Dad, it’s not mine!”
(The father opens the Bible to reveal the marked pages. Show screen image #3 of Bible pages.)
Father: “Where did you get it?”
(The son replies, almost pleading:)
Son: “Dad, I…”
(The father, still showing the Bible to his son, says:)
Father: “Answer me! Who taught you to read this stuff?”
(The son looks down, hesitating at first, but then, looking at his father, blurts out)
Son: “You did, alright!”
(The father looks perplexed.)
Son: “I learned it by watching you!”
The actors freeze in place looking at each other. The screen shows image #4, as a very authoritative background voice reads: “Parents who use Bibles have children who use Bibles.”
The screen shows image #5, as the background voice says:“Support (church name) Christian Education Ministry.”
Program Ideas for Christian Education Sunday
(b) Hold a fundraiser to raise money for resources, staff appreciation, or special Christian education projects.
(c) Start a church library. Ask members to bring in new books or gift cards from a Christian bookstore to stock the library.
(d) Hold a Christian education fair with tables of information on continuing education classes/resources related to religion, worship, music, Christian lifestyle, etc.
(e) Paraphrase the church’s Christian education mission or vision statement in child-friendly language, include a list of all programs for children, and put this on mini rulers to hand out to kids.
Books and Resources
(f) See Ideas on How to Celebrate Christian Education Day. Developed by Tajuan Kyles of the Christian Education Department of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
Worship Planning Notes
Christian Education banner of the Capitol Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church, Washington, D.C. Graphic Design by Regina Reaves Hayden
1. Music for Prelude or Introit/Meditation for Gathering
Instrumental Prelude
(a)As the Deer. By Martin Nystrom. Arr. by Patricia Cota for handbells
Hope Publishing Company
Distributed by Sheet Music Plus
1300 64th Street
Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone: 1-800-743-3868
Online location: www.sheetmusicplus.com
Music for Introit
(b) Introit. By Leon C. Roberts
Come Bless the Lord. Portland, OR: OCP, 2000.
OCP (Oregon Catholic Press)
5536 NE Hassalo
Portland, OR 97213-5397
Phone: 877-596-1653
Online location: www.ocp.org
Product #10824
(c) Think on These Things. By Ruth Schram. For SATB
Alfred Music Publishing
Dist. by Sheet Music Plus
Phone: 1-800-743-3868
Online location: www.sheetmusicplus.com
Meditation for Gathering
(d) A Covenant for Church Educators. By Safiyah Fosua
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Order My Steps. Text and Tune, (IN YOUR WORD), by Glenn Burleigh
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #333
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #526
(b) Feasting with My Lord. By J. S. Brown. Tune by L. O. Brown
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #60
(c) How Firm a Foundation. Based on 2 Peter 1:4, in Rippon’s “K” “A Selection of Hymns.” Tune, (CALDWELL), from Caldwell’s “Unison Harmony”
African American Heritage Hymnal. #146
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. Nashville, TN: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #309
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #102
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #48
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1985. #509
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #54
(d) Tell Me the Stories of Jesus. By William H. Parker. Tune, (STORIES OF JESUS), by Frederic A. Challinor
African American Heritage Hymnal. #331
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #270
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #67
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #219
(e) Wonderful Words of Life. Text and Tune, (WORDS OF LIFE), by Philip P. Bliss
African American Heritage Hymnal. #332
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #505
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #293
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #286
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #61
(f) Deeper, Deeper. Text and Tune, (DEEPER), by Charles P. Jones
African American Heritage Hymnal. #336
(g) Holy Bible, Book Divine. By John Burton. Tune, (ALETTA), by William B. Bradbury
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #294
(h) For Your Holy Book We Thank You. By Ruth Carter. Tune, (HOLY BOOK), by Blythe Owen
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #277
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Ain’a That Good News. African American Spiritual
African American Heritage Hymnal. #592
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #171
(b) We’ve Come This Far by Faith. By Albert A. Goodson
African American Heritage Hymnal. #412
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #259
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #225
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #529
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #395
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Psalm 19: Lord, You Have the Words of Everlasting Life. By Rawn Harbor. For unison or SATB choir
OCP (Oregon Catholic Press)
Phone: 1-800-548-8749
Online location: www.ocp.com
Product #21096-Z4
(b) The Word of God. By Nolan Williams, Jr.
GMWA National Mass Choir. Live in Los Angeles. Jackson, MS: Savoy, 1996.
Sheet Music Available
NEW-J Publishing
P.O. Box 4599
Washington, DC 20017-9997
Phone: 877-293-9734
Online location: music@newinspiration.us
(c) Teach Me Your Way. By Amy Nobles
On That Day. Frisco, TX: Catapult, 2006.
(d) Teach Me Lord. By James Hall
Hall, James and Worship and Praise. Live at Foxwoods. Boston, MA: Comin’ Atcha Dist. Group, 2007.
(e) Open Our Ears. By Darryl Ducote. This selection can be sung by a praise team or used as an introduction to the reading of Scripture.
GIA Publications, Inc.
7404 South Mason Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
Phone: 1-800-442-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
Product #G-5405
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) What-cha Know About Jesus. By K. LeVar Grayson and K. Younger
LeVar, Kevin and One Sound. Kevin LeVar & One Sound. Baltimore, MD: Habakkuk Music, 2008.
(b) Teach Me. By Paul Allen, Keisha Allen, and James Moss
Stanley, Antwaun. I Can Do Anything. Detroit, MI: Bajada Records, 2008.
(c) Hide the Word. By Fred Hammond
Hammond, Fred & Commissioned. Platinum Praise Collection: Fred Hammond & Commissioned. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2008.
6. Anthems
(a) Teach Me, O Lord. By Thomas Attwood. 18th Century anthem for SATB choir
GIA Publications, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-442-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
Product #G-3045
(b) Open Your Hearts (A Gospel Processional). By Paul Inwood. For SATB choir. This selection can also be used as Prelude.
GIA Publications, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-442-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
Product #G-5824
7. Modern Songs
(a) Word of God Speak. By Pete Kipley and Bart Millard
Mercy Me. All That Is Within Me. New York, NY: Columbia, 2007.
(b) Teach Me Your Ways. By Canton “C.J.” Jones
Jones, Canton. Access Granted: The Password. College Park, GA: Arrow Records, 2005.
8. Song or Instrumental for the Offertory Period
(a) Becoming the Kingdom. By Nolan Williams, Jr.
(b) We Are an Offering. By Dwight Liles
Radical for Christ. Praise in the House. Mobile, AL: Integrity, 1996.
9. Prayer, Song, or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) We Have Not Been Attentive. By Jeannette Pinkston
Davis, Valerie Bridgeman and Safiyah Fosua, eds. The Africana Worship Book: Year C. Nashville, TN: Discipleship Resources, 2008, p. 143. Used with permission.
Prayer Music
(b) I’ll Say Yes. By Edwin Lynn Keesecker
LeVar, Kevin and One Sound. Kevin LeVar & One Sound. Baltimore, MD: Habakkuk Music, 2008.
(c) Nearer Still Nearer. Text and Tune, (MORRIS), by C. H. Morris
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #301
(d) Word from the Lord/Speak Lord. By Thomas Whitfield and Emil Peeler
Peeler, Barron. Pressin’ On. Los Angeles, CA: Barron Peeler, 2000.
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) As the Deer Pants. By Rosephayne Powell. For SSAA choir
Gentry Publications
Distributed by Hal Leonard
P.O. Box 13819
Milwaukee, WI 53213
Online location: www.halleonard.com
(b) The Word Was God. By Rosephayne Powell. Arr. by William C. Powell. For TTBB, a capellala
(c) Your Word Is a Lamp (Psalm 119). By Grayson Warren Brown. Arr. by Peter Quint. For SATB choir and organ
OCP (Oregon Catholic Press)
Phone: 877-596-1653
Online location: www.ocp.com
(d) Break Thou the Bread of Life. By Mary A. Lathbury. Tune, (BREAD OF LIFE), by William F. Sherwin
African American Heritage Hymnal. #334
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #348
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #295
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #271
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #62
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) The Savior Is Waiting. Text and Tune, (CARMICHAEL), by Ralph Carmichael
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #192
The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. #289
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #302
(b) O Lord, Our Schools with Thee We Love. From T. Williams’s Psalmodia Evangelica. Tune, (TRURO).
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #544
(c) One Bread, One Body. Text from The Didache 9. Tune by John Foley
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #139
(d) Available to You. By Darius Brooks
Brooks, Darius and The Reunion Choir. Darius Brooks Presents: The Reunion. New York, NY: Journey Music Group, 2006.
12. Benediction Spoken or Sung
Benediction Prayer
(a) 2 Peter 3:18 (KJV)
Benediction Music
(b) God Be in My Head. By Grayson Warren Brown. For SATB, a capella
OCP (Oregon Catholic Press)
Keyboard and Guitar accompaniment scores are also available.
Phone: 1-800-548-8749
Online location: www.ocp.com
Product #11356
(c) Psalm 121. By Deborah Govenor. For SATB choir
Beckenhorst Press
960 Old Henderson Road
Columbus, OH 43220
Phone: 614-451-6461
Online location: www.beckenhorstpress.com
Product #1681
13. Audio Visual Suggestions
(c) Christian Education Ministry PSA by Michelle Riley Jones
“This is drugs. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?” original commercial accessed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl5gBJGnaXs, accessed 21 May 2009.
14. Other Recommendations
(a) Bible/Drugs Parody Drama Sketch by Michelle Riley Jones
“Parents who use drugs have children who use drugs” original commercial accessed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-Elr5K2Vuo, accessed 26 October, 2009.
(f) Ideas on How to Celebrate Christian Education Day. Developed by the Tajuan Kyles of the Christian Education Department of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Accessed at http://www.cedamezion.org/common/displayfile.aspx?EncQ_7qM3o9NU9FmUgO4lqMLKvQ, accessed 26 October, 2009.