Jesus walks out of the tomb.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Sharon Lavern Fuller, Guest Lectionary Liturgist
Founder, B.O.S.S. Ministries, Inc., Charlotte, NC
Lectionary Scripture: John 11:25
John 11:25-26 (New Revised Standard Version)
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
John 11:25 (King James Version)
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.
John 11:25-26 (The Message Bible)
“You don't have to wait for the End. I am, right now, Resurrection and Life. The one who believes in me, even though he or she dies, will live. And everyone who lives believing in me does not ultimately die at all. Do you believe this?”
Worship Planning Notes
- This year for Easter, why not have your children and youth do something far different than the usual Easter pageant, speeches and songs. Let them recreate the song “He Lives In You” from the Lion King. It can be found online at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KBV_Y16yC4. The song delivers the message that we really want our children, and even adults, to leave the worship service knowing: Christ lives in them!
Also, this musical, along with offering marvelous costumes, inserts an Afrocentric texture into your worship service. The costumes used in the musical are quite elaborate. So, give adequate time for creating them.
- Additionally, your Worship and Arts Ministry should familiarize itself and the congregation with the origin of Easter. Easter directs society’s focus to the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We must remember to embrace and teach all aspects of the Resurrection. Resurrection yields life. Believers in Christ have a right to the tree of life because of the Resurrection. Your worship and Arts ministry is to breathe the breath of life via sharing the Resurrection story in this worship service.
- Be creative. Also use banners, drumming, incense, and décor that depicts the theme of the resurrection season. Remember to employ all participants of your Worship and Arts Ministry for this worship experience.
Our task is simple: to facilitate an awareness of living to live again via the resurrected life of Jesus. Resurrection takes place each and every day that God gives. God presents a fresh start for all yielding opportunities via restoration, regeneration, resolution, and rejoicing.
1. Litany, Responsive Reading, or Invocation
(Select seven (7) children and youth (ages 5-15) to serve as readers for the litany.)
(a) Litany |
A Christian Affirmation for Resurrection |
Speaker 1: |
Resurrection is not a holiday but a Holy day for believers in Christ. |
Many: |
Christ got up from the grave and we too have the power to get up from our dead situations. We celebrate Christ! |
Speaker 2: |
Resurrection takes place in the spirit, soul, and body. |
Many: |
Christ got up from the grave and we too have the power to get up from our dead situations. We celebrate Christ! |
Speaker 3: |
We are more than conquerors through him who loved us. |
Many: |
Christ got up from the grave and we too have the power to get up from our dead situations. We celebrate Christ! |
Speaker 4: |
Maintaining a Resurrection faith and heartfelt conviction means
remembering that Jesus rose. |
Many: |
Christ got up from the grave and we too have the power to get up from our dead situations. We celebrate Christ!
Speaker 5: |
The power of the Resurrection allows us to be redeemed and to forgive
others as well as ourselves. |
Many: |
Christ got up from the grave and we too have the power to get up from our dead situations. We celebrate Christ! |
Speaker 6: |
We have the power, promise, and presence of the Resurrection to progress
in our daily lives. |
Many: |
Christ got up from the grave and we too have the power to get up from our dead situations. We celebrate Christ! |
Speaker 7: |
Having faith in the power of the Resurrection encourages believers in Christ to live holy lives. |
Many: |
Christ got up from the grave and we too have the power to get up from our dead situations. We celebrate Christ! |
[Note: Softly begin instrumental music to the song “At the Cross” (see 1(b) below).]
ALL: |
We thank God for the joy to live the saved life, and for the faith and courage to serve God as we go through the circumstances of life. Resurrection brings renewal, regeneration, and restoration to our lives throughout our lives. |
(b) At the Cross. By Darrell Pitts
After the reading of the litany, the song, “At the Cross” should be rendered. The media team and or the mime ministry may want to create a presentation to reflect the message of the lyrics of the song as a catalyst in connecting with those who do not believe in the Resurrection. Applicable Scripture references should be displayed throughout the presentation. Please note: If you decide not to do a live presentation, a prerecorded clip can be used.
(c) Libations
Observe a moment of silence to acknowledge the Resurrection that took place on Golgotha’s Hill.
Light candles in silence.
- Pouring Libations (water and oil) after each saying:
- For the resurrection of Christ (Pour Libations)
- For our ancestors (Pour Libations)
- For those living with unbelief (Pour Libations)
- For the glorious cloud of witnesses (Pour Libations)
- For power, promise, and presence of the Resurrection (Pour Libations)
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Because He Lives. By Gloria Gaither and William J. Gaither
(b) Christ Arose. Text and Tune by Robert Lowry
(c) Christ Is the Way. Text and Tune by Charles Albert Tindley
(d) Easter People, Raise Your Voices. By William M. James and Henry Smart
(e) I Know That My Redeemer Lives. By Samuel Medley. Tune, (DUKE STREET, LM), by John Hatton
(f) Low in the Grave He Lay. Text and Tune by Robert Lowry
(g) Rejoice. Text and Tune by Kenneth W. Lewis
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
Christ Has Risen from the Dead. Text and Tune by Anthony E. Jackson
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today. Text: Victimate paschal laudes; Ascr. To Wipo of Burgundy. Tune, (VICTIMAE PASCHALI).
He Arose. Spiritual
In the Garden. By C. Austin Miles
Jesus Christ Has Risen Today. Text: St. 1, Surrexit Christus, Latin, 14th C.: Para. In Lyra Davidica, 1708, alt.; St. 2, 3, The Compleat Psalmodist, c. 1750, alt.: St. 4, by Charles Wesley. Tune, (EASTER HYMN).
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Alpha and Omega. By Erasmus Mutanbira
(b) Come See Where He Lay. By Steven Roberts
(c) Halle, Halle, Hallelujah. By George Multrain. Trinidad and Tobago. Tune: Caribbean folk song. Arr. By Carlton R. Young
(d) He Decided to Die. By Margaret Douroux
(e) He Is Lord. By Ronnie Porter
(f) He Lives. By Alfred H. Ackley
(g) His Blood Washes Me. By O’Landa Draper
(h) I Know It Was the Blood. Anonymous
(i) Lord I Lift Your Name on High. By Tim Clifton and Rick Founds
(j) My Everything You Are. By Ernest L. Porter, Jr.
(k) Raised, He’s Been Raised from the Dead. By Gennifer Benjamin Brooks. Tune by Monya Davis Logan
(l) Since He Died for Me. Text and Tune by Margaret Douroux
Thank You (Congregational Medley). By Christopher Lewis
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) For God So Loved the World. By Lanny Wolfe
(b) I Know It Was the Blood. By Dello Thedford
(c) I Know It Was the Blood. By Noel Hall, Fred Hammond, and Tommie Walker
Why Did He Do It? By John Patrick Adams
(e) Wounded for Me. By Greg O’Quinn
(f) You Loved Me. By Keith Pelzer and Jill Scott
6. Anthems
(a) Sing to God a Joyful Song. By Robert Williams. Arr. By Lynn Trapp
(b) Our Risen Lord. By Timothy Dudley-Smith and Bob Moore
(c) Resurrection Jubilee. By Glenn Jones
(d) If They Ask You Why He Came. By Lena Johnson McLin. For SATB choir
7. Modern Songs
(a) Because He Lives. By Gloria Gaither and William J. Gaither
(d) He Lives in You. By Lebo M., Mark Mancina, and Jay Rifkin
(c) I Shall Live. By Jason Nelson
(d) Jesus I Love You. By Norman Hutchins
(e) Jesus Is Alive. By Cedrick Ford
(f) Live. By Jason Nelson
(g) New Life. By John P. Kee
(h) Rescued Me. By Luke Mercer, Jr.
(i) Jesus. By Latoska Travis and Daniel Witherspoon
(j) The Lamb. Text and Tune by V. Michael McKay
(k) The Redeemed Praise. By V. Michael McKay
(l) He Rose. By JJ Hairston
(m) You Raise Me Up. By Lovland Graham
8. Music for Children and Youth
(a) At the Cross. By John P. Kee
(b) Because He Lives. By Gloria Gaither and William J. Gaither. Arr. By Deitrick Haddon
(c) Because of Calvary. By John P. Kee
(d) Da’ Blood. By Luke Austin
(e) He Is Lord. By Antun Foster
(f) He Lives. By Germaine Dwyer
(g) Jesus. By John P. Kee
(h) Love. By Kirk Franklin
(i) Ransomed. By Micah Stampley and Heidi Stampley
(j) Saved. By John P. Kee
9. Song or Instrumental for the Offertory Period
(a) It Wasn’t the Nails. By Milton Biggham and Jerry Mannery
(b) Let’s Celebrate (He Is Risen). By Timothy Wright and Paul D. Wright
(c) My Name Is Victory. By Jonathan Nelson and Justin Savage
(d) No Greater Love. By A. J. LaValley
10. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Come By Here. African American Spiritual
(b) Come By Here, My Lord. Text and Tune, (DESMOND), by Marvin V. Frey
(c) If It Had Not Been for the Lord. By Margaret Douroux
(d) More of You. By Cheryl James
(e) Speak Into My Life. By Heidi Stampley
11. Sermonic Selection
(a) Jesus Paid It All. By David Curry
(b) Lamb of God. By Twila Paris
(c) Power of the Cross. By Keith Gett and Stuart Townsend
(d) Solid Rock. Traditional
(e) Thank God for the Blood. By V. Michael McKay
(f) The Corinthian Song. By V. Michael McKay
12. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Jesus Is a Love Song. By E. Clark
(b) One Hammer, Three Nails. By Damien Price
(c) Let Him In. By Melvin Crispell
(d) Life Shall Never Be the Same. By Adrian B. King
(e) Revelation 19:1. By A. Jeffrey LaValley
(f) What Love. By Milton Biggham
13. Benediction Song or Music
(a) Always Remember. Text and Tune by Andraé Crouch
(b) Always Remember. By Andraé Crouch
(c) There Is a Name. By Kurt Carr
14. Audio Visual Suggestions
Have your mime ministry perform using the song “He Arose” (see 3(c)) or any other Spiritual or older, well-known (non-gospel) song as a way of keeping alive all of the genres of black music. The seniors of the congregation should be asked to lead in the signing of the song selected.
(b) Evangelism Opportunities
- Use social networking and other sites and prepare an eCommercial to promote the observance of Easter offered by your ministry. Post it on YouTube and Facebook, and tweet about it for evangelism purposes.
- Use your local Public Access Television station to present an educational forum regarding Easter. Utilize this free service as an electronic forum to get your message to a diverse audience. Be sure to include persons who provide a variety of expressions concerning Easter. For example, Easter is celebrated differently in Catholic and in Baptist Churches. You may also want to invite a church or liturgical historian to talk about Easter. This learning exercise can also be used as an evangelism tool.
(c) Crafts and Tapestry
- Embrace the usage of crafts and tapestry as viable worship mediums. You may want to have youth do wood, painting, or beading projects as their way of presenting the Resurrection story. Easter is a great time to get children and youth involved in an important liturgical celebration and for them to learn about the holy seasons of the church through participation, not just by hearing and watching.
- Banners should be made to provide visual display of symbols and colors pertaining to the Easter season. See the African American Liturgical Colors Calendar for the colors for the Easter season.
- Children and youth can also create red and white arm bands for the congregation to wear. Tell the congregation that each time the band is worn, they are to remember the blood of Jesus that saves all and the fresh start given because of the Resurrection.
15. Other Recommendations
Learning/Teaching Resources
(a) Understanding the Traditions/Symbols/Old Testament foreshadowings: The observance of Easter is the holiest celebration in Christendom. Easter is a time set aside to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection from the dead. Even Christian denominations that do not follow a liturgical calendar celebrate Easter to commemorate the Resurrection of Christ.
As part of your Christian Education efforts, during the Easter Season, during Sunday School, Bible Study, or other training programs, discuss the following traditions, symbols, and Old Testament foreshadowings of the Resurrection.
- Traditions of the Easter Season
Vestments and Linens (White)
Celebration: Ringing of the Bells
Baptizing of New Converts
Lighting of the Paschal Candle
Eating of Lamb for Easter dinner
- Symbols
Christ as The Lamb
Lilies (flowers)
Empty Crosses (jewelry not containing the body of Christ)
- Old Testament Foreshadowings of the Resurrection
Samson carrying off the Gates of Gaza
Daniel coming forth from the lion’s den
Jonah coming forth from the whale
(b) Free Digital Choir Music Downloads for Lent and Holy Week can be found at
(c) See Easter Year One and Two on The African American Lectionary. Be sure to view the commentaries, the cultural resources, the worship resources, and the Liturgical Colors Corner.
(d) Internet Resources - The following websites are among hundreds that provide information on the Easter Season:
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Litany, Responsive Reading, or Invocation
(a) Litany—“A Christian Affirmation for Resurrection.” By Sharon Laverne Fuller
(b) At the Cross. By Darrell Pitts
Pitts, Darrell & Chosen. Darrell Pitts & Chosen Live! In Houston, TX: Give Him Praise. Houston, TX: Gospel Warehouse Records, 2000.
Gospel Warehouse Records
PO Box 14908
Houston, TX 44221
Phone: 877-402-0600
Online location: www.gospelwarehouserecords.com
2. Hymns and Congregational Songs
(a) Because He Lives. By Gloria Gaither and William J. Gaither
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #281
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. Nashville, TN: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1996. #193
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #120
Church of God in Christ. Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. Memphis, TN: Church of God in Christ Pub. Board in association with the Benson Co., 1982. #265
(b) Christ Arose. Text and Tune by Robert Lowry
African American Heritage Hymnal. #471
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #184
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #261
(c) Christ Is the Way. Text and Tune by Charles Albert Tindley
Beams of Heaven: Hymns of Charles Albert Tindley. General Board of Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church. New York, NY: GBGMusik, 2006. #16
(d) Easter People, Raise Your Voices. By William M. James and Henry Smart
Cleveland, J. Jefferson, and Verolga Nix. Songs of Zion. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1981. #179
I Know That My Redeemer Lives. By Samuel Medley. Tune, (DUKE STREET, LM), by John Hatton
African American Heritage Hymnal. #276
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #190
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 1987. #63
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #245
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #106
(f) Low in the Grave He Lay. Text and Tune by Robert Lowry
African American Heritage Hymnal. #283
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #117
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #261
(g) Rejoice. Text and Tune by Kenneth W. Lewis
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #62
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) Christ Has Risen from the Dead. Text and Tune by Anthony E. Jackson
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #65
(b) Christ the Lord Is Risen Today. Text: Victimate paschal laudes; Ascr. To Wipo of Burgundy. Tune, (VICTIMAE PASCHALI).
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #57
He Arose. Spiritual
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Bicentennial Hymnal. #189
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #59
Songs of Zion. #168
(d) In the Garden. By C. Austin Miles
African American Heritage Hymnal. #494
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #248
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. #116
Songs of Zion. #44
Yes, Lord! Church of God in Christ Hymnal. #87
(e) Jesus Christ Has Risen Today. Text: St. 1, Surrexit Christus, Latin, 14th C.: Para. In Lyra Davidica, 1708, alt.; St. 2, 3, The Compleat Psalmodist, c. 1750, alt.: St. 4, by Charles Wesley. Tune, (EASTER HYMN).
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #58
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) Alpha and Omega. By Erasmus Mutanbira
Israel and New Breed. Alive In South Africa. New York, NY: Sony/Epic, 2008.
Zion Still Sings for Every Generation. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2007. #221
(b) Come See Where He Lay. By Steven Roberts
The Gospel Music Workshop of America Northern California Chapter Choir. Created for Worship. Memphis, TN: World Classic Gospel, 2001.
Halle, Halle, Hallelujah. Text: George Multrain. Tune: Caribbean folk song. Arr. By Carlton R. Young
Zion Still Sings. #76
He Decided to Die. By Margaret Douroux
Cleveland, Rev. James and the Gospel Music Workshop of America. The Best of Rev. James Cleveland. Jackson, MS: Savoy, 1993.
He Is Lord. By Ronnie Porter
St. Agnes Baptist Church of Houston. He Is Lord. Houston, TX: St. Agnes Church, 1995.
He Lives. By Alfred H. Ackley
Pearson, Carlton. The Best of Azusa …Yet Holdin’ On. Nashville, TN: Word Entertainment, 2003.
(g) His Blood Washes Me. By O’Landa Draper
Draper, O’Landa & The Associates. Gotta Feelin’. New York, NY: Warner Alliance, 1996.
I Know It Was the Blood. Anonymous
Hayden, Pastor Woodrow and Shiloh. I Know It Was the Blood. Los Angeles, CA: JDI, 2001.
Patterson, Bishop G. E. and Congregation. Singing the Old Time Way, Volume 1. Memphis, TN: Podium, 2005.
(i) Lord I Lift Your Name on High. By Tim Clifton and Rick Founds
Jakes, T. D. Bishop T. D. Jakes Presents “Woman Thou Art Loosed: Worship 2002—Run to the Water… The River Within. Brentwood, TN: Chordant, 2002.
(j)My Everything You Are. By Ernest L. Porter, Jr.
Resurrection Baptist Church Mass Choir. Let’s Celebrate. Schertz, TX: RBC, 2008.
Raised, He’s Been Raised from the Dead. By Gennifer Benjamin Brooks. Tune by Monya Davis Logan
Zion Still Sings. #77
Since He Died for Me. Text and Tune by Margaret Douroux
Rev. Earl A. Pleasant Publishing
P.O. Box 3247
Thousand Oaks, CA 91357
Thank You (Congregational Medley). By Christopher Lewis
Christopher Lewis Presents Rhythm & Praise. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2003.
5. Liturgical Dance Music
For God So Loved the World. By Lanny Wolfe
Cleveland, Rev. James and the Gospel Music Workshop of America. The Best of Rev. James Cleveland. Jackson, MS: Savoy, 1993.
I Know It Was the Blood. By Dello Thedford
Thedford, Dello and the Gospel Symphonic Choir. I Know It Was the Blood. Detroit, MI: Sounds of Gospel, 2000.
I Know It Was the Blood. By Noel Hall, Fred Hammond, and Tommie Walker
Hammond, Fred Hammond and Radical For Christ. Purpose By Design. New York, NY: Verity, 2000.
(d) Why Did He Do It? By John Patrick Adams
Gospel Music Workshop of America Women of Worship. When Praises Go Up. Detroit, MI: Aleho, 2002.
Wounded for Me. By Greg O’Quinn
Jones, Rev. Paul. I Won’t Complain. Miami, FL: Pure Records, 1993.
You Loved Me. By Keith Pelzer and Jill Scott
Sheard, Karen Clark. The Heavens Are Telling. New York, NY: Elektra, 2002.
6. Anthems
(a) Sing to God a Joyful Song. By Robert Williams. Arr. By Lynn Trapp
Vocal score for anthem available
GIA Publications, Inc.
7404 South Mason Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
Phone: 1-800-GIA-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
Our Risen Lord. By Timothy Dudley-Smith and Bob Moore
Vocal score for anthem available
GIA Publications, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-GIA-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
Resurrection Jubilee. By Glenn Jones
Vocal score for anthem available
GIA Publications, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-GIA-1358
Online location: www.giamusic.com
If They Ask You Why He Came. By Lena Johnson McLin. For SATB choir
Vocal score for anthem available
Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company
4382 Jutland Dr.
San Diego, CA 92117
Phone: 858-270-9800
Online location: www.kjos.com
7. Modern Songs
(a) Because He Lives. By Gloria Gaither and William J. Gaither
Brooks, Keith & New Creation. Perfect Peace. Atlanta, GA: A.I.R. Gospel, 2005.
He Lives in You. By Lebo M., Mark Mancina, and Jay Rifkin
Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto Choir. Songs for the Heart. Toronto, CN: Metropolitan Community Church, 2007.
I Shall Live. By Jason Nelson
Finalé. New York, NY: EGD, 2006.
Jesus I Love You. By Norman Hutchins
Nobody But You. Los Angeles, CA: JDI, 1999.
Jesus Is Alive. By Cedrick Ford
Created 2 Worship. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2009.
Live. By Jason Nelson
Finalé. New York, NY: EGD, 2006.
New Life. By John P. Kee
The New Life Community Choir Featuring John P. Kee. Hooked on the Hits. New York, NY: Verity, 2003.
Rescued Me. By Luke Mercer, Jr.
Williams, Claudia and the St. James Baptist Church Music Ministry. Church House. Austin, TX: MO Records, Inc., 2008.
Jesus. By Latoska Travis and Daniel Witherspoon
Shekinah Glory Ministry, Jesus. Homewood, IL: Kingdom, 2007.
The Lamb. Text and Tune by V. Michael McKay
Zion Still Sings. #75
The Redeemed Praise. By V. Michael McKay
Greater Victory Temple Choir. Hold On. Nashville, TN: Word, 1992.
We Rose. By JJ Hairston
Various Artists. Worlds’ Baddest Choir. Nashville, TN: Light, 2008.
You Raise Me Up. By Lovland Graham
Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto Choir. Songs for the Heart, Toronto, CN: Metropolitan Community Church, 2007.
8. Music for Children and Youth
(a) At the Cross. By John P. Kee
Kee, John P. & New Life. Blessed By Association. New York, NY: Verity, 2002.
Because of Calvary. By John P. Kee
Nu Hymnz: Live from the Motor City. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2001.
I Shall Live. By Jason Nelson
Kee, John P. & Victory in Praise Music and Arts Seminar Mass Choir. Stand. New York, NY: Jive, 1995.
Da’ Blood. By Luke Austin
Medearis, Adrian and God’s Anointed People (GAP). The Journey. Houston, TX: MGB, 2009.
He Is Lord. By Antun Foster
Armstrong, Vanessa Bell. Desire of My Heart: Live in Detroit. New York, NY: Verity, 1998.
He Lives. By Germaine Dwyer
James, Cheryl and Voices of Worship. Cheryl James and VOW Live. Charlotte, NC: Potbelly Music, 2008.
Jesus. By John P. Kee
Kee, John P. Presents V. I. P. Mass Choir. Lily in the Valley. Pasadena, CA: Star Song, 1993.
Love. By Kirk Franklin
Franklin, Kirk & Nu Nation. God’s Property. Inglewood, CA: B-Rite/Interscope, 1997.
Ransomed. By Micah Stampley and Heidi Stampley
Stampley, Micah. Ransomed. Nashville, TN: Interface Records/Central South, 2008.
Saved. By John P. Kee
Kee, John P. Presents V. I. P. Mass Choir. Lily in the Valley. Brentwood, TN: Star Song, 1993.
9. Song or Instrumental for the Offertory Period
It Wasn’t the Nails. By Milton Biggham and Jerry Mannery
Mississippi Mass Choir and Various Artists. He Is Risen. Indianapolis, IN: Malaco, 1998.
Let’s Celebrate (He Is Risen). By Rev. Timothy Wright and Paul D. Wright
Wright, Rev. Timothy and the New York Fellowship Mass Choir. Let’s Celebrate (He Is Risen!) Vol. III. Atlanta, GA: A.I.R. Gospel, 2005.
My Name Is Victory. By Jonathan Nelson and Justin Savage
Nelson, Jonathan. Right Now Praise. New York, NY: Integrity, 2008.
No Greater Love. By A. J. LaValley
Pringle, Keith and the Pentecostal Community Choir. He Is Risen. Indianapolis, IN: Malaco, 1998.
10. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
Come By Here. African American Spiritual
Lead Me, Guide Me: The African American Catholic Hymnal. #218
Come By Here, My Lord. Text and Tune, (DESMOND), by Marvin V. Frey
African American Heritage Hymnal. #543
If It Had Not Been for the Lord. By Margaret Douroux
Baylor, Helen Baylor. Verity Presents the Gospel Greats Live, Vol. 4: Women of Gospel. New York, NY: Verity, 2000.
More of You. By Cheryl James
Cheryl James and Voices of Worship. Cheryl James & VOW Live. Charlotte, NC: Potbelly Music, 2008.
Speak Into My Life. By Heidi Stampley
Stampley, Micah. Ransomed. Nashville, TN: Central South/Interface Records, 2008.
11. Sermonic Selection
Jesus Paid It All. By David Curry
Moore, James and the Mississippi Mass Choir. He Is Risen. Indianapolis, IN: Malaco, 1998.
Lamb of God. By Twila Paris
New York Restoration Choir. He Is Risen. Indianapolis, IN: Malaco, 1998.
Power of the Cross. By Keith Gett and Stuart Townsend
Headley, Heather. Audience of One. New York, NY: EMI Gospel, 2009.
Solid Rock. Traditional
Stampley, Micah. Ransomed. Nashville, TN: Central South/Interface Records, 2008.
Thank God for the Blood. By V. Michael McKay
Florida Mass Choir. He Is Risen. Indianapolis, IN: Malaco, 1998.
The Corinthian Song. By V. Michael McKay
Stampley, Micah. Ransomed. Nashville, TN: Central South/Interface Records, 2008.
Taylor, Kathy. Live: The Worship Experience. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2009.
11. Sermonic Selection
Jesus Paid It All. By David Curry
Moore, James and the Mississippi Mass Choir. He Is Risen. Indianapolis, IN: Malaco, 1998.
Lamb of God. By Twila Paris
New York Restoration Choir. He Is Risen. Indianapolis, IN: Malaco, 1998.
Power of the Cross. By Keith Gett and Stuart Townsend
Headley, Heather. Audience of One. New York, NY: EMI Gospel, 2009.
Solid Rock. Traditional
Stampley, Micah. Ransomed. Nashville, TN: Central South/Interface Records, 2008.
Thank God for the Blood. By V. Michael McKay
Florida Mass Choir. He Is Risen. Indianapolis, IN: Malaco, 1998.
The Corinthian Song. By V. Michael McKay
Stampley, Micah. Ransomed. Nashville, TN: Central South/Interface Records, 2008.
Taylor, Kathy. Live: The Worship Experience. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2009.
12. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) Jesus Is a Love Song. By E. Clark
Sheard, Karen Clark. Finally Karen. New York, NY: Island Black Music/Island Inspiration, 1997.
(b) One Hammer, Three Nails. By Damien Price
Price, Damien & Praise Featuring the Houston Mass Choir. God Meant It for My Good. Houston, TX: Price and Praise Music, 2005.
(c) Let Him In. By Melvin Crispell
James, Cheryl & Voices of Worship. Cheryl James & VOW Live. Charlotte, NC:
Potbelly Music, 2008.
(d) Life Shall Never Be the Same. By Adrian B. King
King, Adrian and Reverence. The Nu Millennium…Dance. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2000.
(e) Revelation 19:1. By A. Jeffrey LaValley
Hurd, Steven. My Destiny. New York, NY: Integrity Gospel, 2006.
(f) What Love. By Milton Biggham
Georgia Mass Choir. He Is Risen. Indianapolis, IN: Malaco, 1998.
13. Benediction Song or Music
(a) Always Remember. Text and Tune by Andraé Crouch
African American Heritage Hymnal. #640
(b) Always Remember. By Andraé Crouch
Stampley, Micah. Ransomed, Nashville, TN: Central South/Interface Records, 2008.
(c) There Is a Name. By Kurt Carr
Cage, Byron. The Prince of Peace. New York, NY: Gospocentric, 2003.